Strange Narcissistic & Psychopathic Behaviors

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#1 Jun 9 - 5PM
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Strange Narcissistic & Psychopathic Behaviors

(only needs a few to be PATHOLOGICAL!)

The following behaviours are probably more common amongst psychopaths than non-psychopaths. Obviously not all will apply to any individual psychopath/ narcissist. Note that narcissists have similar behaviours to psychopaths.

1. Has no conscience.

2. Manipulates people by "pulling strings" or "pushing the right buttons" .

3. Is perceived to be "sticky", "slimy" or "slippery".

4. Is a "control freak".

5. Is a "serial bully". Has one main bully target at a time. Once he loses control of that bully target, he feels compelled to find another bully target very quickly to sink his claws into.

6. Has an exaggerated sense of self-importance, thinking that the world revolves around him. This is known as "egocentricity".

7. Is a "fantasist".

8. Glares at people with piercing eyes. Women have been known to mistake this for sexual magnetism.

9. Would unexpectedly say very hurtful things.

10. Consistently apportions blame to others when things go wrong, regardless of how logically an explanation was given - "whipping boy" - "fall guy".

11. Twists and distorts facts to his advantage.

12. Jekyll and Hyde personality. (Incidentally, Robert Louis Stevenson's fictional character was inspired by a real life psychopath that he had met but obviously the fictional character was an exaggerated version.)

13. Applies his distorted sense of reality (psychosis) to others, accusing them of faults and weaknesses that are actually his own. This is known as "projection".

14. Inability to accept responsibility or blame for his actions. He is always "in denial".

15. Can get vicious if cornered.

16. Spin a "web of deceit".

17. Has a "hidden agenda".

18. Has a "selective memory" - remembers your mistakes but forgets his own.

19. Seldom plans for the long and medium terms, believing himself to be immune to the consequences of his own actions.

20. Takes the credit for other people's work. This is known as "plagiarism".

21. Demands absolute loyalty. Only likes you if you do exactly what he wants, therefore attempting to reinforce manipulation.

22. Tries to make you feel guilty ("the guilt trip") if you protest about doing what he wants you to do. For example, saying to you "You are causing me so many problems because of your selfishness."

23. Often exhibits an unusually high level of charm. Commonly uses flattery to win people over so they can be manipulated.

24. May have an impenetrable veneer of charm, or "superficial politeness", that makes it very difficult to ask pertinent or searching questions that would reveal his true self. For example, he may constantly crack jokes or dwell on pleasantries with no substance, discussing the weather for example. A psychopathic veneer of charm may manifest itself in organisations by using glossy brochures and marketing that portrays things in an idealistic way that has little bearing on reality - "charm offensive".

25. Happy to dish out criticism or abuse - not happy to receive criticism or abuse - "do as I say, not as I do".

26. Makes an audible noise when walking around, such as humming, whistling, singing, making duck-noises or clicking fingers.

27. Uses frequent hand movements when talking.

28. Gives you a sense of being "talked at" rather than being "talked to" when the psycho engages you in conversation.

29. Inability to understand irony.

30. He can't be trusted. Breaks promises and breaches matters intended to be in confidence.

31. Stabs you in the back.

32. Fakes sincerity with great conviction. For example he may be profusely apologetic, if he is caught red-handed doing some misdemeanor, but then do the same misdemeanor the next week if he thinks he can get away with it. He is incapable of a sincere apology.

33. Lacks tact.

34. Is not a team player - he acts autocratically.

35. Is two-faced.

36. Hates people who are more talented than he is as it shows up his own inadequacies which he may in turn "project" onto that person.

37. Flies into a rage over a small problem - "nit picking".

38. Lacks any kind of personal depth.

39. Has a beaming, charismatic and even messianic smile. Any politicians spring to mind ?!

40. Gets others to do his dirty work - "attack dogs" or "hatchet men"

41. Changes the rules frequently but denies the inconsistency.

42. May plunge into detail about something without appreciating that you don't know the context.

43. May express anger because you don't know something that he assumes you know but there is no reason why you should know it and no-one has told you.

44. Interprets criticism of himself (even constructive criticism) as a personal insult or personal attack.

45. Expresses anger at emotional outbursts from others.

46. May use the word "I" or "me" frequently in conversation and with emphasis.

47. May use expressions such as "I'm just looking after number one" or "I was just following orders" as an excuse to justify abuse.

48. Rarely gets depressed.

49. Is more concerned about the welfare of an inanimate object than a human being. For example, if he witnesses a person coliding with an inanimate object and hurting themselves, he may be more concerned about possible damage to the inanimate object.

50. Likes to find out about or observe other psychopaths. For example, likes to watch Hollywood action films with psychopathic characters or read books about psychopathic historical characters such as Napoleon. Perhaps this partly explains why different psychopaths often use similar "scripts" for their deceitful practices.

51. Never remembers his own emotional outbursts or denies having them.

52. Sees things in black or white - something is either all "good" or all "evil". Does this remind you of any politicians ?

53. Lectures you endlessly until you agree. For example, think of the tendency of dictators to give speeches that go on for hours - this is "extreme lecturing".

54. Unusual or abnormal sense of direction.

55. Has little interest in making any effort to make you feel comfortable, unless he is manipulating you.

56. They can express remorse when they lose control of someone they are abusing. This is just a form of self-pity as the psycho now has to go to the trouble of "grooming" a new target.

57. Makes forced loud laughter - belly laugh

58. Excessive use of makeup. Preening. Excessive touching of hair.

59. Often attributes others to saying things about them, for example, "My mother says that I have the most lovely hair." or refers to himself in the third person.

60. Inability to say thank you. Inability to return a compliment. Inability to reciprocate or acknowledge an act of kindness.

61. May make or be seen to make token acts of kindness, for example donations to charity. However these acts are not sincere and are intended just to reinforce the psycho's pretense of being a good person or as some form of manipulation.

62. Has an abnormal "startle response" - doesn't jump or startle when we would. This is documented by professionals, but not well known among the public.

63. Abnormal sense of smell. Psychopaths may not smell things we can or not as well as we can (olifactory sense). This seems to be verified by research of psychosis variations. Excessive use of colognes, aftershave or perfumes.

64. Normal people may sense or feel the presence of "evil". It permeates from the psychopath. We react with nausea, fear, and we often say "Oh, he doesn't mean that". It is often intangible and something we can't really define.

65. Loves giving explicit details of gory operations or violent incidents that he has heard about, for example in films or on TV.

66. Thinks that normal rules of society don't apply to him - he is somehow exempt. He is not concerned with right or wrong for his own actions - only with whether he can get away with doing something without being caught. However he may insist that others adhere to strict rules of his making.

67. Dislikes plants.

68. May show an odd fascination with fire, weapons, drugs or alcohol.

69. Throws out items normally kept. Has no items or discards any with only 'sentimental connections'.

70. May have a commanding physical presence.

71. Drives recklessly

72. Homophobic (angry/protests about gays).

73. Obsession with neatness and tidyness

74. May be cruel to animals, for example, stamps on worms.

75. Thinks that it is necessary for someone else to fail for him to succeed. He will often make sure that someone fails by using deceit. A psycho manager may engineer failure in an employee by overloading with work or setting impossible deadlines.

76. Unusual fascination with body function of bowel movements.

77. Has a thing about toilets and toilet seats. They have to be cleaner than clean.

Dec 20 - 2PM
Susan32's picture

He found pregnancy repulsive

Leo Tolstoy and his wife Sofia tended to fight MORE when she was pregnant (and she bore 16 kids to him- 3 died young) In "War and Peace", Prince Andrei abandons his pregnant wife Lisa when he thinks she's "preocuppied with trivialities." He'd rather "fight in the greatest war ever." And yet Andrei is held up as thoughtful, enlightened, overflowing with divine love, and "wounded by life and love." Yeah, nothing says "wounded by love" like a guy who abandons an expectant woman. Nicolai and Princess Marya (whom he married for her $$$ and after dumping his childhood sweetheart Sonya) have more "alienation and hostility" between them when Marya is pregnant. The ex-Psych professor totally believed these things. He said he found pregnancy repulsive. He also considered infants repulsive and disgusting. No wonder I felt bad for the OW when he married her (because she was pregnant) and he had fathered twins with her. If he had mistreated her during the pregnancy and I had stayed in New Mexico, I would've treated him with the same empathy a lioness treats an antelope.
Dec 20 - 10AM
helldweller's picture


The "hand gestures while talking" is wierd. Mine does this thing where, when he talks, he sort of touches his fingertips together then fans out his fingers while gesturing. I can't really describe it, but I've never seen anything like it. He's 100% Italian, and I know that's a stereotype, but it's not like any normal gesturing I've ever seen. I thought it was the most adorable thing. Yikes. Also, did anyone else have a narc who littered? Mine, a fifty three year old judge who is obssessively neat about his home, would literally throw garbage out the car window. He even would push garbage into the street in front of his house? I would say, "That's your own street, narc." But since it wasn't actually on his lawn or in his house it was okay. He also did not have any regard for my property. As you guys know, he had no problem have messy sex on my couch or rug, putting wet drinks on my tables, etc, but god help you if you even sat on his furniture. I was just wondering if this is a part of the control, blanket disregard for property and social norms--or if it's a separate thing that's common to them all?
Dec 20 - 10AM (Reply to #40)
Used's picture


was just wondering if this is a part of the control, blanket disregard for property and social norms--or if it's a separate thing that's common to them all? NO its b/c they are all friggen nutcases
Dec 20 - 10AM (Reply to #41)
helldweller's picture


Dec 20 - 11AM (Reply to #42)
Used's picture


glad i made you laugh. i liked it as wellLOL
Dec 20 - 10AM
Susan32's picture

Some familiar ones

#50- The ex-Psych professor was fascinated with the character of Napoleon in "War and Peace." In "War and Peace", Napoleon is called "The Great Man." He was also fascinated with the psychopathic characters of Dolokhov and Anatole. He seemed to think "War and Peace" WAS real (Tolstoy called it "historical FICTION",duh) When Princess Marya cries, Tolstoy says she's lovelier than before. The ex-P felt the same way. When Tolstoy distinguishes REAL women who listen from CLEVER women, he'd say I was a clever woman, not a real one. #53- That sums up the final D&D. Endless lecturing. The ex-P fantasized about being a lecturer rather than a professor. He enjoyed attending lectures (couldn't really "get" concerts)...but couldn't stand the Q&A sessions. He'd wonder aloud why students would "challenge" professors by asking questions. When he had Q&A, he raged. #59- During the final D&D, constantly referred to himself as "the teacher." #65- During my freshman year, he was fascinated with meat eaters coming down with mad cow disease. Of course, he'd go into gory detail. He took this argument whole cloth from Cora Diamond's "Eating Animals, Eating People." But he went into the goriness unlike his mentor. He'd go into gruesome detail about "animals tearing each other apart." #72- Thanks to the ex-P homophobia now makes me nauseous. He'd rail cruelly against my gay friends, and the openly gay professor who might've been a former fling. When I snuck into a YES ON 8 rally here in California, the hatred against gays (the love of traditional marriage was nil) made me sick. #74- I think this shows the biggest difference between garden variety Narcs and Psychopaths. My ex-Narc boss and my Narc grandmother have cats. They treat their cats well. The ex-Psych professor didn't have any pets. He said animals were scared of him, or he'd rail at me "only stupid kids and dumb animals like you!" when a German shepherd followed me back to campus. I never saw him engage in open cruelty towards animals, but I know how much he hated animals and children. I think attitudes toward children should be on this list. Leo Tolstoy considered babies and the nursery disgusting... despite the fact he fathered lots of kids. The ex-Psych professor referred to children as "urchins" and "snot-nosed",then he fathered a pair a year after the D&D because... I guess I'm a goddess and I punish those who cross me that way.
Dec 20 - 8AM
truthseeker's picture

count em

he has all but 6. Holy Crap!
Dec 18 - 8PM
hooklineandsinker's picture

Definitely the piercing

Definitely the piercing eyes thing, and the fascination with serial killers etc, eg the movie Manhunter and the books of the Marquis de Sade. Was speaking with my sis on the phone a couple of days ago and I was a bit weepy about Christmas coming up and this year being such a total contrast to last year. We discussed N a bit. She told me that she had found him silent and weirdly creepy, and had felt like she was babbling in his presence, just because he sat there and didn't say much but emitted a weird sternness/aloofness which caused others to feel like they were babbling. It was kind of a relief to hear that I wasn't the only one who had had that vibe off him before. My sis is generally a very unflappable girl but she felt uncomfortable in his presence. My strategy whenever he wanted to maintain a stony silence was to react with a stony silence of my own. I'm jiggered if I'm going to take on the responsibility of keeping an entire conversation going single-handedly (with anyone, not just with him) with no effort from the other person, and especially not in a weird, hostile environment, so I used to just shut the hell up too, and let the silence reign. This was only really towards the end when the weird but subtle hostile vibes would be palpable.
Dec 18 - 10PM (Reply to #35)
Jean's picture

feeling of "babbling"

This is an interesting observation, because when I tried to tell a story - however brief - about myself to the N, I just didn't feel comfortable and it was hard to make it funny, even though it was a funny story. In fact, now that I think about it, whenever I have that feeling of "oh, I must be boring you" it's probably because the other person (or, usually asshole) is only pretending to listen but really cares very little. It's a feeling of being watched but not seen, heard but not listened to. A feeling of, what I read recently, that everything I am saying is a bit "thin." It's just a vibe from the N that nothing you say, in fact your very existence, has any worth. I suppose that from the N perspective if you are much like an object - say, a toaster or a cushion - then they are thinking, "why is this toaster speaking?" That feeling of "babbling" is one of the most uncomfortable feelings I experience. I really think the other person, knowingly or unknowingly, just wants you to stop talking and go away.
Dec 19 - 11PM (Reply to #36)
Susan32's picture

When it comes from a teacher

I attended a college that has DIALOGUE, rather than lectures, as its selling point. The classes are discussions of the teacher/teachers and students instead of lectures. The ex-Psych professor was at a college (still is) centered on dialogue, yet he had that attitude towards students... as well as his own colleagues. When one of his fellow professors said that the ex-P was "different", he was correct, and understating the case. Towards the end, during my junior year, I'd even tell the ex-P "I must be boring you." I even suggested going to another professor as an essay advisor... and he insisted that he still be my advisor. In a sense, I was ready to move on. I was even dating openly and publicly (something he complained about to his students, on class time) "That nothing you say, in fact your very existence, has any worth"-It's terrible between spouses to feel that way, or between lovers. When a student gets an "I'm worthless" vibe from a teacher, it's bad on a different level. What's worse is that the ex-P would tell me that I was empty, vapid, etc. I'd ask him, "Why am I so empty to you?" and I never got a response. His favorite literary character, the handsome and "intellectual" Prince Andrei in "War and Peace", abandons his pregnant wife when he "suddenly" realizes that she's vacant and empty,or as Andrei puts it "NOTHING." But then again, Andrei considers EVERYTHING meaningless. One apt literary commentator says that Andrei looks for the meaningless in everything. "Why is this toaster speaking?"-The ex-P compared me to a poltergeist. A poltergeist is a force instead of an object. Paranormal researchers find poltergeists a bit more challenging because they don't communicate, don't take on human form, and they do what they want... for whatever reason. I guess towards the end the ex-P thought I was like the Bride of Chucky (the doll with its own will) or Christine (the car with its own will in the Stephen King novel) "Just wants you to stop talking and go away"-That would explain why his colleagues and students, for the most part, avoided him, because they got that vibe. During my senior oral exam, the ex-P made a point of being fidgety and not paying attention. So I just ignored him, kept my composure, and engaged in dialogue with the two other professors on the committee. He wasn't worth a fight. I stayed focused on the dialogue... and acting as if he weren't there. It's an uncomfortable feeling to get from a teacher, who one would assume cares only about his students' best interests.
Dec 16 - 7PM
Happy1's picture

wow! A huge chunk of this

wow! A huge chunk of this is my N but what is really strange to me (I know it should all be strange) but my N did #26 quite frequently. He would snap his fingers while walking. This is so strange that this would be on a Narc list. I guess I don't get a connection there. But I would say almost the entire list fits him to a T. 26. Makes an audible noise when walking around, such as humming, whistling, singing, making duck-noises or clicking fingers.
Dec 16 - 4PM
Belinda's picture

check this list

Hello Everyone ! This List posted some time ago, could be of help to assist in identifying strange behaviours you have encountered. Belinda
Apr 24 - 12PM
Kelly's picture


Ummmmmm . . . Nearly 80% of this list describes my dad and about 40% is my mom . . . oy! Don't know about the toilet seat thing - - what in the world could unusually clean be? I like clean toilet seats. Isn't that just sanitary?
Apr 21 - 10AM
TexN (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


And that's after giving a couple of "maybe". Definite narc/psycho path?
Apr 21 - 1PM (Reply to #30)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


psychopath ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Apr 20 - 11PM
angela0714's picture

Only a few? He makes almost the whole list!!!

The part about people sensing evil in him really registered with me. No one in my life seemed fond of him. His eyes did permeate you and his presence could overtake a room. But not in a good way. This list scares the hell out of me. It's as if someone studied him and made it.
Apr 21 - 10AM (Reply to #28)
The Girlfriend ...
The Girlfriend of Dr Jekyl's picture

My Pathological Narcissistic Psychopathic BF too...

He IS the entire list...and then some... ...besides everything else...he has this weird thing about talking out loud to himself when he thinks I am not at home. Several times I have heard him downstairs carrying on an entire conversation with himself when he thought I was still out. (it was so strange, because I actually thought someone else was home with him...until I peeked downstairs and saw him sitting there by himself!!! He was complaining to himself about something...and answering himself back! ...also caught him masturbating to PORN on the computer (he does this all the time)...andhe was actually talking to the PORN picture as if it were a live can figure out all the 'dirty' things he was saying to 'her' while he was totally engrossed in his fantasy land...EWWWW! Forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate! :-)
Apr 20 - 8PM
loveofmylife's picture

Mine scored a 33

hmmmm.....does that mean he is still an N or has just some narcissistic characteristics?????
Apr 20 - 8PM (Reply to #23)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Definite N... possible Psychopath... still looking for excuses aren't you? ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Apr 20 - 10PM (Reply to #24)
loveofmylife's picture


:) Just want to keep making sure I'm judging this correctly....I owe that to our relationship after such a long time. It is just so incredibly hard to reverse 22 years of thinking that was ingrained into my brain and feelings that were at the cellular level. So hard. But I have come quite a long way. After reading and reading and reading and writing things out and seeing the conflicts on paper. SEeing the Cognitive Dissonance on paper, I have no more yearning, longings, missing feelings. And those feelings have been there for 22 years. So that is forward progress. I've gotten him out of the onsite work at the I don't have to see him anymore. And I have written out my plan to break contact in 3 weeks once our refinance is done. Even had to switch investors to ones that don't know him so he can't force me to put him on the Board at the company. So, definite progress..... but not all the way there yet.
Apr 21 - 12AM (Reply to #25)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


hey - I knew one of my Narcs 37 years, another 20 years... it's hard - you don't get past the brainwashing right away or the hormonal manipulation. The sooner he's totally gone and the sooner you grasp that 22 years was ALL AN ACT... the sooner you will get better. ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Apr 23 - 10AM (Reply to #26)
whitemagic's picture

Yes It Was!

whitemagic My 25 year marriage was just an act. Hard to fathom. I keep repeating it to myself. This will make it immpossible to ever enter another relationship. I wouldn't know a healthy relationship if it bit me in the ass.


Apr 20 - 8AM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Strange Narcissistic & Psychopathic Behaviors

READ TOP POST ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Nov 14 - 1AM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Psycho-Boy to a "T"

69... so let us have a moment of silence for his family... LOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Has no conscience. 2. Manipulates people by "pulling strings" or "pushing the right buttons" . 4. Is a "control freak". 5. Is a "serial bully". Has one main bully target at a time. Once he loses control of that bully target, he feels compelled to find another bully target very quickly to sink his claws into. 6. Has an exaggerated sense of self-importance, thinking that the world revolves around him. This is known as "egocentricity". 7. Is a "fantasist". 8. Glares at people with piercing eyes. Women have been known to mistake this for sexual magnetism. 9. Would unexpectedly say very hurtful things. 10. Consistently apportions blame to others when things go wrong, regardless of how logically an explanation was given - "whipping boy" - "fall guy". 11. Twists and distorts facts to his advantage. 12. Jekyll and Hyde personality. (Incidentally, Robert Louis Stevenson's fictional character was inspired by a real life psychopath that he had met but obviously the fictional character was an exaggerated version.) 13. Applies his distorted sense of reality (psychosis) to others, accusing them of faults and weaknesses that are actually his own. This is known as "projection". 14. Inability to accept responsibility or blame for his actions. He is always "in denial". 15. Can get vicious if cornered. 16. Spin a "web of deceit". 17. Has a "hidden agenda". 18. Has a "selective memory" - remembers your mistakes but forgets his own. 19. Seldom plans for the long and medium terms, believing himself to be immune to the consequences of his own actions. 20. Takes the credit for other people's work. This is known as "plagiarism". 22. Tries to make you feel guilty ("the guilt trip") if you protest about doing what he wants you to do. For example, saying to you "You are causing me so many problems because of your selfishness." 23. Often exhibits an unusually high level of charm. Commonly uses flattery to win people over so they can be manipulated. 24. May have an impenetrable veneer of charm, or "superficial politeness", that makes it very difficult to ask pertinent or searching questions that would reveal his true self. For example, he may constantly crack jokes or dwell on pleasantries with no substance, discussing the weather for example. A psychopathic veneer of charm may manifest itself in organisations by using glossy brochures and marketing that portrays things in an idealistic way that has little bearing on reality - "charm offensive". 25. Happy to dish out criticism or abuse - not happy to receive criticism or abuse - "do as I say, not as I do". 28. Gives you a sense of being "talked at" rather than being "talked to" when the psycho engages you in conversation. 29. Inability to understand irony. 30. He can't be trusted. Breaks promises and breaches matters intended to be in confidence. 31. Stabs you in the back. 32. Fakes sincerity with great conviction. For example he may be profusely apologetic, if he is caught red-handed doing some misdemeanor, but then do the same misdemeanor the next week if he thinks he can get away with it. He is incapable of a sincere apology. 33. Lacks tact. 34. Is not a team player - he acts autocratically. 35. Is two-faced. 36. Hates people who are more talented than he is as it shows up his own inadequacies which he may in turn "project" onto that person. 37. Flies into a rage over a small problem - "nit picking". 38. Lacks any kind of personal depth. 39. Has a beaming, charismatic and even messianic smile. Any politicians spring to mind ?! 40. Gets others to do his dirty work - "attack dogs" or "hatchet men" 41. Changes the rules frequently but denies the inconsistency. 42. May plunge into detail about something without appreciating that you don't know the context. 43. May express anger because you don't know something that he assumes you know but there is no reason why you should know it and no-one has told you. 44. Interprets criticism of himself (even constructive criticism) as a personal insult or personal attack. 45. Expresses anger at emotional outbursts from others. 46. May use the word "I" or "me" frequently in conversation and with emphasis. 47. May use expressions such as "I'm just looking after number one" or "I was just following orders" as an excuse to justify abuse. 49. Is more concerned about the welfare of an inanimate object than a human being. For example, if he witnesses a person colliding with an inanimate object and hurting themselves, he may be more concerned about possible damage to the inanimate object. 51. Never remembers his own emotional outbursts or denies having them. 52. Sees things in black or white - something is either all "good" or all "evil". Does this remind you of any politicians ? 53. Lectures you endlessly until you agree. For example, think of the tendency of dictators to give speeches that go on for hours - this is "extreme lecturing". 54. Unusual or abnormal sense of direction. 55. Has little interest in making any effort to make you feel comfortable, unless he is manipulating you. 56. They can express remorse when they lose control of someone they are abusing. This is just a form of self-pity as the psycho now has to go to the trouble of "grooming" a new target. 57. Makes forced loud laughter - belly laugh 59. Often attributes others to saying things about them, for example, "My mother says that I have the most lovely hair." or refers to himself in the third person. 60. Inability to say thank you. Inability to return a compliment. Inability to reciprocate or acknowledge an act of kindness. 61. May make or be seen to make token acts of kindness, for example donations to charity. However these acts are not sincere and are intended just to reinforce the psycho's pretense of being a good person or as some form of manipulation. 62. Has an abnormal "startle response" - doesn't jump or startle when we would. This is documented by professionals, but not well known among the public. 63. Abnormal sense of smell. Psychopaths may not smell things we can or not as well as we can (olifactory sense). This seems to be verified by research of psychosis variations. Excessive use of colognes, aftershave or perfumes. 64. Normal people may sense or feel the presence of "evil". It permeates from the psychopath. We react with nausea, fear, and we often say "Oh, he doesn't mean that". It is often intangible and something we can't really define. 66. Thinks that normal rules of society don't apply to him - he is somehow exempt. He is not concerned with right or wrong for his own actions - only with whether he can get away with doing something without being caught. However he may insist that others adhere to strict rules of his making. 67. Dislikes plants. 68. May show an odd fascination with fire, weapons, drugs or alcohol. 69. Throws out items normally kept. Has no items or discards any with only 'sentimental connections'. 71. Drives recklessly 72. Homophobic (angry/protests about gays). 73. Obsession with neatness and tidyness 74. May be cruel to animals, for example, stamps on worms. 75. Thinks that it is necessary for someone else to fail for him to succeed. He will often make sure that someone fails by using deceit. A psycho manager may engineer failure in an employee by overloading with work or setting impossible deadlines. 77. Has a thing about toilets and toilet seats. They have to be cleaner than clean. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Abuse Information Site Online Coaching & Help
Apr 23 - 8AM (Reply to #18)
TexN (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


What do you think is the deal with directions? My home town is so small, it literally has one blinking light (doesn't even turn green!) & every time we went home for holidays, that idiot couldn't remember which way to go. His other ex gf said when he lived with her, he would go pick up pizza or something from the store & he'd call her & ask her how to get back home! They think they are so smart...they're a bunch of idiots! (I would tell the N he would get lost in a punch bowl!) lol!
Apr 23 - 9AM (Reply to #20)
sanctuary's picture

"...get lost in a punch

"...get lost in a punch bowl." I love that! Thanks for the laugh.
Apr 23 - 9AM (Reply to #19)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


directions? well if you live 24/7 in the land of delusions... REAL directions would be out of your grasp, wouldn't they? and DO watch what you say around your DD. Just acting like he's dead & doesn't exist around her works. If she asks you just say "I don't know honey" and then redirect the subject ASAP. ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Nov 13 - 4PM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

pathological behaviors

READ LIST AT TOP ~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Abuse Information Site Online Coaching & Help
Nov 14 - 6AM (Reply to #14)
Scoop's picture

My narc has contacted me(

My narc has contacted me( although i said dont but that doesnt register with him) saying he is seeking counciling .He said he has been in denile for a long time and that he knows he need help . I am reminded of the post on here on how they stage their return and i clearly remember that saying they will get help is one of their tricks . I admit that i would have never thought in a hundred years he would admit he needs help . Having said he has most of the above symptoms i would say he will never be right . After 4 d&d i cant do another one . Any comments Scoop x
Nov 14 - 11AM (Reply to #15)
quietude (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Yes...please do not reply to him. Ignore. Mine did the same thing a while back, so gentle and normal acting in his approach, wanted to go to couples counseling, wanted me not to give up on something so great...blah, blah, blah. Mine in a TRILLION years would never admit he needs help, as a matter of fact, he would 'boast' about how his culture (from another country), are self-sufficient, salt-of-the-earth types. They just 'don't do' getting help. They are all about DIY! Anyway...The BAD thing for him is, I've heard it all before, and he again and again soon reverted to his old ways as soon as he had me 'secured'. I bet my savings that if you were to follow that path again, it would lead you back to these boards in just a matter of time, sorry to say.