Need help!

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#1 Aug 19 - 5AM
knowregretz's picture

Need help!

I posted yesterday about not engaging with my narcissistic husband and the drama/situation about a lost email and I was used as the punching bag since he couldn't find it. He hung up on me after twisting everything around as usual and telling me I said things I didn't say and making me the bad guy and him the victim. I did find the info he needed and emailed it to him. My question is, he still hasn't called or texted. So I'm assuming he's still ticked off about something or was this his way to finally end things? I am asking as I think he has been looking for a way out for some time now and maybe this was all the excuse he needed. He's got a few new friends at work now and I'm pretty sure they are now his primary source of narc supply. I've been put on the back burner more times than I can count since they entered the picture. I'm so confused. I read one of Lisa posts and it said that after a time we have to stop obsessing about the narc and then she talked about CBT therapy. Where does that come into play here? At what stage? I don't know how to quit obsessing over this/him and that makes me want to contact him. I've been made to feel so guilty for so long that it eats at me and then I cave in. I've never been good at NC. How do you know with these narcs if it's just a fight that will blow over or if it's totally over? Since it seems like anything can make them end a relationship. How do I stop the hurt and the obsessing? Other than you people hear and talking to Goldie I don't have a support system and my friends are long gone from this. I feel so afraid and alone.

Aug 22 - 7PM
Done sourcing
Done sourcing's picture

Sometimes it takes lots of

Aug 23 - 9PM (Reply to #6)
knowregretz's picture

To Done sourcing

Aug 24 - 12PM (Reply to #7)
Done sourcing
Done sourcing's picture

Awesome to hear! With clarity

Aug 20 - 4AM
Lookforward's picture

Hi know

Aug 24 - 8PM (Reply to #4)
knowregretz's picture

Thanks LF

Aug 19 - 3PM
Journey's picture

In a relationship with a

Journey on...

Aug 21 - 9AM (Reply to #2)
knowregretz's picture

In a Relationship with a Reply