Am I irreversibly Screwed up?

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#1 Oct 28 - 2PM
courtneyj's picture

Am I irreversibly Screwed up?

I have a terrible fear I am never going to be in a relationship with a man that loves me for who I am. I am not needy but I am sick of being alone. Everyday, I go home, go the gym and hang out by myself unless I go to a resturant and sit at the bar and grab a quick bite to eat or I am out with work. I have been on dates but I suck at dating. Most of them come from people I meet at work functions.

I am not one to jump into bed with someone right away. I guess waiting for at least a few weeks to date and get to know someone before jumping into bed with them doesnt happen. I never considered myself old fashion but if thats the new standard then I guess thats who I am.

I am an attractive 28 year girl. I am confident, athletic, successful and intelligent yet I fear that I will be a woman that ends up alone. When I want to have kids I will adopt or get artifically insemenated. This is the shit I think about.

Am I permanently screwed up? This man was such a lunatic and I know that!! Its not about him now its about the aftermath of what has gone on. My fears of never wanting to or being capable of opening up again.

I read the book THE SECRET. A little modern day phylosophy never hurt anyone but it says things like you are only as happy as you want to be. Its about changing your way thinking in order to get things you want. You are not supposed to sit around and have thoughts like, I dont want to think about him. You are supposed to think about what you do want in life. I am just scared about never having a family or being able to express my love the way i did with him.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Nov 1 - 1PM
Carolyn's picture

Try the book "Weight Loss

Try the book "Weight Loss for the Mind", by Stuart wilde. It is a tiny book and only takes an hour to read. All women fear being alone and it is partly a hormone called oxytin. I divorced a narcissist who brutally used me and harmed me and then I feared all of the things you are fearing. Being alone, no children, etc. Well that did come to pass. maybe I was afraid of being in a relationship. women lose trust in men after one of these devastating experiences. Now I see it differently. I retired well, many of my friends have problematic adult children and grandchildren, or are ignored by their families. I got used to the 'alone' thing and put my energy into a good career, excellent retirement, I developed people skills, creativity, and ended up really happy. I constructed a dream retirement, have a ton of friends, I am a fair artist, started a business at age 65 that gives opportunities to disadvantaged youth, own property, I am health physically, mentally, and emotionally. The narcissist who 'destroyed' me ended up divorced many times, poor, and stupid. Being alone is a lot better than growing old with a guy like that. You never know what life is going to give you but you have to know how you are going to react to what life gives you. take everything life throws at you and make it work for you. I think the saying is if life gives you lemons make lemonade. That is why at your worst you were 90% better than the idiot you dumped. Don't worry about your future go out and make it!
Nov 1 - 2PM (Reply to #20)
cynthia (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I love it when you pop on to this site, I read EVERY SINGLE THING you say, you really reach me as Barbara does, Barbara slapped me in the face and said, WAKE UP, GET OUT OF THE SPELL YOU ARE IN, it was like I was in a coma and she shook me and said I KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE. now that I am getting out of that spell You summarize everything so nicely and make it sound so simple and to the point, I wish it was so simple but really maybe it is and we make it hard, with all the why's, part of that is due to the horrible way we feel after they dumped us and that takes a long time to come to terms with but we are getting there
Oct 28 - 7PM
Amazed's picture


You are not irreversibly screwed up. After being with someone who tried to take you down, realize the evil is gone. The evil is gone!! You want to pull back, take stock of what has happened, learn about what went on, so it will never ever happen again. Realize the N you were with is just that, a pathological person. Stay away from him. There are good, healthy people out there, who will adore you, like you said, for the person you are. May be think of some ways you can free yourself and get out and about. You are too young to waste your life alone all the time, sounds like you want company, and you know you can be a good friend and lover to someone, and want to be truly appreciated for that, and the good person you are. Someone out there will see that, and bring that out and alive in you.
Oct 28 - 6PM
Hoping2Heal (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


F alse E vents A ppearing R eal I have to focus on today or I will get totally out of control anxiety! Just today. Most of the time the things we fear never even happen. All that woory and anxiety for nothing.
Oct 28 - 4PM
tina's picture

Am I irreversibly Screwed up?

Absolutely not!!! I believe most (if not all) on this board have wondered the very same thing. I too will not jump into bed with just anyone, I too go to work, go to the gym (sometimes:) and then home to my cat. I too have gone on sucky dates but I believe thats because I am not ready yet, just cannot trust anyone. I too wonder if I will ever find someone to grow old with BUT I believe this has to be put in Gods hands...the pain of putting my heart out there right now...I get sick just thinking about it. You are not alone my friend. There is a wonderful kind respectful man just waiting for you but first, we need to heal so we have our confidence very very high to bring to a relationship that is worthy of us. Hang in there courtney Hugs:)
Oct 28 - 6PM (Reply to #9)
tina's picture

and another thing...

I do not like that book 'The Secret' Do you know, a woman at my work read that book and for months went around telling people she was going to win the lottery?!?!?! When I asked her how she knew this to be true, her response was "that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, happiness the biggest being wealth." Well, she still works with me....hmm Don't get me wrong, being positive and happy are wonderful things but lets be realistic. Mostly I didn't care for this book because it made it out that whatever bad happens in our lives, we brought it on. Bullshit. Bad things happen to good people.
Oct 29 - 7PM (Reply to #13)
itreallyisabouthim's picture

Positive thinking/ law of attraction

Did anyone see this author recently on the Daily Show? She was trashing this basic idea. I don't know exactly where I stand on the whole "Secret" thing, but I admit I found her refreshing...
Oct 29 - 9PM (Reply to #14)
tina's picture


very interesting. thanks for sharing, I'm gonna get her book from the library..not sure I totally agree with her but.....think she may be on to something. Thanks again.
Oct 30 - 6PM (Reply to #16)
tina's picture

Was referring to

Barbara Ehrenreich's book....Sorry wasn't clear... Interesting clip, thanks itreallyisabouthim
Oct 29 - 9PM (Reply to #15)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

it's dangerous and idiotic IMHO ~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Abuse Information Site Online Coaching & Help
Oct 29 - 7PM (Reply to #10)
cynthia (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Bad things happen to good people

yes it does, everyday in this world bad things happen to very good decent people, but I wonder when will bad things happen to bad people? Dont see that enough in my estimation, we just have to let life run its course, every dog eventually sits in his own pew. (and stink) Have to run now Tina time for my bath at the nursing home, ha ha ha
Oct 29 - 9PM (Reply to #11)
grossot's picture

bad thing/ bad people

Bad things will happen to bad people in hell. At least that's what I believe. I'm not trying to push that belief onto anyone else and I know anyone can be forgiven but, afterall, what has a N done wrong that he needs forgiven for? And I believe there's a special place in Hell for Narcs. I was talking to Old Friend one day and we decided that because her PN never cleaned up vomit when their kids were sick and just expected her to do it every time, that he would have his own little vat of vomit to be confined to in his corner of hell. Aaahh- things that make you smile:) Its interesting that someone put up the acrynom for F-E-A-R on here. I really liked it. Just this week someone made this up and gave it to me: F fighting E earnestly A and R relentlessly to C conquer O others N needlessly T to R reason O out L life While I don't think that N reason out anything, I do think that fear and control are related. YOU TELL LIES LIKE A CHILD SPEAKS THE TRUTH SO GOOD YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW ~LISA SCOTT~(go to music tab) nolongercontrolled
Oct 29 - 10PM (Reply to #12)
Hoping2Heal (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I posted the FEAR thing. I heard it in alanon. I ABSOLUTELY agree fear and control go together. Giving up control of the outcome the future etc causes a lot of fear. That's why alanon has been helpful to me. I'm learning how to let go and let God.
Oct 28 - 4PM
agalliasist's picture

Being alone forever

Courtney, it sound like you are doing all the right things by getting out into the world. Thats good. Isolation is the worst, I walked in circles for weeks on end, its been months and his poison still haunts and lies to me. I dont believe him anymore. I believe the women in this blog. As far as dating and being alone...your feelings of low self worth and your fear are nothing more than your N's poison still in you. How long you have been away, completely away from your x Narc?...remember that you have been abused at the very deepest levels....and it takes more time to recover than we would expect of ourselves. But you need time...In the same way if you had an operation resulting 12 inches of staples down the center of your body, after the Dr. had removed your organs, played around with them and slopped them back in....You would give yourself time to heal, wouldnt you? How long woould that take? Dealing with an N feels much the same way, your self worth and well being ripped from you, played with and slopped back in in a disorganized fashion.....but no one sees the wound. We end up feeling alone, or crazy because we too dont "see" the wound. We only feel it. Courtney, as you wouldn't go jogging even months after an operation like this, you should not be trying to date for probably a year after being with an N. This was the advice given me. Courtney, I walked in circles for weeks on end and couldnt seem to get out of it. Though I know what you mean when you say you feel you will always be alone, you need to continue to read the posts here and know YOU ARE NOT ALONE. For now, hang on the truths here not the lies you have been told by him or those sympathizing with him. You are right, NOT WRONG when you say you are Smart, attractive, successful, are probably warm, caring, compassionate, forgiving, were naturally happy when you met him....all of which are exactly the TARGETS for these N VAMPIRES. Exactly what they feed on and look for...They dont have that light in them so they suck you of your light. Dont let him anymore. BELIEVE WHAT YOU KNOW TO BE TRUE. You are beautiful, smart, successful, worthy....and you will make it. I am where you are. Its a long process. Stick around these women who will encourage you and support you....and do not believe the lies he told you anymore. Period. And always remember this....after a forest has been burned down by fire, furtile ground is always left. You have many beautiful things in store. Keep doing what your doing. Dont rush into dating. Be patient. You will be stronger on the other side of this. I write this all to myself as well as you! Keep living life one day at a time. There is healing and joy ahead.
Oct 28 - 3PM
quietude (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Hey, I think you're feeling some very normal things. I have worried about this too. All I can say is I've learned to slow it all down, not to think too far ahead and to just take off small 'bites'. Otherwise, my anxiety goes off the charts. So if I over-worry, it sort of sets me up for's just too overwhelming. I'm not sure how long you've been away from your ex, but it takes a lot of time working on yourself before you really should venture out into the dating scene. (Why do you think you suck at dating, by the way? Just curious)... Personally, I'm not too keen on the new age books because the insinuation is that you 'bring' this stuff on. There are members of my family who are really into new age philosophy and one, who knows about my ex, has invalidated me by saying that I need to stop thinking negative things because that's what I'm inviting into my life. Nice, huh?? I get the whole positive attitude is always good to have, but I really resent someone thinking I PURPOSELY wanted this narcissistic abuser in my life! As Barbara has said, try volunteering for something you're passionate about. It's likely you won't be alone! Maybe make some friends along the way? Also, if you re-think being 'alone' right now, it might not feel so bad. Give yourself a chance to experience the peace, gain some introspection, things will fall into place...
Oct 28 - 2PM
staranew (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I can empathize

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. I , too, am going through this. I think often about it, and I can't see myself alone. I don't want to be. This fear is very common so don't be so hard on yourself . Talking about this is healthy because there are many people that are even ashamed of admitting that is completely normal. Society sometimes is so focused on goals and not relationships that as a result there are a lot of people suffering out there, afraid of admitting their human need to be in a relationship, but that doesn't mean that they should settle for less than they deserve. I know that you will meet the right man in due time. It is still early, and you will not be alone. From what I gather from your post, you are doing all the right things, and as for not jumping into bed with a man right away, the one that is right for you will not assume that of you, will not be after that because in the end if we wish to stay in a healthy couple for the rest of our life, the basis of the relationship will be the friendship, the compassion, the sharing, the love that comes from the soul .. all those things that a narc will never be capable of.. and not just the sex. It's not old- fashioned. It's taking care of yourself and respecting your boundaries which you know narcs or abusers never do. A real man is out there waiting for you to love you for who you are. You now know what to look out for, and when any feelings of uncomfotableness come up, give yourself the time. It is your right. Yes, The Secret says that positive thinking brings about positive changes, but there are a lot of people that are coming out and saying that one should not deny the reality that you are feeling even if it is negative. It is necessary to acknowledge it and process it before you can move on, before you can be certain of what you want and allow it to come into your life and believe me it will happen. Actually it is happening as we speak... Hugs
Oct 28 - 2PM
cynthia (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Am I irreversibly Screwed up?

NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT, and nothing is wrong with you. He Left you feeling screwed up right now but it is not permanent. Remember what you were exposed to and how these people leave us feeling in the aftermath, he left you feeling this way but that is NOT the way you are. Its ok to be alone sometimes in our lives, enjoy it for a short while it makes us stronger and better people so when the right person does comes along for you one day you will feel whole again. Never again will you have to doubt yourself to such a degree as you did with this deformed person. You can feel alone too even when you are with someone remember that, that state of feeling alone in your life is only a void YOU CAN FILL, nobody else can. I have heard so many times if you are at peace and comfortable with who and what you are you are never truly alone, I struggle with that one too for we all need companionship to some degree. Give yourself time to heal from your lunatic and slowly your life will begin to return to normal and I mean slowly, you cant hurry it or force it, wish we could but it cant be rushed, it takes a piece out of our lives for awhile but after being with a N you have to know ONLY BETTER THINGS ARE AHEAD.
Oct 28 - 4PM (Reply to #2)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


The Secret.... BLECH I have spent sooo much time with victims since that stupid book came out. It's all BS with a PATHOLOGICAL you can't use NORMAL psychology with a PATHOLOGICAL You didn't ATTRACT him. He TARGETED you because you're a good person. Took me 3-4 years to heal from 23 months of Psycho-Boy. You are still very early out. And why are you so desperate to be in a relationship? or have a family? I became a mother at 40. Work on YOU. Do things YOU enjoy. Volunteer. Go to a Food Bank one day and help them pack bags, go to an animal shelter and walk a dog. Stop the rush. Read HOW TO SPOT A DANGEROUS MAN before you even CONSIDER dating... and you're too early out to think about dating right now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Abuse Information Site Online Coaching & Help
Oct 28 - 5PM (Reply to #3)
Rose-Marie (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

No Sure

I think it is a typical reaction following a break up (even a normal break up) to wonder whether we will ever be desirable to someone else. I remember thinking that when a relationship ended when I was 19 - and then my future husband appeared. I had that feeling for quite some time when my relationship with the XN ended, but now those feelings are evaporating. As my sister-in-law said to me - what you need Rosy is some "girly time" (time to rebuild friendships) and that is what I am going to do. Any relationship further down the line (if there ever is one) is going to have to take a back seat at the moment. I'm going to rebuild myself. Rosy
Oct 31 - 4PM (Reply to #4)
Shelley (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I agree with Barbara that

I agree with Barbara that you have plenty of time to do all the life things you desire. I also had a child at almost 40 years old. Now I'm menopausal and he's in puberty and we're driving each other NUTS!!! So be careful what you ask for! LOL But I really do get how you're feeling. Although the Xn was crazy, cruel, self-centered, and impossible, you still gave your love. And losing the object of our affection is not simply a matter of replacing him with someone else. How long it will be until Mr. Right comes along is a matter of logistics. It will probably be after you have done the repair job on YOU and are restored to a woman of confidence and wisdom.