Can I trademark this? :)â„¢ It is my unique response to funny things that are said on this board, don't believe I've seen anyone else trademark it yet.
The MBT is based on Jung's original theories on different personality types. I am an INFP (Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) type. When I am more in balance, I come out as an ENFP (Extravert iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving).
It is not uncommon for INFP's to have come from difficult childhood/relationship backgrounds. They are usually born gentle/empathic and then with family dysfunction can become subjugated more easily than other types. It would not suprise me if a lot of 'victims' of abuse scored highly in this personality type.
INFP's have a vast depth to their internal worlds and due to external subjugation from family, peers and abusive spouses or partners, have not always been able to express themselves well verbally. They often become very articulate linguistically but are better at expressing this through the medium of writing as opposed to speaking as confrontation from abusive folk is something they have often had to endure from past experience when attemting to verbalise their hurt or set boundaries with abusive family/peers/spouses etc.
This has certainly been my own experience but that doesn't mean to say that finding a voice and assertive verbal skills cannot be acquired now - then this personality type will have the skills of being verbally articulate and have excellent writing skills too!
To read more on the different types and take a free personality test you can check out
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
Interesting how many here are intuitive feeing types, INFP, INFJ and ENFP have been mentioned.
Here is the blurb on those types:
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
Nice to hear from you! I miss your posts. :)
Meyer-Briggs and personality has been something of interest to me for years. I often wondered about the coorelation of personality type and being drawn to an N. It seems both in background and personality, many of us have similiar experiences.
In taking the test years ago and just recently, the score came up ENFJ, although I don't feel very extroverted a lot of times.
Thanks for posting your findings.
Thanks for your kind words. I do pop on to this board regularly to see how everyone is doing and it has been a wonderful place of support and resource in helping me to further understand N behaviours.
My past consists of more than just N's though - I think I have been in relationship with most PD's across the three diagnostic clusters a, b & c over the years (starting with my mother and half bro - both N Types). My main hang out is on a support forum called Out of the Fog, which offers sanctuary to non's PD who have experienced the fall out from being connected to any of the PD's whether through family (unchosen) or romantic/friendship (chosen). The more I learn, the more I see how many crossover traits there are within the personality disordered spectrum. From my experience N's are the most concisously manipulative and calculating of all the PD's and potentially the most damaging too.
It's fascinating stuff and I am now at the stage where having disentangled from the past PD's in my life and having learned so much about 'them', I am now focussed on working on me and 'my' stuff and how I can change the way I relate and respond to disordered behaviours that come at me from this point forward. There is no doubt that from childhood I was conditioned to 'accept' this bad treatment and pd behaviours as normal! Imo, this thirst for learning amongst non pd's is essential to deprogramming ourselves.
Wonderful to see this board still thriving and well done to Lisa for seeing it through a difficult time of transition. Lovely to see she has such loyal support too.
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
I've wanted to reach out and thank you for mentioning Out Of The Fog moments before I was banned from here last February. I'm very grateful that you provided me with a safe place to land, Klarity.
Though I've temporarily misplaced (I refuse to say lost) my ability to articulate my thoughts and feelings in the last two years I've also noticed in my travels how articulate and intelligent my sisters in pain are. It was almost impossible not to notice.
The writing is what my STBX has been gunning the hardest to destroy because he knew it was my greatest passion.
If it wasn't so devastating, the ways he has attempted to sabotage me in this arena would be comical. So as of this moment, I struggle to recall words that would have come to me easily two years ago. I'm fighting the PDs on so many fronts that the cognitive dissonance eventually brought me to my knees. A place I don't plan on being for long.
I took the Myers Brigg test last year and I'm an INFJ. And I thought this described me pretty well.
Someone here or elsewhere also brought up the term "Empath" not too long ago which seemed to fit me in many respects. I took a quiz to determine what type of Empath I was and apparently I'm a Universal Empath.
It can get confusing in cyberworld sometimes with all the forums available and handles we use within them. My personal aim is to work towards becoming authentic enough to be myself wherever I choose to share.
Helldweller, please don't let STBX affect your writing or your voice. There are often pauses, but I am sure your co-ordinates are strong!
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
I have recently become a rather large fan of Jung's, but I skipped over a lot of this stuff during my manic reading phase. Thanks so much for posting, it certainly explains a lot. I always wondered why I could write much better than I speak (when I put my mind to it anyway). I reckon that is me in a nutshell.
I'm an INFP as well, but most people I know find it really hard to believe that I'm an introvert.
My therapist told me that children raised in an abusive home environment can become highly intuitive because they were constantly walking on shells and become experts in reading both verbal and nonverbal language.
Makes complete sense to me.
Indeed. I noticed that by day 2 of reading these posts when I first came here.
Targeted. Intellectuals by the narc's side, sparks curiosity. Makes others wonder what the narc has that drew you in.
Tssshh! Makes me wonder also. I don't recall 'bullshit' being on my list of male characteristics!
Oh yea, it was those hazel eyes. Hypnotic!
"Soldier, don't confuse your rank with MY authority!"
yes they are sad little souls, with there abused childhood, but and this is a big but, i too had a horrendous childhood, even the narc, shut up and listened for a changed, but i dont run around like a 5year old expecting sympathy i get on with it and so should they, in all my life noone has ever held my hand and said there there and i wouldnt want them to,my 2 major relationships[not flesh and blood] wher with a nh over t30 years and exn nearly 6 years, both abusive b,s, b/c i wasent used to anything else ,so my rotten childhood set me up for them, so there you go never again.
It is my belief that in some cases perhaps that what a non personality disordered person shares in common with the N's attracted into their lives is - childhood hurt/abuse. The difference is that it causes the N to project their hurt anger and blame outwards, yet many non’s learn the opposite, to turn it inwards on themselves. Different ends of the spectrum – Non’s are givers, NPD’s (and other cluster B’s) are takers.
The N picks the inner trauma of a 'victim' up on his antenna and feeds whatever BS he has to, to get them on his hook and reel them in. This happens even if the non is adept at covering over past hurt and abuse with a public face of confidence and competency. My ex N tried many tactics and I wasn't going for the bait - then he hit the jackpot (I lost my parents early in life) - he offered up his big beautiful family and beckoned me to be a part of it. Then we had two children - but he hated the fact that he was no longer No 1 and D&D's me & his kids - insisting that I no longer have communications with his family either!
N's are so sneaky and will keep trying to get a hook in you if they get a whiff of unhealed trauma within. IMO it makes sense to get support from a good therapist and find safe online resources and support networks like this forum. In my own experience, the more I face and heal my own past traumas the stronger I am in the face of disordered behaviours.
I do not condone these narcissistic vampires or their behaviour but from the moment of awareness of my own adaptive behaviours borne from a childhood of abuse (not speaking up, being too soft, low self image, weak boundary systems etc) - I then took full responsibility for reclaiming myself my self esteem and my life. It's work in progress but well worth every step imo.
I still have chinks of vulnerability to attracting these types - I just got rid of an undiagnosed borderline (cluster B) lodger who was living in my attic - she caused no end of upheaveal for my household but, uncomfortable as it was I confronted her and her behaviours and told her they would not be tolerated in my home. She left my home and the community (thank goodness I was worried about revenge acts! turns out she was mostly hot air). I took her in originally because she fed me a sob story about moving countries and having gone through a difficult break up. In retrospect, my compassion and empathy got in the way of my good sense – there were red flags waving away on our first meeting had I paid more attention to them as opposed to what she was feeding me. I do not believe this to be a conscious dynamic, but something that happens fairly unconsciously on the part of the non.
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
even as i sit here today i have the shakes and panic attacks b/c when i was shopping earlier something triggered me i got a cab straight home, phoned my son [didnt tell himuse to covering the cracks] to just have a bit of normality, these 2 men set out to destroy me, well ime not the one who now smokes cannabis all day[nh] and ime not the one who is drinking from morning till night[exn], so yes i did have to get home quickly in my panic, but they dont know that, to all intents and purposes, i look like i am doin really well, so who destroyed who, i know what i think.
its yours LOML only one way
only one way to go...Forward (tm?)
Myers Briggs Test - personality types
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
I don't remember my letters,
ENFP = Idealist Champion
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
I took that test not too
INFJ here too
Klarity Belle
Neveragain 5
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
Hi Klarity Bell
Hey MovinOnUp
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
Me too!
"Soldier, don't confuse your rank with MY authority!"
Non PD's -v- NPD's (Cluster B's)
"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran
"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung
yes! With big hearts!!!