If you go back or had stayed

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#1 May 20 - 6AM
TruthbeginsToday's picture

If you go back or had stayed

I have seen 3 generations of N's NP's, Sociopaths. It doesn't end well...in fact it's tragic. I've seen the few that don't become like them in families suffer so much pain.

I've seen their lives being consumed by the N's. The children grow up with issues and pass them down to their children.Drama, blaming, scapegoating, gaslighting,superiority fights, they trust and are betrayed by siblings and other family members and it never ends. it cycles OVER and OVER again.

Stay.....live with it, learn how to manage we all can for awhile as we are very strong...stronger than most. But don't have any loving expectations in return.YOU WILL be TRAUMATICALLY disappointed and hurt. YOU will work hard to avoid disappointment...you will be rewarded with fake caring in return for your overlooking and compliance for a short while.UNTIL they find something or someone else that will also give what they need. There is no loyalty or appreciation for your years of effort. YOUR lIFE will be a LIE.

I caution you if you choose to stay...DO NOT become ILL. WHEN you need care that you cannot provide for yourself..they will become angry and leave you because you can no longer PROVIDE what they need.
There will be no compassion for your pain...no help for your suffering..they will find you no resources..look for no better doctor...will not advocate for you for medical help...you WILL be on your own. In fact they will do the opposite. They will make you feel guilty for not helping them...your life will fall apart right before your eyes. They will NOT pick up the slack with the kids or home. It will all fall apart.

I've seen them withhold medicine, glasses, hearing aids, food, social interaction.....whatever it is you need. THey will present to others as caring but when no one is looking YOU are simply an inconvenience.

Wake up.....get away. I've seen the pain.Be glad that you are here and seeing it NOW. Be glad that some horrible ting happened to OPEN YOUR EYES NOW while there is still time to give yourself a chance to find real love.

I've seen denial.
I've seen the hope that the N or NP will be there IF something really awful happened. I've seen the trauma and pain when they found out that they were wrong and left alone to die and helpless. IT"S all so sick. I remeber thinking that this can't be happening...who ARE these people? I recall the shock of seeing it. I'll never forget.
I've seen a Mother walk away from her son dying, while criticizing him for suffering and needing chapstick for his dehydrated lips. It was too much to ask.

I've seen this happen to 3 generations.
I've seen the EYE opener happen on the last day of someones life and the pain of knowing that their children will be left behind with SICK MONSTERS. I've seen loving people die...knowing that they exhausted themselves..waiting for that LOVE to kick in and found out the hardest way possible....while they were dying and helpless to do ANYTHING MORE...it was too late.

I've seen such heartbreaking things....so sad and painful.

I'll never forget it. This is the TRUTH. THEY WILL NOT BE THERE for you.....they won't even fake it. THEY will move on as if you never existed. They have no fond memories of you. YOU are gone and they move on...angry because THEY lost what you provided. THEY DO NOT MISS YOU.

I am sparing the details as they are many and I have an extensive memory.

THIS SICKNESS is REAL...they fake/present really well at times.....but they DON"T LOVE.

Please get out now before you lose one more day. Please don't stay and wait for more proof.Please don't believe you can change them.....it can't be done. Please don't find yourself later....looking back horrified and hurt because you finally have to realize that your whole life was a LIE

By the time my father found out it was too late. GOD he suffered so...his whole life. The stress killed him..the sadness killed him. If he was here...he would lovingly tell you to get away....and don't look back.

This one is for you dad......I miss you and yes...I'm getting out and looking out for the family. I'm doing the best I can.

I hope this reaches someone. This is not drama..IT is the TRUTH. The sad TRUTH.

Jul 20 - 8AM
Janie53's picture


Jul 20 - 8AM
brinamarie's picture

Very true post. I relate to

Jul 19 - 1PM
sweetpeasarah's picture


Jul 19 - 1PM (Reply to #32)
TruthbeginsToday's picture

Thanks for sharing this sps

Jul 19 - 1PM (Reply to #33)
sweetpeasarah's picture

thank you hun

Jul 19 - 12PM
fern's picture

Incredible post

Jul 19 - 11AM
Deidre99's picture

I enjoyed reading this; you

Jul 19 - 1PM (Reply to #23)
yokidoki's picture

Staying or going

Jul 19 - 1PM (Reply to #24)
Deidre99's picture

i don't think anyone here is

Jul 19 - 1PM (Reply to #28)
yokidoki's picture


Jul 19 - 1PM (Reply to #29)
Deidre99's picture

haha kicking

Jul 19 - 1PM (Reply to #25)
fern's picture

Thank God you got out Deidre

Jul 19 - 1PM (Reply to #26)
Deidre99's picture

oh fern, i'm sorry to read

Jul 19 - 1PM (Reply to #27)
fern's picture

Thanks Deidre, it's fine now,

May 22 - 7AM
bgirl's picture

Amazing post... It is exactly

May 21 - 8PM
Reason2Believe's picture

Haunting remark

May 22 - 3AM (Reply to #11)
eyeswideopen35's picture

R2B, I Once asked my exNh if

Jul 19 - 11AM (Reply to #20)
Deidre99's picture

omg...how insane of a comment

May 22 - 6AM (Reply to #12)
Reason2Believe's picture


May 22 - 6AM (Reply to #13)
eyeswideopen35's picture

Reason, that is such a good

May 22 - 11AM (Reply to #18)
TruthbeginsToday's picture

I struggle too

Jul 19 - 12PM (Reply to #19)
fern's picture

when you're ready

May 22 - 11AM (Reply to #14)
TruthbeginsToday's picture

making a list helps?

May 22 - 3PM (Reply to #15)
Reason2Believe's picture


Jul 19 - 11AM (Reply to #17)
TruthbeginsToday's picture

Reason...time to buy more STOCK!

May 22 - 10PM (Reply to #16)
TruthbeginsToday's picture


May 20 - 12PM
greengirl91's picture

Thank you..

Jul 19 - 11AM (Reply to #9)
TruthbeginsToday's picture


May 20 - 8AM
onwithmylife's picture

truthbegins today

May 20 - 8AM
beautifulmess's picture

Great post! Brings tears to