How was your Thanksgiving? Did you stay NC?

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#1 Nov 24 - 10PM
ifinallygotit's picture

How was your Thanksgiving? Did you stay NC?

I confess I was very worried about today but it was great! I also secretly hoped (sorry, just being honest, part of me wishes he thinks of me even though he is gone and I KNOW better) and simultaneously feared a text from exN - It never came and I did not crumble, in fact I had a great day! I also left my iphone home so I would not look.

I went for morning walk into town in the sun and had breakfast with friends there. I then read a bit, did my wash and took a swim before heading to my best girlfriend's house ( a great cook who set an elegant table outside on a big veranda overlooking a beautiful bay at sunset!). We had a lovely time, laughing and enjoying the view and catching up.

That swim at the beach was the best Thanksgiving day ever though! I thought this girl was playing with her dog on the beach but it turned out to be her pet PIG!!! The pig knew his name, could sit for a treat, spin a 360 degree turn upon command and could even swim in the ocean! While admiring this odd duo, my other close friend's dog charged out of the bushes and ambushed me with HUGE affection shaking sea water all over me. And get this, the dog and the pig are friends!! Please reconsider eating them! This little fellow having a great time enjoying his life. I will never look at bacon the same!

I know we can all get better if we set our minds to it - I thought I would have a lonely day but look what happened when I was determined to start the day with an open mind.

Nov 25 - 8AM
Layla's picture

"The dog and the pig are friends"

Hahaha! That is cute and funny at the same time! : )) I cooked, and I came here and posted for some people needing support and enjoyed the day with my family. It was a calm, relaxing day. The FIRST peaceful Thanksgiving in 8 years! Great idea for a post, by the way! NC makes EVERY day a calm peaceful day! love~ Layla
Nov 25 - 2AM
Journey's picture

Glad you had such a great

Glad you had such a great day! :) Speaking of pigs, they are very smart (apparently smarter than average dogs if I remember correctly). It is absolutely disgusting how they are raised and treated in commercial farming and even worse how the sows (mamma pig?) are usually chained in very small pens when giving birth. (they can barely move and can't even turn their bodies to face their babies properly after giving birth - they can only lie there on the concrete floor and be milk dispensers for their young). As one who empathizes with and loves all animals, I don't believe we as human beings are more evolved to think we have the inherent right to treat them so cruelly and inhumanely, it is truly heartbreaking. Sorry for the heavy... I'm really glad you had wonderful day and remained no contact!!

Journey on...

Nov 25 - 7AM (Reply to #6)
ifinallygotit's picture

animal lover

Me too but trying not to preach here. Clearly pigs are smart and social and should be treated as kindly as dogs - I hear they are even suicidal if depressed! They are cute in their own ugly way! At least with birds and fish there is not a whole lot of thinking and feeling going on... I am not a vegetarian (mainly because I am too lazy to be a strict vegetarian) but I lean that way for sure! I don't understand cruelty to can people be so disgusting. I guess it is fueled by capitalism - in the old days people only killed animals for survival... Narcs kill our spirits for sport and image which is about on the same level...
Nov 25 - 12AM
IncognitoBurrito's picture


I almost caved in mid-week, but stayed the course, and I'm still going full throttle. My goal is to stop counting the days I'm NC, and just live. I figure, if I'm counting the hours, then I'm keeping myself tied to it. While I was successful in maintaining NC with N, I still had to deal with extended family. I don't know which is worse. The holidays are hard. Very triggering, with lots of bad memories.
Nov 25 - 7AM (Reply to #4)
ifinallygotit's picture


Good for you! My exn and I never spent TG together as I was always out of town but I bet he would have been with his family and ignored me if I was there. However, long distance we always wished each other well - this is the first missed greeting in 12 years or so...
Nov 25 - 12AM
Done sourcing
Done sourcing's picture

What an awesome unexpected

What an awesome unexpected fun different new inspired freaky wholesome unique athletic beyond special day that would have gotten so fucked up sharing with a selfcentered narcwad. Thank you so much for giving me a taste of how incredibly well a day can turn out. ds
Nov 25 - 7AM (Reply to #2)
ifinallygotit's picture


Yes and I was dreading facing it, but threw myself out the door - guess we have to be like our own parents with a shy child who does not want to go out and play or do much...give ourselves encouragement and a nudge.... Hope you had a good day with your child...