broke NC after one month of going strong... feeling angry at myself... do i get back on the horse??
broke NC after one month of going strong... feeling angry at myself... do i get back on the horse??
even though it was just a TEXT message. i really shouldn't drink alcohol. ever. i had one beer. and then a glass of wine. i was very tipsy and happy, inflated with these feelings of inner peace and acceptance of the world and all peoples' sufferings. i am a very compassionate person (though being compassionate with myself is the hardest task for me, but not others for some reason)...
i felt *compelled* to send him a text saying i was sorry about the unhappiness i caused him and also for the deeply buried dissatisfaction with life he has been experiencing in life general. and then i told him i hoped he is having a good vacation! (wtf?) (because that is how he is dealing with this, buying a plane ticket and seeking lots of stimulation)...
to my surprise, he saying his own version of the non-truth. very proper, almost like an automated response, saying, "thanks, i am doing much better and i hope you are too. sorry also, wish you the best."
i felt offended at this - i don't know why! maybe because i sensed the old tinge of lying in it. i proceeded to send him another text, laced with sarcasm (stupid me) about how i know he is too interesting for me (he used to allude to this concept) and how my desire to be more simple about life and not be obsessed with what i now realize to be his grandious (yet terrible unrealistic) fantasies. i told him i realized how mundane and boring i was (self sabotage!!!!) and that i know now how much stimulation he requires.
to this, all he said was, "no. it wasn't about you. we were both just in bad places."
wtf. i am SO upset with myself for breaking NC. his cold, reserved, false responses make my blood boil. how to i get strong again????
question re NC
And it's not rocket science
You've obviously not read
very creepy
An N is about himself, who will advocate for you?
Going Ape
That came off harsher than I
I think sometimes maybe we
only one way to go...Forward (tm?)
how do you know i'm not in place of acceptance
The place of acceptance
only one way to go...Forward (tm?)
only one way to go...Forward (tm?)
I guess you're saying a lot
their agenda....
visualing 'minimising' him
ignore previous BArbara, sorry
who cares!
I appreciate your good
You "have no idea if he is
this started bcos i wanted
Sounds to me like you don't
Great! Sounds like your
Circular talk....had enough
They also feel power when
Peace. J
Its k