This topic comes up frequently as you may imagine it would within a relationship with a Narcissist. Sex is often used as a manipulative and bargaining tool.
I often hear: The sex was the best, the greatest, the most intense, dangerous, thrilling, and of course I also hear the opposite, it was the worst, or a combination of, it was the greatest; now the worst.
What does Great mean, anyway?
I have had great talks with my son
I have had great walks with my dog
I have had great talks with my fellow Moderators
I have had great laughs over foolish mistakes I have made
I have had great breakthroughs which allow me greater peace of mind
I have had great inspirational moments with members in my support groups
I have great aha moments within my soul
Hmmm great sex great sex great sex, where does that fit into the scheme of things these days.
Somewhere between a great hike in the woods and that high I get when I step on the scale and realize, I finally lost that last 10 pounds.
Great talks with my son...........great sex...........
Together in Recovery,
Schedule a personalized one on one with Goldie, join one of Goldie's Support Groups, and speak with Goldie directly, http://www.lisaescott.com/blog/goldie
email: [email protected]
So very true
Good sex?
I'd say that sex with my EXNH
My experience with sex with a narc
More on the topic of Sex and Self Esteem:
Sex & Self Esteem
So agree with this
so true
narc sex
The earth has only ever MOVED
BaHaaaaaa! Too funny
Lol used, brilliant haha ;-)