Day 11 NC- shame

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#1 Nov 11 - 10PM
smnp's picture

Day 11 NC- shame

I think I should play the lottery- day 11 NC on 11/11/11... Hmmm...

I want to call him so badly right now. But you all said to come here when that happened, so here I am. I struggle... I miss him- well, not him, I suppose. That man does not exist.

It's Friday night, it's both of our weekends without children. Who knows who he's out with right now... But then my heart whispers "Try one more time. Maybe he misses you too. Maybe he is at home missing you.". And my brain quickly counters (though NOT a whisper...) "If he is lonely, it is because his main supply is back in south America. He is out with some other local OW.". My brain is thankfully winning.

I just feel so empty. I feel so lost. I feel so ashamed. The Shame is overwhelming. WHY did I let him in when he called on the 19th?!? It was before I learned about No Contact. It was before I came here and had support. But I still got roped in. And had phone sex with him- I am disgusted with myself. I missed that intimacy-- I knew it was dangerous, I knew I was vulnerable. But for whatever reason, I didn't care. I let him take advantage of me. I cannot blame him for that night. Only me. I'm disgusting that I would lower myself to that level. I am so ashamed.

I have blocked him and her from FB. He is otherwise deleted from all areas of my life. But I KNOW his phone number. I try to play games with my brain. I try to scramble the numbers so I'll forget how to call him.

Did he know? Did h

Nov 13 - 9AM
gingercat's picture

I posted in wrong section

Sorry, I posted on the Share Your Story section this morning when I should have posted a reply to you here.....
Nov 12 - 12PM
Hunter's picture

We've all been in your

We've all been in your shoes.. Each day gets better.. What helped me was reading, reading and reading.. Hunter
Nov 12 - 6AM
wannaletgo22's picture

You are not disgusting- he

You are not disgusting- he is. You engaged with him bc you feel connected to him emotionally and bc, as you said, you missed that "intimacy" with him. That's so understandable. Don't be hard on yourself. I did the same thing about a week ago....engaged in a sexual convo w my N, thinking we were making up and re-connecting. Aside from a text here and there, haven't really heard from him since. I'm ashamed and disgusted that I caved and let him use me again. And sometimes I think I continue to call and chase him after these events to sort of protect my own ego and prove (to myself) that he wasn't using me. But you know what, it only makes things worse. The more energy we give them (by calling, texting or whatever it may be)...the more we lose. They are black holes....there is zero return on the investment. Hang in there and don't beat yourself up.
Nov 11 - 10PM
smnp's picture

Did he know what he was

Did he know what he was doing? Was it all cold and calculated? Or is he sick? Is it something inherent in him. I have read that NPD can't be cured. That is so hard for me to comprehend. I just want him to get help. Because, at one time, I knew a GOOD man. I knew an amazing man. So it has to be in him somewhere-- that goodness. Or is he just so sadistic that he did it all knowingly. SEVEN women- that we know of. I think that he would have to know that was wrong. He would HAVE to. I am so tired of thinking about it. I just want to stop THINKING about him and the whole thing all the time. I try to stay busy, but he is still everywhere in my memory. I know it will just take time. Thank you allfor letting me come here and get it all out. I will not break NC. I'm going hour to hour sometimes, but I will not break it. S.
Nov 12 - 4PM (Reply to #8)
Hermes's picture


Snmp He has a mental disorder. He is not normal and what he does is not normal. Keep reading, if you must, about this disorder. It is an unhealthy connection you have with this abuser ¿what does it matter if he has a disorder or not+?. If it hurts it isn-t love. No truer saying. It is not a question of "good" or "bad". The "good" you perceived was just the idealization phase. Nothing more. The NPD can seem amazingly "good", "seem" being the operative word here. They have no sense of wrong or right, in the way we do. Everything is "the flavour of the moment". They are running on a script. Everyone is no more than an object. I think that I am putting NPD in a nutshell by saying that. Take care of yourself. Get help, because you will need it. Hermes
Nov 12 - 6AM (Reply to #7)
dulcinea441's picture

Do sharks know they're predators?

Do sharks know they're predators? It's a built-in component of their nature, so whether or not they're truly aware of what they do is almost beside the point. I personally think their behavior is a combination of uncontrollable impulses and shifting layers of dim (very dim) awareness, all muddled by a lot of delusion. In any case, the end result is always the same: no empathy and no consideration for the feelings of others. Indeed, they do not truly recognize the humanity of anyone outside of themselves. In fact, they don't even recognize themselves as human. They don't really get what "being human" means, though they are masters at mimicking everything from sympathy to taking a genuine interest in their targets in order to get what they want. That kind of expert interpersonal exploitation is as natural to them as breathing. It's how they've learned to get by in the world from early childhood on. It's as though their lives are a movie, based on the shallowest and most unoriginal of scripts, that constantly plays in their heads. They are the "epic heroes," wooing fair maids and slaying evil foes, as they flit from one contrived scene to the next. It's all very childish and ephemeral in nature. Much like your standard psychopath, they are possessed of a very limited set of primitive emotions -- mostly rage, envy, and pride. More complex feelings like love, compassion, and justice are simply beyond them. They never matured enough to develop that kind of emotional intelligence, if you will. Purely selfish pleasure- and attention-seeking impulses drive most of their activity. In other words, there's not a whole heck of a lot there, beyond an elaborate outward display. Inside, it's a grim wasteland, strewn with the irreparably broken shards of their shattered psyches. They avoid knowing their "true selves" at all costs, preferring instead to dwell full-time in fantasies of unlimited power and importance. Thus, they can never be wrong -- their behavior can never be challenged -- else their false sense of self is disturbed and they come face to face with the wounded and helpless animal within. They're pathetic creatures and beyond help, frankly. They will never change and your time is far better spent on nurturing relationships with evolved and aware human beings who are capable of love and don't live simply to callously manipulate others or bend them thoughtlessly to their insatiable set of desires.
Nov 12 - 4AM (Reply to #3)
not-there-yet's picture

he had to know it was wrong

well. Mine can rationalize from "kissing is not cheating" to (if i push enough) "having sex with someone else is not cheating". What is important is not his understanding of things like that. YOUR boundaries, YOUR rules. YOU know it was wrong, if he doesn't get it, then whatever. Don't try to understand him. Understand yourself.
Nov 12 - 7AM (Reply to #4)
wannaletgo22's picture

I think they know that many

I think they know that many things they do are considered socially unacceptable, that we will think it is wrong....but I don't think they truly understand why. I feel like the run on different operating systems than the rest of us. They are motivated by their wants and needs in that moment...nothing else. Whereas I think the average person's motivations are often far more complex in most situations, but particularly when it comes to intimate relationships. Based on all the negative feedback they get over the course of their lives, I think intellectually they know you will think its wrong...but bc they have never experienced complex human emotions, I don't think they really truly "get it" or are capable of understanding the pain they cause others.
Nov 12 - 6PM (Reply to #5)
bumblebee's picture

You nailed, Wanna

I couldn't agree more. How conscious they are of what they do and the HURT they cause as a result of their actions is something I struggle with a lot. I swear I saw the good in him...I also told him he was a good man, but that was the mask, as I've learned. When I caught him cheating, I hit him and ran out. He called to see if I got a cab and I apologized for hitting him. His response was, "I probably deserved it." I've always wondered why that choice in words and I think you're explanation nailed it. He knows that society doesn't believe it's right (cheating), but that's the only way he knows how to's not a question of right or wrong for them. They don't understand commitment or obligation or any sort of reciprocity - that's the disorder. Thanks for putting that into words...I think it makes sense.
Nov 13 - 8AM (Reply to #6)
wannaletgo22's picture

Yes, I agree. I'm not

Yes, I agree. I'm not excusing anything...but I really don't think they have the capacity to truly understand the pain they cause. Mine tells me all the time that he doesn't want to hurt me....and I do believe he means it within his capacity to even understand what he is saying or to understand a complicated emotion such as hurt. And when I am hurt, and when my actions are motivated by an emotional response to him...I think he is genuinely confused by that. So, when he tells me he is sorry, I think he means it to the extent that he doesn't want to hurt me. But the apology seems shallow bc it is....not that it is necessarily insincere but bc he truly doesn't understand the emotions behind the hurt and behind my response. He just knows I'm upset and wants that to go away. It's sad...
Nov 11 - 10PM (Reply to #2)
Kukla's picture


Please stay NC!!!!! It is going to be one of the hardest things you will ever do, but you MUST do it! Of course you will be thinking of him A LOT. You are a warm, caring person who cannot just shut off feelings for him. But make no mistake. He is NOT thinking about you, he is NOT feeling sorry for you, there is NO GOOD in him...He was never good. He is DISORDERED, twisted mess and he doesn't want help! In fact he's with someone else saying/doing the same things he was with you. They live for the moment. Please understand this.... Try to get you mind off of it even for a while and keep busy with other things. You can do it! Great job staying NC. xx