A New Book about a Con Man

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#1 Aug 5 - 4PM
Lacey's picture

A New Book about a Con Man

I just stumbled onto this article on The Huffington Post while reading about another story. In the article, a math teacher and wellness coach details -- albeit pretty generally -- her marriage to a man who lived two separate lives.

Having just left a relationship under very similar circumstances (we never married, but he asked me a hundred times) I couldn't help but note the absence of any use of the "N" word or other similar disorder.

Additionally, the writer discusses, near the end of her article, the "compassion" she has begun to feel for the "pain" her husband must have experienced previously to pull off this ruse for so long.

I don't know how much research this woman did to write her book, but her husband certainly seems to be pretty sick and disordered. I haven't read the book, but I can't help but note how she seems to be really missing the boat when discussing her experience.

Here's the link if you're interested in it: