Rough couple of Days
Rough couple of Days
Im on a posting spree today, but I needed to get this out.
I'm at NC day 28. I have no desire to break that in any way, but the last two weeks has been rough.
Last week would have been our anniversary, on that day she decided to announce to the world that she had started a relationship "officially" with the other guy. She swore up down left and right there was nothing there while we were together, and while I knew that was a lie, it still felt like a slap in the face. A friend of a friend of a friend told me so I had no way to avoid finding out that fact as I had no idea this person even knew her. Follow that up with my birthday a few days ago and I just feel kinda down, that had to be one of the worst birthdays I've experienced yet. I found myself hoping on both days that she would contact me, not so I could reply but just to see I wasn't cut out completely, that maybe she wasn't the cold, cruel bitch I know that she really is. Naive and useless hopes to be sure, can't explain why I even wanted that, I know better. I guess I'm just surprised at how acutely the pain flared up. It feels like the day I found out about the other guy.
"May the bridges I burn light my way..."
The roller coaster will
Lol, here's links on hoovering
Goldie! I just read it, I
Been there; done that
I know I will get there, the
I made the mistake of checking his Facebook
LOL, I hear ya dude
Hoping to be hoovered s
Thanks Sparrow! I'm not
Hoover is when they attempt
Oh ok, gotcha. That makes