New Supply Spotted

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#1 Aug 31 - 10PM
BadaBing's picture

New Supply Spotted


I am really dealing with so much sadness. =(

Seeing his new blonde supply hurt more than I expected it to, really after all I have read. Saw them at a restaurant Friday after work, band, beer and cheap food. I was having a pretty nice time until I saw them. I just kind of froze. still. I turned my head away and stared out at whatever I could. Just letting my head absorb him holding her hand.
Then my friends noticed , and we discussed leaving.

But you know, I had to get another look. Risk him seeing me. I sooooo didn't want him to see me! The crowd parted at just the time I was dipping away and also looking to get a better look at her, and he saw me.

So -no drama or anything, not jealous, it is a natural part of moving on, but it really hurt.

a lot.

I always knew she would come, just wasn't sure what she would look like, and they usually chose attractive women, so I shouldn't really be surprised. And since he is also very attractive , I could tell she liked him from the expressions on her face.

So tonight, researching to remind my self again, I come across a very curious article .....please take a read!


If you are the victim of a narcissist you may not be entirely innocent yourself. To become a victim there needs to be an element of narcissistic behavior on your part at the beginning of your relationship when the narcissist reflects you back to yourself; this is why he appears so charming. He allows you to love your own reflection.

Some examples of the ego massaging that the narcissist indulges in are, "you look great in that"; "is there anything you're not good at"; "you are perfect" and so on. He says all the things that you wanted your parents to say to you when you were young. In this way he endears himself to you, and you will never want to believe the truth, that he is actually indifferent towards you. But the truth is that he only pretends to admire you so that you will admire him in return.

Dr Alan Rappoport uses the term 'co-narcissist' to describe people who "work hard to please others, defer to other’s opinions, worry about how others think and feel about them, are often depressed or anxious, find it hard to know their own views and experience, and take the blame for interpersonal problems. They fear being considered selfish if they act assertively." They are like this because of their attempts to get along with their narcissistic parents during childhood. Co-narcissist (or co-dependents) have been primed by their parent(s) to become a narcissist's prey. And as Dr Alan Rappoport states, a high proportion of psychotherapy patients are co-narcissistic, suffering from anxiety and/or depression.

The co-narcissist is the mirror image of the narcissist. In a relationship between two co-narcissists, one will adopt the narcissist's dominant position. The co-narcissist has been brought up to believe that in any interpersonal interaction, one person is narcissistic and the other co-narcissistic. So one co-narcissist adopts the role of the narcissist whilst the other continues as a co-narcissist, taking the blame for interpersonal problems.

Unfortunately for the narcissists' victims, and the co-narcissist who adopts the role of the narcissist, eventually they realize that their lives are either being controlled or are out of control. They don't have healthy means of self-expression. A pre-requisite to happiness is being in control, or at least the perception of being in control, without which anxiety and/or depression results.

The need to be honest with yourself is paramount. Denial, failure to acknowledge what is going on, is the first obstacle that must be overcome.

However, this becomes almost impossible for a co-narcissist who continues to interact with his or her narcissist. The co-narcissist unconsciously assumes that everyone else is narcissistic, so finds it almost impossible to develop a relationship in which neither individual dominates. But this is what is required; a relationship in which neither person has a need to dominate the other, and each can appreciate what the other has to offer.


good nigh

Sep 1 - 8PM
BadaBing's picture

no debate needed

Geez ladies it was just an article I found it 'curious' but a few people identified with what it was referring to in how we (in our lives) interacted with (our own) Narcs. I still wanted to share it either way Ideas are shared here, doesn't make them fact or right, it is just information. If it applies to you and your story fine, and if not , fine too =)
Sep 1 - 8PM (Reply to #25)
Lobo555's picture

Doesn't apply to me, but an

Doesn't apply to me, but an interesting read nonetheless. I feel the same way -- read a lot, agree with some, don't agree with some. But the important part is reading and researching. It all makes you think and hopefully thinking leads to processing and healing. I'm doing well with the thinking, semi-well with the processing, working on the healing. :)
Sep 1 - 8PM (Reply to #24)
Hunter's picture

It made for a good

It made for a good discussion! That's all! Kinda fun to have different opinions! Hunter
Sep 1 - 6PM
Susan32's picture

What is co-narcissism?

I can see why this article has caused upset. I think Sam Vaknin has discussed a similar issue, but has called it "the narcissistic curtain call"-in which he basically says that the N/P wins when their victim becomes an N/P. Ns/Ps want to remake their victims in their image. In "The Last Station",Sofia Tolstoy cries out,"I don't know who I am anymore!" Over 48 years of marriage to a Narc... she has gone from the young innocent 18 year old who married the famous, handsome older writer to becoming a histrionic female Narc. She is shocked at her own transformation. Being with a Narc over a long period of time can either- 1)Drive one mad 2)Drive one to suicide and/or self-destructive behaviors 3)Turn one into a Narc IMHO, I think the ex-Psych prof was disappointed because I wasn't a Narc like him. I think he REALLY wanted another Narc/fellow bully as a partner, and in that I had "failed."
Sep 1 - 3PM
strivingforhealing (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

BadaBing, I know the pain of seeing the OW well-

my heart is with you today! I think my N is back with his ex and I am so so scared to run into them. I know my heart would break even deeper....and it may happen any day. I have to be prepared.. Just know that we are both on the path of true very gentle and loving to yourself in the days ahead. the sting will lessen for sure...stop any thoughts that do not serve your highest vigilant with any inner voices that try to compare you and her...She is just the next victim and she will be suffering soon enough...Bless her and Let it go. Sending you big hugs
Sep 1 - 10AM
Hunter's picture

I dont like this artical at

I dont like this artical at all. How is this helful? Its crap. Blaming the victim for being themselves and call us a Narc. I see the point, its just not helpful. We feel bad enough. I thought this assclown was so in love with you?? Makes me sick. Normal break ups dont go like this BADA. I bet it stings. Im sure she likes him, What's not like when you find a good looking guy you have everything in common with. This poor woman, OMG!! Im sorry, You could never have a happy life. Let him go. :) And dont kid yourself he took here there for a reason. HOOVER?? you bet. Hunter
Sep 1 - 12PM (Reply to #16)
Deidre40's picture


Hey hunter…actually, I don’t think that’s what the article is saying. I think the author is pointing out that ‘co-narcs’ are were often ‘raised’ to feel that they are responsible for everything and anything that goes wrong in interpersonal relationships. I don’t like the label ‘co narcissist,’ but it’s probably a derivative of co dependency…and I liken it to enabling the narc. I know that without supply, narcs can’t do what they do. Once we have knowledge. Once we go NC. The longer we keep breaking NC…and enabling the narcs to hurt us, the longer we prolong our own healing. That’s just how I took it, but I can see your view of it, too.
Sep 1 - 2PM (Reply to #17)
Hunter's picture


I understand what's it's saying! I just think the tone pushes the blame on us! I'm not taking the blame for this in one! I didn't ask for this! I am very self confident so r u so is Bada, etc. These SOB's took advantage of it, used it to fuck with our head! Self confident, insecure, needy! These guys are good at what they do! The read us and roll with it to destroy! Hunter
Sep 1 - 5PM (Reply to #20)
Layla's picture

I agree Hunter.....

....I didn't like the tone of the article either.....I was clearly taken advantage of and NEVER even knew such "people" existed! I met him at 33 years old and....who knew? At 41, kicked him out..... They pick us on purpose, and we don't know what's coming, or what hit us until it was too damn late......makes me really, really angry too!
Sep 1 - 2PM (Reply to #18)
Deidre40's picture


I guess how I look at it, Hunter...for me…is this. This wasn’t my first narc relationship. At some point, I had to look at what I was doing…something I was doing or signals I was sending, that attracted these types. No, it’s not my fault. It’s not our faults…I agree there. I was raised/conditioned to thinking that I needed the approval of others to be worthy of attention, etc. That said…I view it like my family upbringing loaded the gun, and the narc pulled the trigger. But, sadly…I held the gun. I am not saying this is everyone’s experience, but just what I sort of gleened from the article.
Sep 1 - 3PM (Reply to #19)
Lisa87's picture

Agree with all you ladies

I liked this article as I'm still figuring out why I attract narcissists and it has to be something I'm doing or how i was brought up. I also attract non-narcissists but have only been in long term relationships with 2 Narcs. I like the phrase "my family upbringing loaded the gun and the narc pulled the trigger" I can relate to that 100%. It was a choice we made to stay even though we saw red flags, hoping that we were wrong, or giving them another chance because "they loved us so much". I am completely indifferent with mine now, I have gotten to a good place, but always will have that yearning for what used to be and what could have been. It is totally their fault for giving us false hope and using and abusing us but we have to take responsibility for how we choose to move on.
Sep 1 - 11AM (Reply to #14)
spinning's picture

I agree with Hunter

100 percent. This "take" on relationships with an N is written in such a way that someone who was preyed upon is supposed to take the blame for feeling not good enough as a child and for wanting to please others? It's more of that co-dependent stuff that doesn't really provide the tools for change. Bada, it's not your fault that HE CHOSE TO STEP OUT ON YOU. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT THAT HE WENT PSYCHO WHEN YOU TRIED TO STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT that you believed in him and your relationship. You DID NOT ASK TO BE TREATED SO POORLY AND TAKEN FOR GRANTED! You did nothing but believe HIS ILLUSION! Bada, if nothing else, this new supply just proves all the CRAP your disordered one put you through in recent history was just that, CRAP. He just wanted to "win." I feel sorry for the new chick. She has no clue what kind of ride she's in for. I'm glad he's not your problem any more. Great things are in store for you Bada. He'll keep doing the same thing over and over (and will likely re-hoover you too for backup). You will move on and be happy and appreciated for the strong, fun, beautiful, interesting, intelligent woman that you are. Love, (fighting to never again start) spinning. IT'S A FIGHT BUT I'M IN IT FOR THE LONG HAUL.


Sep 1 - 2PM (Reply to #15)
Used's picture


Sep 1 - 9AM
MovingForward's picture

So true

Thanks for posting the article. It is so true. I can totally relate. I am saving to re-read when needed. I am sorry for your pain in seeing the Narc with new supply. She is not the new woman, she is the new "SUPPLY". He doesn't even see her as a human being. Remember, unfortunantly for her, her faite is predestined. I saw mine with her new supply not too long after the D&D. The ow was a friend of both of ours. They had actually been seeing each other for 6 mths prior. My narcs new supply is someone I would have never imagined her being with/targeting. She is literally a foul mouth, nasty trailer trash. They live in a trailer with bugs, muddy water and no heat or air. Goats come in and out and poop on the floor. She was a "quick pick" and I am assuming the only thing available when I was no longer Supply. I had lost my income and could no longer support my N. We lived a very good life in a nice home and clean environment. I believe she will get her D&D rather quickly as soon as more/better supply becomes available. Things are not always as they appear. Those that have lived with a Narc know that better than anyone. I am glad you are going out with friends. I have yet to obtain any new friends. I alienated myself from mine because of the N. Don't be jealous or hurtful of the new supply. She has no idea what lies ahead - literal "LIES". Be thankful you are out of it. Send some of those friends my way, lol. Maybe all of us on this forum should get together and have a good time. A cruise sounds nice.......................
Sep 1 - 9AM (Reply to #11)
BadaBing's picture

@ Moving Frwd

His new supply actually is pretty and looks very sweet natured. The exact type he likes, easier to exploit I guess? I felt bad for her, knowing if it works for them, what is to come. She has no idea, just like I had no idea who I was really dating. It did sting but best thing I could do was leave. It would be toture to try to stay and watch I expected it sooner than now, and I am thankful he didn't jump right into another faux-ship quickly after we fell apart. But I am not jealous as much as my heartaches, and I feel that longing to be comforted and held by him. STILL and it bugs me. My heart holds on to the illusions still, but my head and gut don't and so I am still conflicted. With enough NC time peace has to come. I have read on this forum of many people that have recovered and are doing well. I pray that is also my story as well. Breaking the cycle and the mental chains! I want peace back! it comes and goes! I have been seeking his approval and comfort over 3 years - posting part of the article- is ME and how I have behaved in our relationship. Thank u for your sweet words today
Sep 1 - 12PM (Reply to #12)
mystwoman's picture

I'm so very sorry you're hurting, Bada.

I'm so very sorry you're hurting, Bada. "My heart holds on to the illusions still, but my head and gut don't and so I am still conflicted." This really rings home with me. I have to admit that this has been one of the hardest parts about this hole narc mess for me, too. Xnh was the love of my life. I loved him deeply, and with every fiber of my being. Knowing that the person I loved is only an illusion, and that he never loved me was really hard for me to assimilate. It really hurts. Your term "heartache" describes it perfectly. Seeing photos on Facebook, within 3 weeks of the D&D, of xnh all cuddled up on a blanket with OW, and his narc mommy sitting right next to them smiling happily, really brought home to me the depths of the betrayal with xnh. He had my love, and he didn't deserve it. I'd been with him for 16 years, and within a few weeks, I was completely "erased" without a backward glance. When I saw these pictures, it felt like a knife slicing through my soul. I understand completely what you're saying it being torture to remain watching the narc and his new OW. My seeing those photos was exactly when I blocked xnh from my access in every way I could find. I went completely NC, at that time. Your leaving the narc's proximity was the wisest choice. You protected yourself. Seeing this happening hurts, and you don't need the pain. However, if it's any consolation, the comments some of these other ladies have made are correct. Seeing the narc with other women does get easier with time. That first time is the worst. With NC, you have your peace now away from the narc. You will find your own happiness and love in your life. The narc is not capable of ever having either. I know in my case, I can actually pity the OW. She's stuck dealing with him and his personality disorder. Meanwhile, I am free of his abuse, and free to find true happiness and love in my life because he is gone. I firmly believe that old quote, ""When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." - Alexander Graham Bell Well, I looked longingly at that closed door for a while, too. However, I'm moving through the new open door now, and I'm much better off for the effort. Your life will be better without the narc, too. I know it really hurts now, but you will have new doors in your life opening for you. Hugs hugs for you today!

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Sep 1 - 9AM
Deidre40's picture

Even though we ended things,

Even though we ended things, it does still hurt on some level. I’m not sure why that is. I am sorry you were hurting. Thank you for that I truly believe that's how I was ''raised.''
Sep 1 - 9AM (Reply to #8)
BadaBing's picture

thank u D!

more and more self awareness can't hurt! hopefully I will find peace around this, no rush I have all the time I need (and a great forum here to lean on) There is no way to understand the impact and hurt a narc can cause. I feel injured by him, he really hurt me, where is the scar? I can't see it or find it. Why won't it heal already? knowledge is power. But they are also TOXIC so maybe this is all a process of detoxing? all my tears are equate purging him from my system? God, please help me I want to be free of him - peace of mind is I all I really want now. thanks D
Sep 1 - 11AM (Reply to #9)
Deidre40's picture

Badabing, I agree with you…we

Badabing, I agree with you…we have scars, but no one seems them..and it’s all so hard at times to process. I’m far better than I was, but where I’m at on some days, is…where’s the justice? Lol I heard something today on the radio, a christian channel, and the preacher giving the talk said…’’everyone reaps what they sow. Good or bad. If we are good to people who are not good to us, God will reward that.’’ I don’t think we should just be ‘good’ for a ‘reward,’ but it helped me see, that God sees ALL. And the good we have done, doesn’t go unnoticed. The BAD that the narcs have done likewise, does not go unnoticed. So…it was somewhat comforting. I think it’s only human to wonder this, you know? I also think to myself, if we all knew the truth about these people’s histories before dating them…I mean the full truth…their cheating, their lies…their abusive ways…we would have thought twice of dating them. Like a job interview, we should have asked for references. Imagine if this new woman were to call you…asking for a reference? Lol When we think of it in that light, it is easy to see that the new people our narcs ‘possess’ as they go along in life after us, will be brought to the same fate, as history often repeats itself. I admire your strength, and sending you good thoughts as you continue on this journey! PS--I agree about finding peace, too. That's all I want.
Sep 1 - 7AM
Lobo555's picture


Big hugs for you. I know that must have hurt *really* bad. I have yet to run into CharlieSheenWinning and WinningWife, but I know when I do it will sting like twenty wasps going at my soul. However, I also hope it provides some closure. I know it will be a shock and will be painful, but the first time you see them with someone else is the worst. The first is the WORST! Then it gets easier after that until you just simply don't care much, if at all. Currently, I have an eye issue, so I'm avoiding all social interaction where he might be. I broke a blood vessel in my eye, so it's been red and bleedy looking. Horrible. Can you imagine? Not seeing the dude or his "perfect" new supply for nearly 6 months and then having to do so with a Franken-eye? :) NOT happening! But I promised myself that when I no longer look like a mutant, I will go where I want to go, even if there's a good chance he'll be there. I'll walk in like he doesn't matter and ignore his ass. In the meantime, I really feel for you. You're doing the right thing by coming here and researching. The next time you see them it won't be as bad. I promise.
Sep 1 - 10AM (Reply to #6)
BadaBing's picture

@ Red Eye Lobo ;)

thank u sorry to hear about your eye! glad you are okay the 1st time is the worst - it is unnatural to see your former love again dating so I hope it doesn't happen again thank u for your support Lobo
Sep 1 - 2AM
lillymarch's picture

So painful.

But like you said, it's a part of the process of moving on. I hope my exn has someone. He didn't know I was looking but I saw him take a picture of himself and text it to someone. Uhh, it has to be another woman. One time he mentioned 'dating'. I reminded him that he had been dating our whole relationship. He didn't like that. It sound like your handling this well. Congratulations. I hope to be where you are soon.
Sep 1 - 10AM (Reply to #4)
BadaBing's picture

@ lily

thank u it may sound like I am doing well but I have actually never struggled as much with depression as I have lately. I have a therapist but some days it feels like we are just stirring up the pot when I want some peace. But thank you for your support. This heartbreak has been off the charts hard, and even with all the new knowledge it is still very hard. Wishing you well on your recovery too...
Sep 1 - 12AM
Done sourcing
Done sourcing's picture

Great article and it rings

Great article and it rings true in my life in many respects. Maybe the narc that was in your life will stay occupied with the new one who will soon be least long enough for our Badabing to heal and grow and be free at last! ds
Sep 1 - 10AM (Reply to #2)
BadaBing's picture


I keep praying & working for that time when peace comes back to my heart and mind thanks friend