What a beautiful email in my box

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#1 Mar 28 - 10AM
Goldie's picture

What a beautiful email in my box

Hi there Goldie !

I am about 14 months out !!! :))))))))) I am 95% past this chapter of my life!!! I owe my recovery to God, Lisa ,You and my Goldie's Support Group partner/ Friend/ Sister Cathy!!

I met quite a few hurdles and blocks along the way but never ever ,ever looked back ,thank God to this day I was major Hoover free! I am so grateful for this horrendous experience because I am in love with who came out on the other side. I have since begun Graduate school, started my own lucrative business to help give me a new vision for my life, lost 13lbs and began dating again as of two months ago. Taking a year off from trying to cultivate a relationship with a man was pivotal in my process, I cultivated a relationship with myself. I am still a narc magnet in some instances however I have also been attracting quality men but most importantly I only acknowledge and leave myself open to men that truly appreciate ,like and love themselves and thus possibly capable of giving me the same. This process is not without hurdles however the hurdles serve as reminders that i was on the right path and would survive these principals actually served to help me thrive, so the pain is not for nothing and the suffering is a choice the path forward reminded me of my ptions when I felt I had None. I can actually say i am on to a new chapter of my life and it feels damn Yummy, may I have some for please!!!! Some directions of the site I became confused about however so many other aspects show you guys are God sent and really have something special going on there !!!!

Thanks for reaching out and thank you all for being you!!!!