POLL: When did you know something just "wasn't right"?

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#1 Apr 6 - 6AM
Finally Faced It
Finally Faced It's picture

POLL: When did you know something just "wasn't right"?

When did you know something just "wasn't right" with your guy/when did you see that first red flag?

My answer:
From the very first email he sent me through Facebook. The very first one on May 29, 2009. Uggggghhhhh! I'm so done!!

Apr 11 - 1PM
ABC0311's picture

How DIDN'T I know something wasn't right?!?!

We were together since I was 19. I'm now 29. I rationalized so much of his behavior and made so many excuses. I'd be here all day...
Apr 11 - 2PM (Reply to #25)
deecbee's picture

Same here

Best friends/together since 19, now I'm 31, he's 33. I've wasted the better years of my life in constant agony over him
Apr 11 - 1PM
deecbee's picture

I ignored so much

I feel so stupid. There were so many signs that I ignored, and now looking back makes me slap my forehead. - He got upset over my threatening to leave, so he disappeared for a weekend after leaving me a suicide note via email. I was scared sick for 4 days, contacted his family, his best friend, etc. They actually weren't as concerned as I was. Turns out he just went to Mexico for the weekend. When he found out I told his family, he hit the roof and called me every name in the book and said I only did it to humiliate him. - At the beginning of our friendship, whenever we would disagree about something no matter how minor it was, he would start screaming. I mean SCREAMING, "I'M NOT WRONG! I'M NOT WRONG! SHUT UP! YOU LISTEN TO ME!" And then would either hang up the phone or storm out of the room. He eventually became more way passive aggressive and cooled it with the tantrums as he got older. - He told me he spent most of his teenage years in juvenile hall. He was scarce on the details but once while he was drunk he mentioned stabbing and robbery. I excused it because he was an intelligent academic and I figured he was a different man now. - Everything that I took an interest in, he suddenly was also VERY interested in. For example, I have very eccentric taste in music. The stuff I listen to most people have never heard of. One day he was grilling me on what kind of music/artists I like... I started listing them and it was almost like he was taking a mental inventory the way he kept asking me to list more and more. After that, he was suddenly "in the know" about all of them. He'd send me concert dates, youtube videos, random tidbits of info. He did this with other stuff I liked, too. I knew it was a problem when during one of our breakups, he dated another woman and he was once again interested in all the things she was (even though it was stuff he never mentioned to me). - This same ex, after they broke up, had contacted all of the women he was talking to on Facebook to "warn" them about him. He didn't go into detail about what she had said, but he brushed her off as crazy, and I assumed she was too. Now I see she was just disgusted and hurt like I am now. - He has told me he can't be in long term relationships no matter how hard he tries. Why didn't I believe him? Why did I think I would be the one person to change that? - Valentine's Day, I sent him a 'sexy' picture of me because he was out of town. He started cursing and accused me of meaning to take it for someone else and accidentally sending it to him. I was dumbfounded! And meanwhile he didn't even bother with a "Happy Valentine's Day!" This most recent (and FINAL) D & D happened in February. I didn't even realize we were basically broken up until about a week ago. He just stopped talking to me all of a sudden. Valentine's Day should have been my first hint. My birthday, a month later, should've been another. He forgot my birhday. When I confronted him about it, he didn't say sorry. He said, "I'm not good with dates". And then he went out that night and got drunk with his classmates (he's in grad school) that he claims he hates so much. He didn't respond to me the entire weekend. I was so hurt. These are just a handful. It gets worse and I could go on for DAYS. Basically, this guy is a giant, walking, infected blister. Every other woman in his life saw it and ran... he knows it... I refused to see it for what he was. I brushed them off as "quirks". I can't believe I wasted 10 on/off years of my life. He has nearly destroyed me. I am so happy to have found this website.
Apr 11 - 2PM (Reply to #22)
helldweller's picture


Wow. Mine did very similar things that I'd forgotten about until now. Well, as I've written, he lied about having cancer and told me not to tell his family, that he and I were going to "go through it together,no one else." Well, when he refused to go to the doctor or start treatments I told his brother about the cancer because I was scared and didn't know what to do. That night, I heard this enormous crash in my front hall. The narc had taken all of the photographs of my daughters and me, frames and all, and smashed them against my vestibule wall. Somehow, *I* was the crazy one who had embarrassed him in front of his family. He didn't talk to me for a week. I even left him a huge platter of chicken parmesan in his hallway, with a note saying, "I don't know why you did that but we should talk about it" and he smashed that against my vestibule wall as well. Mine also would accuse me of sending him texts meant for someone else. Like if I wrote to him and said, "I love and miss you so much" he would send it back and say, "You mistexted this! LOL" Same thing with sexy pictures and all the rest. It was maddening. One of his girlfriends came to my door one night in the beginning of our relationship, crying and pleading with him for an explanation. He said she was nuts and hadn't seen her in almost a year. I know he told all of his other woman that I am crazy and a liar after I contacted them. When I was on the phone with one of them, he was texting her, "Go ahead and believe her if you want to. You know you are the only one." He, too, told me he was always in trouble as a kid and young man. Picked up all the time for stealing his parents' cars when he was eleven and twelve, cutting school and, later, he punched a priest on his first day of high school. He had a way of making it sound so bumbling and innocent, as if to say, "Golly, gee, I was such a dumb screw up when I was a kid. I'm glad you understand and accept me." We went to a party once at my best friend's apartment in Marina City (downtown chicago skyscrapers on the river that looks like corn cobs). The first thing he did was to ask who my friend's sister was (a parole officer). He went up to her and said, "If I molest a child in cook county is it possible to get off with a warning?" She looked at him blankly before I came to the rescue, explaining that he was a judge and just messing with her. Then he went out on the balcony and was smoking. He kept pretending like he was going to climb over the railing (22nd floor) and walk around the building on the apartment railings "because they all did that in the '60s here, honey, while they were stoned." Then he threw his cigarette over the railing, which is a $1000 violation in the building, as a river walk, outdoor cafe and boaters are directly below, and my friend told him about the ordinance and asked him to not do it again. He said, "Oh, please" and did it several more times. My friend just looked at me and said, "What is wrong with him?" When we left he rolled his eyes and said, "Ooooh. Fun party, honey."
Apr 11 - 2PM (Reply to #23)
deecbee's picture


"Golly, gee, I was such a dumb screw up when I was a kid. I'm glad you understand and accept me." DITTO on this! He would tell me stories of his teenage delinquency like it was all some sort of joke and he was just a rebel that didn't know any better. Of course, I went along with it. He would laugh about it. He was PROUD of it! He would also make dumb comments or act like a bafoon in public for the attention. He considered himself to be a magnet, the life of the party, when in reality people were giving him odd looks and laughing AT him, not with. Is it weird that I'm sitting here literally laughing and crying at the same time? Putting it all down on paper and reading it makes me realize how ridiculous these men are... unbelievably so. They will never ever be happy because they will inevitably run the next woman off in the exact same way. But it still hurts so much.
Apr 6 - 2PM
prettypeeved's picture

It happened fairly quickly

It happened fairly quickly when I spotted the come-here-go-away behaviour. That threw me completely and I realised something just wasn't right. Still took a long while for me to stop trying with him though.
Apr 6 - 1PM
Finally Faced It
Finally Faced It's picture

The layers.

I just knew there was something "off" about this guy from the beginning...it went something like this... eager, wow he's so into me! >> he's so intense, I like a man who takes charge >> oh, he's insecure, poor, little thing >> does this guy have ADHD? >> I think he's depressed & lonely >> sheeesh, how many self-help books has this moron read?? >> oh, he's just your garden-variety commitment phobe >> wow, the only way he can express feeling is through sex >> ugh, I think he hates women >> omg, he is a sex/porn/masturbation addict for sure >> this guy is totally and completely emotionally unavailable >> no, it's more than that...maybe he's bipolar >> and now I know.... He is seriously disordered. (and all of the above!!) Lesson learned and now I know. And thankfully, I can educate my six year old daughter when she is older. I wouldn't wish this on anyone...I'm so done!!
Apr 6 - 2PM (Reply to #18)
dudette's picture

ha ha all of the above

But my N's exwife said to me once soon after the breakup - he is so thick I think he's got autism or something... between that and the stone cold face and ST, I decided to look into it, that's how I realised he was a narc....
Apr 6 - 5PM (Reply to #19)
ifinallygotit's picture

yeah dudette

I was astounded by his lack of interpersonal skill and thought he had some kind of developmental delay or extreme "boy" brain (good at computers and mechanics but can't speak or think or hold a normal conversation with me. Jokes went over his head too. But I read that N's don't get humor because it requires empathy - to understand the joke and what someone else is feeling. It is not autism though because they can turn it on and off (autism is permanent disorder). My Ex N can carry on normal convo with male friends and when he is interviewed he is articulate and charming. I really thought he was just dumb when I met him, but it is this N thing - which shows how deep the emotional damage is and how impossible it is to fix. It is a problem with women going back to issues in early childhood - such a bummer... He is not dumb just disordered and limitied.
Apr 6 - 2PM (Reply to #17)
prettypeeved's picture

"maybe he's bipolar" I

"maybe he's bipolar" I remember a friend saying exactly that to me.
Apr 6 - 11AM
Deidre40's picture

Perhaps...this was the sure fire sign to beat all *signs*

My stomach started hurting a lot. When I would get ready to call. Or know he'd be calling. That right there...haunts me now. Turning the phone off completely today has taken away the ache...interestingly. It's funny...things you look back at...I'm still with this man, and AAAALLLL along, he would control when he called. When I would call. He is very structured...which is a good thing, right? Not if you're unable to bend. Love bends for another. He doesn't. And if he does? He makes sure I know he bent for me. I love having a place to get all of this out. I have told a friend of mine this, she is his friend too. Not a close friend of his...but a friend. But...this site makes me feel safe to just share IT ALL.
Apr 6 - 10AM
dudette's picture

I always knew

I always had an uneasy feeling about the women around him. the way they were hostile towards me at his place of work. But then he was always so good at the bullshit that he calmed my fears straight away I always knew he was cruel, I told him that I thought he had driven his wife to drink, that I thought he was controlling....that was even before anything happened.... But somehow, he won me over with the victim thing and he was soooo into me then.... pull-push and mindfuck for over a year before I gave in.... Why he did not Discard me earlier I will never know. It's like he needed someone like me to constantly remind him of what a piece of shit he was
Apr 6 - 1PM (Reply to #13)
Deidre40's picture

to >>> dudette

curious...why were they hostile do you think??
Apr 6 - 2PM (Reply to #14)
dudette's picture


one because she was sleeping with him at the time, the other is the surrogate mother type who he is sucking to so that he can inherit her house and her money since she has no family. Fiercely protective of him... All the others, who knows, he probably slept with all of them in turn....
Apr 6 - 1PM (Reply to #12)
ifinallygotit's picture

dudette - if I am honest i always knew too

I was seduced by the happy go lucky smile and athlete part (that is what I always wanted to be myself) but he acted about age 20 when he was 40. I knew he was not very stable or grown up, but did not ever think he was dangerous being a big kind goofy type. I was coming out of a long serious relationship and he was my rebound guy to just have fun wtih - right...it is now 12 years later... sometimes I think maybe I made him have a relationship he did not want?
Apr 6 - 10AM (Reply to #11)
ifinallygotit's picture

one time we went for lunch

he was SO uncomfortable being out in the street and seen with me. he acted bizarre and grumpy through lunch after a wonderful evening together - was I his secret GF or not yet his real GF? this behavior get better after a few more years together but a clue about his obsession with image. I am not ugly and have never had a man ashamed of me! Something else simple: I had a bad flu one winter and asked him to bring me a cup of tea to bed in the morning. He indignantly said "No" with a look on his face like "are you crazy? me serve you?". I thought this was very nutty after being together for years that he could not respond to s simple need.
Apr 6 - 9AM
Deidre40's picture

I knew something wasn't right

I knew something wasn't right before getting involved. He's had 4 failed marriages...I wanted to believe I was different. I shouldn't say wanted as in past tense. Because I'm still with him. And that he freely calls women 'cunts' whom he dislikes. That is a word I don't hear much. He slings it around very freely. Only a matter of time before he calls me this. I have a feeling.
Apr 6 - 10AM (Reply to #9)
Used's picture


Only a matter of time before he calls me this. I have a feeling. yes he will, followed by , slut , slag, tart and any other demeaning, name he can come out with, which he will if you let him, i did, now after 18mnths nc, i wont even let people call me anything but my given name, if they do it again ,they are history. like this dog should be with you, he is a wrongan!!!!!
Apr 6 - 9AM (Reply to #8)
dudette's picture

oh deirdre

in itself that is NOT a nice thing... I hate this word, although my Narc's ex-wife uses it a lot about him, because she cannot find any other word that is strong enough to express how he treated her.... no I don't think I could date aperson who uses that word freely....
Apr 6 - 9AM
victimnomore's picture

3 Months

3 Months after I started seeing him and I stayed for 25 years WTF!!!!! My self-esteem was non-exisitent. Peace!


Apr 6 - 7AM
insectt (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

It seems you may be searching

It seems you may be searching for a 'warning sign' that may have prevented you from getting involved. Everyone cases are different but I feel confident enough to say we only 'seen' the warning signs in hindsight. This is the great thing about setting your boundries from here on out. When you now notice 'warning signs' or even just issues that could be a problem for you in the future, hopefully you will act. Oh, there were warning signs through out the entire relationip. The difference was the first two years was coated with smooth talk and incredible chemistry so i chose to dismiss them or minimize them..then second two years was a spiraling devaluing and discarding. And the only thing that changes in our relationship was he basically woke up one day and decided he didn't want to wear a mask around me anymore. When the first BIG discard came, he said 'what do we have to talk about except for movies." Yes, I was totally thrown for a loop because I just had helped him purchase a house, raise his son, help finance his movies, was his best friend and confident in every way. And then he meets a new 'The One'. and I was history and could never reclaim my position after that. Merely because he didn't want me that close to him anymore. We didn't fight or argue and lived together fabulously. I was not expecting my dethroning. Ever. I thought I was 'different'. Well, he is not with that 'The One' anymore. He found a new 'The One' who he was going to sell his house and move to aother city for. She dumped him after just four months and did complete NC. I don't know if she had experiences with an N before or just has THAT strong of boundries. But wither way...good for her. So, the Red Flags were there from day one. I just thought I was a magical effing unicorn and he would never find another one of 'me.' Because he TREATED me that way, initially.
Apr 6 - 7AM
momoya's picture

Complete 180

I came home from my work day and he was completely different. He was withdrawn, cold, would not touch me, look at me and would not talk. It was apparent he was upset over something but it had nothing to do with me. It was like a child pouting. I could not get him to open up to me. So I left him alone and learned they do NOT like to be ignored quickly. At this point I could not understand what was going on...everything was sweet and sublime right up until the end of that day. That was the beginning of the end. The next night I looked in his phone and found 67 texts messages, I intended to read each one but didn't have the time/access so I waited. He gave himself away. After 6 days straight maintaining his act and falling in love with me, suddenly it was apparent that I had no idea who he really was and I felt lost, and alone with him sitting right next to me - dark & vacant eyes looking through me.


Apr 6 - 10AM (Reply to #4)
dudette's picture

I hate those eyes

I only witnessed that once but the wife got plenty of it.....
Apr 6 - 7AM
Alisa's picture

It's hard to say because

It's hard to say because everything that happened during the 6 weeks or so we were together happened so quickly and in the end I was pretty certain that I had done something wrong that made him break up with me. It was only during round 2 that I realized that he was the problem and not me. Looking back I think I knew something was wrong after we had spent the first night together cuddling and kissing and the next morning he said that I was the one who made the first move (we had both had some drinks but I wasn't as drunk as to not remember who started it. But really, why did it even matter who moved closer to the other if that's what both wanted? Why even discuss it? Now I know it must have been so he could put the blame on me later on) He also said that if it was going to be just that one night he'd be OK with it because it wasn't like he was madly in love with me. (I still had my doubts whether I wanted to be with him at that point. Plus he was a HORRIBLE kisser in the beginning.) I thought that was weird but back then I thought he was just being insecure.
Apr 6 - 7AM (Reply to #2)
Alisa's picture

I forgot to add: he said

I forgot to add: he said those things and then he kept showering me with attention, holding my hand, kissing etc. all day long. made no sense.