idk what i feel anymore....

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#1 Jun 3 - 2PM
whoknew's picture

idk what i feel anymore....

one minute i think im ok and the next i feel like im not! its been almost 10 weeks of nc. i am functioning better, meaning i can get out of bed and go to work, etc. but when im alone, he is all i can think about and i am left going over and over everything.
i had my second therapy session this week and my therapist labeled him as a narc without me using the label myself but only describing how i feel and the things he has done. i guess that puts to bed any doubts i may have had.
i have been silent on here for awhile but i log in every day and read what others have to say. it helps to remind me that i am normal and not alone. i have been prescribed an antidepressant, i guess i will see if that helps even me out. ill have a good day and say to myself f**k him but then ill have feelings of sorrow and loneliness.
i catch myself wishing things could have been different, wondering if they could have been, if only blah, blah, blah...i feel like i want to cry and then get mad at myself!!!! i am still so hurt and angry with him. so many things were left unsaid and unresolved and i know that this is just how it goes but sometimes even knowing this doesnt make it any better.
we have a court date at the end of the month and i think about if i will see him and what will happen, how will i feel. its so hard because i know that i will never get the answers i want and deserve and even if he reached out to me, i couldnt believe anything that he said but yet in a strange way i still want him to make the effort. does that make any sense?
at first i felt like know what he is and how he operates would be enough for me to achieve a sense of closure, and it did for awhile....maybe i am just having a moment.
i have to pretend to all my friends and family because they dont understand and dont know everything that happened. i am embarrassed to tell them so i just say, we broke up and leave it at that. i know they wont understand anyways. i sometimes hate the way i have to pretend that we broke up and im ok because im really not!
i keep praying. i keep reading. i keep writing. i know this is a process but im ready to be done with this whole thing and i wish that i didnt still love him, even though i know that he is a monster and that we will never be together again.
the flip flopping of emotions is exhausting!!!! i hate him for all of this and making me feel this way. i am so angry at myself for allowing this to happening and ignoring my intuition because i was always hoping that if i did enough it would make all the difference. i wish i knew what he was before i broke up with him.
i cant believe i am going through this...i just wanna be normal and happy again. i want to not care about him. im upset with myself because even though i know all of this about him and i have days when i act like im ok and i could care less, deep down in my heart i still do.
i really loved him and it pisses me off that i wasted years and years on him and it was all i joke. i feel like he is laughing at me right now and it infuriates me!!!!!
i just had to vent. i know you all understand my ramblings. i know in my head i will get through this. it just sucks right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 3 - 8PM
whoknew's picture


thanks everyone. i have been so good all week and for whatever reason today, all kinds of stuff just came flooding in for absolutely no reason at all. frustrating! i understand and yet i dont understand. today is one of those days when i keep asking WHY?????????? im pissed and sad and hurt all wrapped up in one. i just had a meltdown and bawled my eyes out. i feel a little better now but...well, you know how it is. im bout to read my Bible and search for some peace in my heart and soul. just one of them days. i feel like ive been trying to be so strong but i had to let the floodgates open tonight. so grateful for the support here. xoxoxoxo
Jun 3 - 7PM
Littleone's picture

I feel the same way..... You

I feel the same way..... You summed up exactly how I feel in that post. Knowing they are monsters helps somewhat, but it doesn't take away the pain. You have been abused, your feelings are proof of this. Nobody understands the way we feel unless they have been through it, and the people onthis board are truly a godsend! I found some great posts on the steps 4-6 forum that really helped me. One was about still being with your ex and one was called some inspiration or something like that. Read on that forum as much as you can, they are posts from women who are now seeing the light and on the other side. Be kind to yourself, you are allowed to grieve, unspeakable horrors were done to your mind and you didn't deserve it. Hugs xox
Jun 3 - 7PM
ruby01 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I'm right there with you

My feelings are exactly the same. The funny thing is at first their behaviors are so contrary you are completely thrown off guard. They are clever but you are much smarter. They only have so many moves and then the chaos becomes a very predictable pattern. History will just repeat itself like that movie Groundhog Day. That's all there is and ever will be BORING! Go have some real fun while his life stays stuck in the mud.
Jun 3 - 3PM
mynewlife2011's picture


you are still vulnerable, and Narcs prey on stay NC. After court he may hoover big time- but it is truly empty when they hoover, as they have no real love feelings, it is all an act to keep you on the hook for whatever they need selfishly (your cooperation, your time, money, sex, resources, etc.) Give a Narc an inch..he will take a mile. We all have bad days, but you are through the worst of it. Remind yourself this was NOT the love of your life, it was the ILLUSION of your life. It was just a dream, what we wanted our Narcs to be. I was married to my ExNH for 13 years, they do not change. I have been D&D and then hoovered with fake emotions and promises so many times I lost count. Don't fall for it, and when it does happen (which it will eventually because he is gonna need something from you) don't fall for it- see it for what it is. Last, don't discard your dream for an enriching fulfilling personal life. Just put it up on the shelf, and do some work on loving yourself. Then when you are done healing, you can take it down and dust off that dream and hopefully dedicate your heart to a more deserving mate the next time. We all hurt, we are all duped, and we must see it for what it is in order to overcome it.
Jun 3 - 2PM
wacaet's picture

I don't know if it helps at

I don't know if it helps at all, but I'm going through all of those exact same emotions. I just keep coming here and reading and NC and hopefully, eventually it will get better.