HE'S DEAD.....

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#1 Apr 25 - 5AM
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

HE'S DEAD.....

they called me and said he was sinking fast.....he died while i was on the phone with them......about 5:13......
i want to report this because i may not remember and might forget......
i felt lighter when he died....just suddenly....

Apr 26 - 4PM
narcnarcwhosthere (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

it never ends.........

he refused to have anything to do with his children....he refused to pay child support....when he was dying i tried to get those girls some closure and called their mother, his ex....the girls did come to see him.....and talked about having a service for him......so today i emailed his ex and asked her what they had in mind, because i thought they'd want his damn ashes for any SERVICE they were planning........and she emailed me and just unloaded on me....blaming me for his years of bad behavior!!..the bastard lived in the basement for the last three years of THEIR marriage...guess that's my fault too!!... it's pretty typical that he was always looking for someone to blame for his nasty behavior..usually me..... but it really pisses me off that his ex wife is now looking to make his stinking carcass into a SAINT...and blame me for his bad behavior...including his bad behavior from before i ever knew him....... screw them all.......
Apr 26 - 2PM
narcnarcwhosthere (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

i got into his email!!

the bastard.....his Vonage voicemail was going to his email..and you can play them online....he's got calls on there from three different women.....'when you gonna call me back baby?'......'is that fucking bitch still stalking you?'.....and one that said..'i've got some xanax, call me'......she's the one i called first with the bad news........that bastard...that nasty bastard........
Apr 26 - 6PM (Reply to #37)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


OMFG - this is hysterical & terrifying at the same time. Stalking? talk about projection - HE WAS STALKING YOU... the ex wife must have been so brainwashed she never got over it. Still think you should have his ashes delivered to his sister! ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Apr 26 - 3PM (Reply to #36)
quietude (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


That must have been really creepy. I'm glad you're going through everything to gather any info. that might come in handy, but wow...that must be really tough, and surreal. "When you gonna call me back, baby?" Errrrr, how do you answer that one?!!
Apr 26 - 10AM
TexN (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I know you're not in position to write a book but maybe someday you should consider writting a book about your life with a psychopath. It is truly unbelievable! You are so good at putting your words & thoughts together, I'm sure you'll do a good job at it. For now, I hope you can finally see the light! (Can you give Barbara permission to give me your email address? :)
Apr 27 - 7AM (Reply to #34)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

writing the 'book'

she already did write about it: http://trubblescatboxandotherabusive.blogspot.com/2010/02/redrum-redrum-redrumwhat-happens-when.html http://trubblescatboxandotherabusive.blogspot.com/2010/02/redrum-redrum-redrumpart-two.html http://trubblescatboxandotherabusive.blogspot.com/2010/02/redrum-redrum-redrumthe-psychopath.html http://trubblescatboxandotherabusive.blogspot.com/2010/02/redrum-redrum-redrumpart-four.html http://trubblescatboxandotherabusive.blogspot.com/2010/02/redrum-redrum-redrumpart-five.html http://trubblescatboxandotherabusive.blogspot.com/2010/02/redrum-redrum-redrumpart-six.html http://trubblescatboxandotherabusive.blogspot.com/2010/02/redrum-redrum-redrumpart-seven.html ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Apr 27 - 1AM (Reply to #31)
wallaby (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


We are actually talking about a couple projects involving NarcNarc - one is a documentary - would love to have you involved in that - GullableGull has contacted me as well - and I have tossed idea around some with some film folks as well as Barbara - when I get a spare moment I will begin putting a strategy together for that. The other is a screenplay (movie) not necessarily just on NN- but her story would certainly be a big part of it. I look forward to focusing on these projects in a few weeks when I get some time on my hands. WOuld be eager to connect with you TexN on your story as well.
Apr 27 - 12PM (Reply to #33)
TexN (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Absolutely! Get my info from Barbara. Have you ever read my story?
Apr 27 - 12PM (Reply to #32)
TexN (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Absolutely! Get my info from Barbara. Have you ever read my story? Its under NanC.
Apr 26 - 1PM (Reply to #29)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


narcnarc tried to write you and hasn't heard back I just sent you her email ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Apr 27 - 1PM (Reply to #30)
TexN (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Yes, thank you

We exchanged emails.
Apr 26 - 9AM
neveragain5's picture

Physical evidence of the

Physical evidence of the lengths they will go to IS shocking and even more so, is the fact that they get away with it, while the truly innocent victims suffer.
Apr 26 - 9AM
narcnarcwhosthere (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

a look into the mind of a psychopath

wow.....i had taken a bunch of paperwork from his rat hole last week...went through some of it last night.... he was writing letters to the IRS...trying to shove his old tax debt onto me.... he was writing letters to creditors...trying to shove his debts off onto me.... he was looking up people from years ago...sending them emails...telling them how i had abused him..... i'm just.....i can't even describe it...it's not that i didn't know what he was capable off...not that i didn't assume he was doing this sort of thing....it's just the seeing it in writing....in his own words.. it was shocking.....his viciousness...just beyond the scope of my imagination
Apr 26 - 10AM (Reply to #26)
sanctuary's picture

It never ceases to amaze

It never ceases to amaze me....just when you think they couldn't possibly go any lower, they always manage to find a way!! They ARE truly evil!!!
Apr 26 - 5AM
grossot's picture


I had a dream quite a few weeks ago. I felt like I was having an outer body experience. I was in a boiling pool of blood with skeletons staring at me. I was shaking and terrified. I believe that God wanted me to have empathy for N seeing from his perception what he was facing after death. This is the closest thing I have to understanding hell. I truly feel that I had an opportunity through that dream to experience the pure fear of Hell. Saying BEN's name to PsychoNarc was a moot point. That was for you. Mike is dead. We don't know but we c, assume he is in Hell. I don't know what your beliefs are NarcNarc and I certainly do not mean to offend you. I just want you to heal. If I didn't have so many lawyers bills I would send you $ bc I know you are a sincere person who really is financially struggling. I don't know why good people have to suffer. I do know this is your chance. Your story has made quite an impression on my life and I'm positive others' have been touched by your story as well. No matter what you're feeling right now, he cannot hurt you ever again. Yes, choices he made when he was alive still linger. Here's wishing you the strength to change that. Your choices cannot be damned by him EVER again! http://hubpages.com/hub/Married-to-a-Narcissist?preview nolongercontrolled
Apr 26 - 4AM
narcnarcwhosthere (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

my PTSD is in turbo mode.........

last night i had dreams...i HOPE they were dreams... he was here...GRINNING at me...that wide toothy grin...pleased with himself..... i woke up at 2, shaking....almost in hysterics.... watching him die was even more horrible than watching him live...someone LIVING without remorse or regret or apology is one thing.....but watching someone who has done the things he's done DIE the same way...... i can't even begin to explain how it felt.... i wish i had it all on videotape...for Dr. Robert Hare to see....i bet even he has never witnessed a psycopath dying..manipulating, lying , conning to the very end..... i didn't want to see his carcass...because i feel it's safe to assume he went with a smirk on his face....
Apr 26 - 3AM
Empathy's picture

ding dong the NARC is dead WOO!

This is a day to be happy as it is the start of your new life. I wish you all the best.
Apr 25 - 11PM
baddream's picture

A new life

I am sorry for your loss and pain, and hope and pray that today is the first day of a new and better life for you.
Apr 25 - 12PM
TexN (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


My thoughts are with you. Please get my email from Barbara & let me know if there's anything i can help you with...
Apr 25 - 10AM
foolmeonce's picture

Social Security Benefits

Are you going to get any social security benefits??? It's not much, but may help you. I'm sorry for the hell you have been through. Maybe now the healing can begin.
Apr 25 - 4PM (Reply to #17)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


social security only pays a little over $200 for death benefit ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Apr 25 - 4PM (Reply to #18)
better off
better off's picture

But will she get anything

But will she get anything monthly now that he's dead? Or do they already have to be on SS then?
Apr 25 - 4PM (Reply to #19)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


she is disabled but cannot afford a doctor to diagnose her so she can get SSDI She was turned down for SSI because she has no children She was denied Medicaid because she has no children She will get ZERO monthly because of his death. ZERO. ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Apr 25 - 10AM
narcsurvivor's picture

Finally! I hope that in the

Finally! I hope that in the coming days you will feel a tremendous sense of relief such as you have never felt before and that you will be able to start picking up the pieces of your life and rebuilding a life where you will be at peace somehow.
Apr 25 - 8AM
narcnarcwhosthere (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

a not so merry widow..........

he was unresponsive all day yesterday....i thought about going out there.....but it was pouring down rain...i couldn't afford the gas, etc.... this morning they called and i was going to go out there...for the famous final scene....but i could hear another nurse talking in the background...saying i could never get there in time.....the first nurse asked me if i wanted to say anything to him...because hearing is the last thing to go....so i said yes....please hold the phone to his ear.....and i said.. 'mike...can you hear me?..are you AVAILABLE?..i hope you can hear me........BEN...BEN...BEN....' i wanted that to be the last thing he ever heard....BEN'S name....i hope it's the last thing the murderous bastard heard....my baby's name....... i still don't feel like justice was served...he didn't suffer enough....there was no confession.....no apology....and whether he's dead or alive....he did what he set out to do...he completely destroyed my life....he did it....that isn't changed by his death.....if he'd died a year or so ago, when i could still afford the insurance premiums...i wouldn't have a care left in this world......he always said that when he was through with me i would be destroyed...and it's true...he skipped out.....taking no debt...no responsbility...he just once again strolled off into the sunset...leaving someone else to shovel up the mess.... i hate him more today than i ever have.........
Apr 25 - 10AM (Reply to #14)
neveragain5's picture

Finally, you will not live

Finally, you will not live in fear for yourself or your pets. I hope that you will be able to rest-up and the aftermath will not be hard on you. Maybe when things are better, you can write a book and spread your message to others. You have a knack for writing and a powerful message to send.
Apr 25 - 9AM (Reply to #11)
sanctuary's picture

I'm so glad he's gone. The

I'm so glad he's gone. The fact the you immediately felt lighter at least is a first step to scraping the scum of him off of you. I don't think he ever could've ever suffered enough to even come close to paying back what he did to you and Ben. Even if he was like that for months. Sometimes people talk about healing and getting back to the people we were before the N's. It's not possible. They have damaged us forever. We may get better, we may learn and move on, we may even heal some what, but we are forever changed. I'm glad he's dead. My love and support are with you.
Apr 27 - 2PM (Reply to #12)
hope4me's picture

i agree

I agree with what you say about trying to heal and get back to who we were before being impossible. I am so jaded and I trust noone. I have learned a huge, valuable lesson, that being never let your guard down. I hate the fact that if I see one little flaw in someone I immediately run and think the worst. It's that damage you talk about, it is done and can't be erased.
Apr 27 - 5PM (Reply to #13)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

can't be erased

but can be managed ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Apr 25 - 8AM (Reply to #10)
Monica's picture

Narcnarc....I think justice HAS been served

You can now find peace. He can never cause you pain and suffering ever again. You can now move on without him constantly being there in the shadows, waiting to pounce, to cause you more harm and destruction. He may have completely destroyed your life but now you can pick up the pieces and put yourself and your life back together again knowing he will never again be able to tear it all down when you rebuild. I am not surprised he did not confess or apologize. I wonder if any of them even do that, even on their deathbed. This shows you how disordered he was, how intent he was to set out and destroy you, how he never truly cared about you, even when death was at his door. There has to be a soul, a conscience, for there to be a request for forgiveness, for there to be apologies. They have no soul. They are without conscience. He can never hurt anyone ever again. I am so sorry that you have a mess to "shovel up." This time is different, though. Once you are done shoveling, it will be clean and clear. He can no longer throw more muck on the pile for you to shovel up. Once it's done, it's done. And you can move on to brighter and better things.