Saw him yesterday/BAD IDEA/MESS.

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#1 Dec 18 - 8AM
NessMIA's picture

Saw him yesterday/BAD IDEA/MESS.

AS many as you know we were both in a wedding last night...and I should've bailed. But I didn't. and this morning I am paying for it.

He did it. He made a mess! No I didn't have a psycho attack or anything, but he was on his A game with the mind playing. As soon as he saw me he approached me and told me I look really great and he couldn't believe how great my hair looked, and that he was shocked etc. Then he started talking to me as if nothing had happened, telling me about work, his annoying neighbors, then he hugged me and told me he missed me, and said his dog had been really sad and missing me and waiting by the door for me. I took the bait, and reacted, and told him I missed him too, and started paying attention to him (BIG MISTAKE.)

That was half the night, I decided to stay for the dinner after the ceremony as things were going fine (bIG MISTAKE #2), as the night progressed he kept avoiding me more and more--I went to the bathroom and cried. He kept making me weaker and weaker throughout the night, and kept acting meaner, including "we can't hang out." "it'll never be the same, just so you know."

I left shortly after that. I looked at my phone and his mom had texted me (I deleted her, but recognized her number) with "Hi, I've been thinking and praying for you. I hope you are doing well! I know you probably don't want to reply to this message, I understand." (I am sure he told her I have a mental illness.LOL.)

I woke up with major anxiety, waking up several times throughout the night. Dreaming of him. Breaking NC was a terrible idea, and I never want to do it again. He leaves to see his family for the holidays this Thursday and will be there for about 10 days--that will help! I also found out last night that he had been without a phone for a week because it "broke" but I am pretty sure he threw it against the wall/floor during one of his tantrums.

Oh yes and he kept talking throughout the night how he is applying for a new job in other cities, and really wants to move to Seattle as soon as the holidays are over.

How do I get through this day? I am stressed, and have anxiety. I don't really want to go anywhere either..

Dec 19 - 3AM
Alissa's picture

Hi Ness, day 2!!! How are you

Hi Ness, day 2!!! How are you today? ((( Hugs!!! ))) Alissa
Dec 19 - 9AM (Reply to #35)
NessMIA's picture

Better than I was yesterday!

Better than I was yesterday! But not feeling so great! Mornings are usually very rough for me! I get better throughout the day!!
Dec 18 - 9PM
ReclaimingPower's picture

Day One - A New Beginning

I think the N experience has aged/jaded me cause last night I caught myself checking like a worried mother hen to see if you posted. ;) I can't imagine that there's even one person on this board who didn't know what you were up against and didn't privately think you'd be able to walk away clean last night. We've ALL been there. It doesn't matter how much you read and hear, there's this little hopeful girl inside us (or boy in the opposite case) that so wants to believe the N is not really an N and that they just had to get their sh*t together and see what they almost lost. You know what, I don't believe that fairy tale anymore. If that situation ever happened to me again, I would never take them back. I would never want to have to think twice about whether I could trust a man or not. No second chances. But to get to this point where I established this firm boundary based on self respect and self love (which was ALIEN to me before), I had to give the N that second chance. Now if a good guy should screw up and falls victim to this rule in the future, I'm willing to live with that and walk away because I'm going to be dead clear on that boundary from the start. Today is the first day of NessMIA boot camp. I like to call this weigh in day (like Weight Watchers!). You feel HORRIBLE and ashamed getting on that scale, stick with it and every day that passes, and every week you stay on plan, you lose weight and look better and better until you are a brand new you. So, every day you stay NO CONTACT and every week that passes and you STAY NO CONTACT you are going to not only FEEL great and EMPOWERED you are going to start looking even better too...there will be an inner glow returning. Baby steps. Today is DAY ONE. How did you do? Did you talk to him in any way? Text him? Email him? (((Hugs)))
Dec 19 - 4AM (Reply to #33)
nomoredenial's picture

reclaiming power

you said it well
Dec 18 - 9PM (Reply to #30)
NessMIA's picture

THANK YOU! and you are

THANK YOU! and you are right..that tiny little hope..but after last night and how I felt today..NEVER NEVER! I hate that I had to go through what I went through last night to say "oh yeah, not a good idea," but I wrote it down on a journal so I can go back to it every time! I was a mess this morning but after a great 1:1 with goldie, and reading the forum..listenng to music, and talking to friends, I am feeling better. I have NOT died, I am still here, and I will be here tomorrow. One day at a time. Baby steps! He has not attempted to contact me today...but his phone is broken, but I have not and do not feel tempted to go see him at all. I feel empowered because I know that's what he is trying to do to me! to confuse me enough so that I find myself outside his door begging him...and then he can kick me out like a dog and call me a clingy psycho. SORRY N, NOT FALLING FOR IT!! *hugs*
Dec 18 - 9PM (Reply to #31)
ReclaimingPower's picture

Yesterday's sting will take

Yesterday's sting will take you far...I'm still icing my own but it's more a permanent memory now so I don't forget. I know the day is coming when I will run into him again and simply want to walk on by with no reaction. I kinda think things are meant to be, and there's no way you could've really skipped the wedding. So in essence, the universe validated this man is unsalvageable so you could really move forward in your healing and not be stuck wondering. That is a gift too. Congrats on DAY ONE COMPLETION of NO CONTACT! WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!! Now on to Day Two! :))) You go girl!
Dec 18 - 9PM (Reply to #32)
NessMIA's picture

THANK YOU! I agree! He also

THANK YOU! I agree! He also owed me money and he paid me back yesterday--so now REALLY no reason to contact me at all (taking bets that he will!)
Dec 18 - 12PM
Done sourcing
Done sourcing's picture

Is his Mom a Narc also?

Is his Mom a Narc also? Normal people can pray for you without letting you know. especially if they are aware and concerned for your feelings. She is a triggering mechanism also. It sounds like you might need to do what I had to do, which is go no contact with the exnw's parents. It wasn't good for me, especially the Mother in Law...She is Narcish and plays everybody...deleted now from my life. So you had a bad night, we knew it would be difficult. One wedding, over now. No big deal. He is still a Narc, and when we let them in they do what they always do, twist, distort, lie, use, abuse, torture, and mind fuck us. And they do it naturally. We don't say no contact/no response just for fun. We say it because nothing else works. It is the last house on the block. If it was easy we wouldn't need this board, or each other. But it is hard for many reasons. Magical thinking. Cognitive Dissonance. Lonliness. Feelings of imperfection. The need for acceptance. The desire to help. The need to feel loved. Emotional connectedness. Intimacy. Wanting to be good enough. Wanting a partner. So maybe we explore what they really give us instead of what we want them to give us. That is the litmus test. Truly looking at what we really get from them! Is it real, or is it wishful thinking. In my case I had to go back to the very beginning when I felt loved and safe. I chased that feeling for years. And we had a kid. And our lives were joined. And I tried to make the best of it. And sometimes I mourned that what I thought I had never existed in the first place. Acceptance of what really is versus living in the dream world of what I wanted it to be, that is the discomfort that kept me squirming, and kept me answering the phone when she would call. "Maybe now I can get what I wanted all along", I would think. Foolish but understandable until I did the work and uncovered all of my truths. And saw the relationship for what it really was, instead of what I wanted it to be. Anyways, let yesterday go, it's gone now. Lessons learned don't need to be taught again. That is our choice...if we learn we can grow. We need to keep doing good things for ourselves everyday. ds
Dec 18 - 12PM (Reply to #28)
NessMIA's picture

oh and I don't think his mom

oh and I don't think his mom is a Narc, she is a very weak co-dependant woman...--from what I know, had a terrible marriage with my N's dad, and they divorced when he was young. N does not have a relationship with his dad, nor has he talked to him years.
Dec 18 - 12PM (Reply to #27)
NessMIA's picture

Thank you for your kind

Thank you for your kind words. My therapist said I was co-dependent, and asked me to join CoDa, and tomorrow will be my second meeting. I am looking forward to it. For was about companionship, and having someone to do things with, feeling like I was part of something..
Dec 18 - 9AM
ruby01 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


You had a plan, but you didn't stick to it and you got burned. That's how it will play out again and again until you truly understand the role you are playing. I don't want to beat up on you because I know how much it hurts, but you did get advice prior and you had a plan to leave immediately. You were aware of the consequences if you didn't stick to it. Ask yourself what made you stay and be honest. You have to recognize whatever caused you to become vulnerable so you are aware of what weakens you. The man is a POS. I don't believe that "his Mom" texted you at this same period of time, missing you as well as the dog? He does seem to really miss your hair, LOL! He is a lie. Remember that. Believe that. I hate to see anyone go through this, but the truth is that you are whole and therefore much stronger. He can't take you down. NEVER come in contact with him EVER again from this day forward. That's the only way to deal with him and not get hurt. xxx, Ruby
Dec 18 - 9AM (Reply to #22)
NessMIA's picture

I wanted him to ask me to

I wanted him to ask me to come back. Simple as that...and as sick as it sounds. I know he has a disease, and I've been educating myself on it, but I really really need to continue, because it has obviously not "stuck" to me. I am also very much in denial that this is all happening, and I won't see him again. It pains me.
Dec 18 - 10AM (Reply to #23)
ruby01 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I truly feel for you

I can not count the times I went back. I wasted 12 years in denial. It only gets sicker and more hurtful. He won't stop. He is actually enjoying the game, while causing you to suffer. It's all up to you. Please don't let this take any more of your precious life. He is undeserving of your thoughts.
Dec 18 - 10AM (Reply to #24)
NessMIA's picture

I wish I could delete him

I wish I could delete him from my mind..and heart. I am hurting very much today.
Dec 18 - 12PM (Reply to #25)
ruby01 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


The mind is incredibly powerful, use every ounce of it to your advantage.
Dec 18 - 9AM
Hunter's picture

This guy is text book.. His

This guy is text book.. His mother sent you a text? He has mommy issues it's part of it.. Read, Read, Read... Sam Vaknin and Thomas are my favorites.. You need to detach ... Understand this person has a disorder..he can't be fixed.. The good news . You can.. Hunter
Dec 18 - 9AM (Reply to #20)
NessMIA's picture

Watching Thomas videos right

Watching Thomas videos right now. Oh yes mommy issues for sure.... he still sends her a christmas list of things he wants, and she pays his cable (even though he is perfectly capable...financially..)
Dec 18 - 9AM
TNR1's picture

Hey Nessa....I would use your

Hey Nessa....I would use your journal to write it all down and get it all out (if you haven't already). That way, if he tries again....weeks/months later, you will be able to look back on some concrete proof of his games. Believe me, writing it out is important because we oftentimes forget how truly bad it was and hold onto what was good. It will also allow you to write out some feelings or say some things that may not be appropriate for this board. What you experienced is something many of us have gone through...the Narc coming back and acting all sweet and then BAM...they turn cold in an instant. The one thing I want to make very clear is that his change in reaction to you has absolutely NOTHING to do with you or who you are....this is his disorder. Be grateful you have seen in one night such a clear indication of why this man is poison for you. Embrace that he is the one who lost out because he is a Narcissist and move forward with your head held high knowing that you now have the chance to start your life free of his toxic ways. HUGS.
Dec 18 - 9AM (Reply to #17)
NessMIA's picture

Thank you! I will write in my

Thank you! I will write in my journal today, and stay close to the forum. I need all the support I can get. I hate this addiction I have to him, and I hate that he continues to sleep, eat, and do aily activities as if nothing has happened, and here I am not wanting to get out of bed.
Dec 18 - 9AM (Reply to #18)
TNR1's picture

I hate this addiction I have

I hate this addiction I have to him, and I hate that he continues to sleep, eat, and do aily activities as if nothing has happened, and here I am not wanting to get out of bed. Hey's not possible for someone who experiences deep feelings to move forward the way a Narc does. My point not hate your will end up being much stronger because of it, while he will simply go from supply to supply, manipulating everyone in his path.
Dec 18 - 9AM
Victim-no-more's picture

I can relate to the pain and

I can relate to the pain and anxiety you feel. I received an email I wasn't expecting yesterday, not sure if you saw the post but I was so distraught all day, crying, etc.....last night what I did was I went on you tube and watched every video I could find by Sam Vaknin and Thomas Sheridan and I literally watched from about 8pm until 1am....if my eyes could have stayed open longer I would have continued. Like people say on here, knowledge is power,it really does help relieve just a wee bit of the pain and keeps your mind occupied. It also provides some answers to many of the "whys". Today I woke up feeling ok....when you have the time, try watching some of the really does help somehow. Hugs:)
Dec 18 - 9AM (Reply to #13)
NessMIA's picture

I just saw the post :( I wish

I just saw the post :( I wish I had advice for you!! But I will take your advice and start watching those videos now...I need it. I'm a mess right now.
Dec 18 - 10AM (Reply to #14)
blueworld's picture


i noticed how when i offered you advice yesterday and the long post you ignored me completely.
Dec 18 - 10AM (Reply to #15)
NessMIA's picture

I read it, it was not

I read it, it was not ignored. I was checking from my phone and thought I had replied..
Dec 18 - 8AM
janemarie's picture

You get thru the day knowing

You get thru the day knowing that the wedding you were stressing about is over and you no longer have to face him ever again!!! It's uphill from that should feel liberating!! Remain NC...beginning right now...and you will prevail!! You are sooooo lucky that he wants to move to another city...that is such a blessing!! I live in the same town as the exn...and I dread going out anywhere knowing I could bump into him..or even worse, he and the any time!! I have anxiety every time I leave this damn house!! You have brighter days ahead of you...focus on the prize cause you are on your way!!!
Dec 18 - 8AM (Reply to #9)
NessMIA's picture

That's a great way of looking

That's a great way of looking at it! I am trying to make myself cry because I feel like my chest is ALL IN KNOTS, but I can;t? I don't know if I am sad, mad or stressed...or what! He is moving to another city to get new supply!!! It will be a long time before he can get someone here--as all of his friends here jumped to my defense when all of this happened. That had never happened to him before..
Dec 18 - 8AM (Reply to #11)
janemarie's picture

Good Riddens!!!

The further he is away from you the less chance you have of him ever hurting you again!!! Whatever his reason is for doing so....take it as a blessing!!!
Dec 18 - 8AM (Reply to #10)
jackguy's picture

the grief will come ness

the grief will come ness...and you will start to identify what you're feeling...grief, rage, everyone says it is good he may be moving...although he may stick around ... they often make statements about plans that never happen...
Dec 18 - 8AM
onwithmylife's picture


From now on you will need to be no contact for life, i wrote a reply to Ruby01 posting on incredibly calculating,maintaining no contact for life and learned the hard way after 3 years out, it is a setback for you and me both but we will recover and move on but no more contact with the man for me and should be for you as well, they are diseased, disordered men and will always be that way. there is no hope for their recovery but there is for US...............
Dec 18 - 8AM (Reply to #6)
NessMIA's picture

NC for life is the only

NC for life is the only option. Only option. My N is the devil.