Narc fathers

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#1 Dec 7 - 5PM
jen79's picture

Narc fathers

I thought that might be worth writing it again down here.

My father has now to pay my study credit, since I am not able to pay it back at the moment.

My mother will pay the half of it too, she of course insisted on helping me, but he instead called all my sisters (I didnt give him my number) and complaining about how awfull and stupid I am.

Little backstory. I lived with my grandmother since I was 13, everyone of us, my sisters, tried to leave the house as early as possible, cause it was impossible to live with a violent raging narc all the time.

My mom later divorced him, but I stayed with my gran cause of the nice school I attended.

So then my grandmother got cancer when I was 16, she died when i was 18, a half year befor I finished school, my mother payed the rent of her so I could continue there, but my father didnt pay anything. I was almost starving this time, I started stealing food, friends of mine gave me food and so did some teachers at school. I have no idea how I survived that...

And he didnt care at all, all those years, but when I started studying law, he suddenly wanted contact again, calling me for legal advice and I had to write letters for him, but he never helped me with money.

Now he is building his second house with his new wife, he still gets money for being a widdower, his last wife died of cancer.

And now he is calling my sisters up and complaining. You know all those years he only stayed in contact with those sisters who had money. They are still in denial, or were, till I told them, he only comes to you for money, you know. They started thinking about it, and slowely they realized that might be true.

Cause deep in them they thought, brainwashed kids they are, he stayed in touch with them cause they are the BETTER daughters.

But then they realized, money is all he wants, and maybe a feeling of being a good father.

My mom told me recently, he always thought he is a great dad, he thought we the kids are having much more than he ever had as a poor kid, so instead of being happy about that, he always used to say, those kids have TOO much, they doing TOO well, like we were spoiled or anything, but we really werent, we were poor. And we certainly didnt get enough love from him.

Just writing it all out, cause this is in my mind now for so long.

Dec 14 - 11PM
M's picture

Breisis & Jen

Thank you for your advice. At 7 she has already said, "He wants me to say 'Ciao'. I don't want to." (He thinks he's some great Italian.) "I told her she could just say goodnight if she wants. It's her choice. Any advice adult children of N's could give us non-disordered parents---please do!!!
Dec 14 - 3PM
Susan32's picture

Father Figures

The ex-Psych professor was 15 years my senior, so he definitely took advantage of the fact of being a teacher/father figure. It was a position of authority. He compared himself and I to Leo and Sofia Tolstoy... who also had that age difference (she was 18 and he was 34 when they married) Sofia idolized Leo before she married him;she had memorized his "Childhood." Of course, he took advantage of the fact she admired him as a genius. Father figures are a common motif in Tolstoy's writing. In "Family Happiness", Masha is told by her older husband (who's old enough to be her father) what will make her happy. HE defines her happiness. He doesn't try to empathize. As one commentator said, the husband acts as "spouse, mentor and father." In "Anna Karenina",both Anna and Kitty are married to men old enough to be their fathers. When Levin courts Kitty, he remembers how she was once a baby in a cradle. In "War and Peace", the Narc Andrei is older than Natasha, and her parents are concerned about their engagement. The engagement makes Natasha vulnerable to the psychopathic Anatole, who likes "young girls." Andrei treats his pregnant wife Lisa like a child. Andrei hates his wife... because his father does. Nikolenka, the offspring of Andrei&Lisa, is left an orphan because Andrei dies of his wounds and Lisa dies in childbirth. Narcissism literally makes Nikolenka an orphan. In the first epilogue, Nikolenka dreams of glory and hopes he will make his father proud of him. Nikolenka idolizes Pierre as a father figure. I found it ironic that the ex-P D&D'd me for a woman only 5 years his junior. They were basically of the same generation. The ex-P seemed to have father issues himself. He'd say how he was envious and admiring of his father (who IS famous and respected) A year after the D&D, he was palling around with his father... because his colleagues abandoned him. The ex-P wanted a woman who was like his father. I once remember joking to the ex-P that he must've sprung from his father's head, fully grown, as Athena sprung from the head of Zeus, since he barely mentioned his father. "My heart belongs to Daddy"-Great American songwriter Cole Porter
Dec 10 - 4PM
jen79's picture

OMG I just had a revelation

writing with a good gf from baggage reclaim. Her mother just died, and she made peace with her, I telling her about my N father, saying I wish I could find (like her) at least one good thing about him to forgive him but I cannot. And she said, well who wouldnt like to have daughter like you, only idiots wouldnt. And my reaction was, yes yes, as a person of course, but the rest? And then bham!!! Which rest? There you go, thats the seed he has implanted in me, isnt the person the most important thing, but thats what was ignored all along, all what mattered was, what we did, what we achieved. Being the person I am, thats important, not the achievements. Heard so often, but its now that I realized the correlation here.
Dec 10 - 1PM
Goldie's picture

Root of the problem

Good topic. I posted some stuff about my father, under the wrong topic I think. I was on a roll and felt so connected with the truth that day. I think it is under Betty's post about acceptance, cuz that is a difficult topic for me. Had my father not been so condescending, ragefull, and treated me like my feelings were invisible, I don't think my self esteem would have been so low. I was like a magnot for these freaks cuz I wanted to be loved and accepted so badly by my father. This is a beginning, acceptance and acklowledgement of the shame and horror that was my childhood. Thanks for the topic, it is totally on point for me. God bless, Goldie
Dec 10 - 2PM (Reply to #34)
jen79's picture

Goldie Narc fathers

Its true, we have to consider that topic too, in case we had a Narc father, its inevitable considering the repetition compulsion to write the wrongs of the past right. We feel so low because of them cause of introjection of the agressor, or identification with the agressor, these are two theories in psychology, identification is from freud, and introjection from ferenci (I think that was his name, not sure). Its says in a nutshell, cause the agressor doesnt feel any guilt, the victim, the child is taking the guilt instead, it either identifies itself with the narc parent, to cope, or it introject the personality of the N parent, so it becomes a part of the own personality, a fragmented self. We can hear that as this negging voice, saying you are not good enough, you are a loser and so on...this underlying feeling of being unworthy, comes from that. I think reparenting is a good option, to talk again with our inner child, as if we were the parents, or imagine what kind of father we would liked to have in past, and what this kind of father would say now to us. All these theories above are also in correlation with stockholm syndrom. So we didnt suffer from stockholm syndrom the first time in our lifes, we suffered already from it...with our N parents.
Dec 8 - 4AM
jaycee's picture

Jen you are amazing

Jen I just read your post, you are an amazing woman, all the times you replied to my whining posts and this is what you have been through, my God, I hope you know what a wonderful person you are, and youre father never deserved a daughter like you........I hope you are well and know that that world sees you as the woman you are, and as for your narc father, his loss, big time..........xoxo Jaycee


Dec 8 - 4AM (Reply to #28)
jen79's picture


You are so sweet. Thank you for your kind words. It means alot to me. I hope you are better and doing fine jaycee? Let us know how you and your family is doing! xoxo
Dec 8 - 6AM (Reply to #29)
jaycee's picture

Jen the family is ok, we will be fine

surprizingly enough, the kids and i are well, we are dealing with the disposal of the narc, and actually doing better than we have been in a long daughter is in a new program, clean from the drugs, lets hope she stays clean, my son is doing great, hes become a troop leader in his battalion and won soldier of the month and is onto soldier of the quarter, im so proud of him, and hes coming home for christmas before he is off to afghanistan, that kills me, but I know the Good Lord will watch over him, as I need him to be ok. Im getting my christmas present, my son and daughter will be together with me, i couldnt ask for anything more. its all i want for christmas.........xoxo Jaycee


Dec 10 - 12PM (Reply to #32)
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I am so happy that you are coming around the bend and so thankful to God that things with your children are moving forward in a positive direction. Continue to stay blessed. Just for you...Psalms 34-38 helped me it over and over and over AND Proverbs... You have protection through all adversity ask and it will be given. Big Hugs to you!
Dec 8 - 6AM (Reply to #30)
jen79's picture


I am so happy for you and your family!!! After all this pain and suffer it seems now finally shifted towards a better place!!! I am so relieved to hear your daughter is in a program now. And happy your son is doing fine too. I wish you all a merry christmas, you so much deserve it after all this pain. Jaycee you give me hope, that things will be fine again at the end!!!
Dec 8 - 6AM (Reply to #31)
blueeyes's picture

Jaycee and Jen

Hugs to you both
Dec 7 - 8PM
helldweller's picture

narc dads

My narc totally hated my children but adores his foster child. I make about forty thousand dollars a year and live in Chicago, where more than half of that goes for rent and utilities, and most of what remains goes to the IRS to pay my ex husband's debts. I am a single mother in a tiny apartment raising my two little girls, and my narc knew that my ex husband was verbally and physically abusive, drunk and absent to my daughters and bipolar. He knew my husband committed arson and lost his job, went to prison, that I had to go and live with a friend hundreds of miles away because my family disowned me because they were ashamed of what my husband did and he gave all of the money we had to his lawyer. I was destitute, and so were my children. Do you think this multi multi millionaire could help me with my daughters? Buy them a pair of shoes or a toy? Buy me a bag of groceries? Take them to the park? No way. Their past and their situation meant nothing to him. He said, "You are fine." "They have plenty." But the foster child had to have not only his own room, but a playroom, a flat screen t.v., his own bathroom, and only the finest clothes, shoes, boots, and everything else. The first Christmas he was here, he got from the narc and his family a complete Wii system, a complete Nintendo system, a five hundred dollar bike, a snowboard, a two hundred dollar jacket, golf clubs, savings bonds, and so much other stuff there were toys even stuffed in the fireplace. The narc and his brother got together and gave my eight year old a microphone and my six year old a Magic 8 Ball. Their other brother and his girlfriend gave them each a pair of tights--three sizes too big. When I said, just out of sheer horror, "I think you may be spoiling him," the narc said, "Oh, honey, he's had a hard time." Never mind that my daughters' dad was on the front page of the Tribune after the arson, that I had no money to buy them food, or that all three of us were sleeping in a bed together. You think he would respect me because I pulled my kids through and reestablished myself as best I could? Oh, no. He wouldn't even take my calls, but he talked for an hour every day to the crack whore whose kid he was raising and made sure she had enough groceries and her medicine. Jesus Chr*st this freaking pisses me off! I supported everything he did, including taking in the child as our own, and now I'm all f*cked up, my kids are in the same spot, and the foster child is going to inherit not only the evil narc persona but about fifteen million dollars, which he will probably shoot up. Sorry. So mad.
Dec 10 - 12PM (Reply to #26)
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


The Narc is what he is... You are a survivor.
Dec 7 - 9PM (Reply to #23)
aceonelady's picture

narc dads...Heldweller....

Well my guts are screaming RED Alert ex N was on the phone with me,(me in Europe he in Tulsa )told me hold on another call is coming trough...he came back to talk to mme,furious,enraged...the mother of his children called saying his 15 year old daughter was going to sleep over at a girlfriends house,they were having a pyjama party for her birthday....he was pissing ammonia...i thought this is not normal a reaction like that....he said maybe weird stuff could be going on,etc....i told him you are over normal for girls to sleep over at friends houses....he hung up the phone on me...2 weeks later,his daughter has gone to the police to tell he was sexually abusing her....see my point?He was ALWAYS a moral knight,his children weren't allod to listen to rap music,or watch videos they wanted,only what he decided was ok....but at close doors dad wasn't what he seemed to be...i do not trust when fathers isolate and censor their children like gut was right...


Dec 8 - 6AM (Reply to #24)
helldweller's picture


Oh my god. That is so horrible. I have to say, I don't know what the hell is going on with this guy and this child, but it's a very strange situation. He cut off my contact with the child early on, because the child would tell me about the other women they would visit. The house is always dark, even when they are home. My daughters say the house is strange. Even my eight year old says it is like one of the mausoleums at the cemetery (it's a big,square, modern place) because it's always dark and "it looks like vampires live there" as she puts it. The OW told me that the child seemed so sad the last six months or so (that's how long the narc and the child have been living alone in the house. Before that they lived upstairs from his brother and were always down there playing), and I dread to think what may be going on. Why is it still so hard for me to believe that he would be capable of this stuff after everything I know he's done? Not only to me but just discarding my children? The only thing he would ever express emotion about was, like aceonelady's narc, to express horror about the cases at work that involved abuse of children. He'd sit on my couch and tell about them in detail with this very sad expression on his face. Back then I would think, "See, helldweller, he does have a heart." But now, I don't know. It seems just creepy: "Methinks thou dost protest too much," you know?
Dec 8 - 7AM (Reply to #25)
aceonelady's picture


I am still having anxiety problems,sleep problems,flashbacks...Nothing is clear,my mind get it but i still find unbeliavable that evil exist worst than in a horror flick...they are sick,evil ....their own child is just a THING to be used for their whatever they feel like..believe me honey is BEYOND EVIL...we are normal they are evil entities...HUGHS you are not the only one that is confused hurt and afraid...but unfortunally we cannot help those that are involved with these monsters right now,we have to heal because i do not want to be a victim again....i want to live as a human being and not a zombie so lets be a survivor...I know is hard but lets be happy we escaped...


Dec 7 - 8PM (Reply to #19)
jen79's picture


this is so awfull, I dont know what to say. How can this be? Can anyone explain such a splitted behaviour? How can he abandon his own flesh and blood and spoil the foster child. A millionair???? WTF???? If anyone can explain that please???
Dec 10 - 12PM (Reply to #22)
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


How can he abandon his own flesh and blood and spoil the foster child. I'm not sure in this situation the other kids were his BUT In the case of a Narc I think a possible explanation might be that his own flesh and blood are actually that...extensions of themselves and they deep down loathe themselves so they can't feel love for thier own because their own are bi-products of themselves. A foster child or another child - is an object - not a direct extension and so it is far easier to use as a trophy or tool. They don't love their own blood either but it is too much of a psychological reminder/extension and so they get the instant discard because in essence they discard themselves in many ways. A non related "entity" which is what we call a person, is much easier to manipulate and control absent the hate/hate is a slow D&D... Their own children are created for the purposes of image that is thier sole purpose nothing more, nothing less but as the kids get older, they are no longer good supply because they think with thier own minds and can be a threat to that "image" because they can and will speak out. Narcs recycle everyone...when the foster child grows up...well, let's just say, it will be a very tragic thing because he has the initial abandonment of his biological parents and now the abandonment of the Narc...
Dec 7 - 8PM (Reply to #20)
jen79's picture


maybe he does that to punish you. Or he does it, cause caring for a foster child makes him in his mind a saviour, a rescuer. Or maybe he is pedophile, and god knows what he does with the foster child.
Dec 7 - 8PM (Reply to #21)
Susan32's picture

Sounds like all of the above...

That's my gut feeling about the situation. It's creepy enough he doesn't allow other children at the house- good for the kids- but it sounds like a cover for abuse. It's terrible for that foster child. It's the typical compartmentalization for Ns/Ps. Lavish goodies on strangers, then starve their loved ones.
Dec 7 - 6PM
Anne_'s picture

thx to this forum and my therapist

I slowly start to see, thanks to this forum and my therapist, that my father isn't so bad. He was abroad most of the time, and somehow, I got the idea that he did that because he didn't want to be with us. And he struggles to show his feelings, that's for sure. My grandfather (his father) definately is a N. when my father was abroad, he often visited my mother, to control her. To control my brother and I. Nothing we ever did was good enough. I think I projected my feelings towards my grandfather to my father. And of course I would have liked it that my father would have been home more. To keep my grandfather out of the house. To have a real family. This cannot be undone. But I give him more credit. My father helped me the last few months. He knows that I'm going through a rough patch and is trying to show that he supports me, albeit in his own way. He won't ever say that he loves me, but he will come pick me up when it's snowing, and paid for my car battery, that broke last week :-). I think my father has some N traits (he was raised by a N, and two of his brothers definately are Ns), and he definately has his flaws, but he isn't that bad. Just wish he had kept my grandfather out of the house more. Jen, and all the others here, I know it's hard. It's pretty fucked up. Most of the people here are survivors of some kind of domestic violence or bad parenting. But I truly admire how you ladies cope with it. This forum is such a great source of inspiration.
Dec 7 - 6PM
Briseis's picture

Yep me too

He's out of my life now (about ten years). Thank God. What a pathetic, sick man. Just the thought of him gives me a sick feeling. I'd gone into therapy practically BECAUSE of him at the age of 23, and long before that, I was ten or eleven years old reading self help books (what versions there were in the 1970s). I always knew there was something very wrong with him, but nobody could talk about it. After I ended the last Narc relationship (I mean the LAST, not most recent LOL) I re-visited my relationship with my father. I'd been NC with him for years but I finally understood what he WAS. I had a lot of guilt for shutting him out, and I realized I was doing the only thing I could do. He gets ANYwhere near you and you are in trouble. Seems like healing from the current exNarc means you'll get to put a lot of other relationships to rest too. Ha ha. Thrillsville :) Except that these early relationships with Narcs have too much to do with how we get targeted by the current and god help us, future PDIs. We grew up conditioned by them to accept horrid, unacceptable behavior, to question ourselves and not trust our instincts. I didn't spend a TON of time on my father this time 'round. It just made a lot of sense out of old confusions and pain. I didn't have to relive my childhood or anything. I could look back on it with an adult's understanding though :) Sad, but very healing.
Dec 7 - 6PM (Reply to #14)
jen79's picture


I so thought I am over this, I thought I am indifferent to him. But I still panick when i think about him, I panick if he could contact me, I panick about his rage, I panick of seeing him again, I panick of what he thinks about me. So I am obviously not over that. When I think about it, I always panicked. I just was so familiar with the anxiety in relation to him, that I thought its indifference. I guess I am now more aware of whats going on within me.
Dec 7 - 9PM (Reply to #16)
Briseis's picture

I don't want to carry that

I don't want to carry that old panic around with me. Yes I get that panic. I'm thinking, I'm an adult here. It is highly, highly unlikely that anyone can truly humiliate me or beat me unless I put myself in a vulnerable position. I am an adult. I can do things to protect myself, I can discern who to avoid. It's kind of like a mantra. And I've proven to myself that this is true bit by bit. I am no safer than the next person from being attacked or robbed. But regular interactions at work, socially and with friends, I am as OK as I can get. Even if I do panic I can keep it inside (mostly). The other night I didn't keep it inside and it was awful! \7/I had to call a new doctor kind of late at night for a patient who was having trouble breathing. Between the doctor who was a total PDI (and that's a nice way of putting it) and the respiratory therapist who got defensive and anxious from the look on my face I must have had while interacting with the doctor . . . whoopsie. I sorta lost it :P All I wanted was to know what the RT wanted me to get from the doc, OK? And and both of them were freezing me out!! Snotty RT and a doc who has a personality disorder and I'm in between. Me got really upset. I panicked and felt like crying but only managed to lose my temper instead :D I ended up apologizing to the poor RT (the doc can go to Hell where she came from), and HATED that I lost control. No one died (esp the patient). Handling myself when I react with panic is worse than snotty defensive anxious people OR the jerk PDI.
Dec 7 - 7PM (Reply to #15)
blueeyes's picture


I think your where I am, we just never did anything to understand them. Now, we can associate our dads for who they are? I was always "onto" him and he always knew it. I'm not an abused child but mentally I always knew he was "off" and to "not put much into him". Now, we gotta see we chose N's and relate it to our Dad's, but relate as an adult perspective, which is, screw em all!
Dec 7 - 5PM
Susan32's picture


If the ex-Psych professor had been ANYTHING like my father, I would be married to him. He'd be humane, compassionate, capable of physical affection. My mother was raised by Narc parents. She still deals with it. I've always tended to get along BETTER with my father than my mother. If the ex-P were like my father, he wouldn't be a psychopath. He'd be HUMAN.
Dec 7 - 5PM
blueeyes's picture


I'm not ready to address HIM yet, but my father is CLASSIC! God bless my mother who is "mother teresa". :( My dad is the mild (not raging) type. Suttle type. Funny, good looking and loves my mother for putting up with him. Respects her (a lil). My Dad! Aint going there in the forefront of my brain, but I ALWAYS knew he was. I'm the youngest of 5, and I remember him saying to me "you always know with your eyes. You are the only child that looks at me and just knows. A penny for your thoughts?" I was 8 yrs old and I said "if I had a penny, I wouldn't give it to you!" He looked angry but he smiled and patted me on the head and said "see, your ALL me, I love your fight". Uhm, no asswipe, I was NOTHING like him. Ugh, not ready for that can of worms :)
Dec 7 - 6PM (Reply to #3)
jen79's picture


I didnt want to adress him either, for very long time. But I cannot avoid it anymore, since the circumstances are now forcing me to do so. I see that the feeling I sense from him, is the same I sense from the narc. Oh boy it took me long to admit it, but its true. They both, hate, condemn me and are feeling guilty deep down and will not stop to blame me being a nasty name it. I think I need to adress him now. It hurts me so much, how can a father abandon his own flesh and blood. How can he hate me so much. Why doesnt he care how I am. Its not going into my mind. I didnt want his help or love for long time, but now I see, that I just transported the whole topic to men. Its the same feeling with them, feeling abandoned, left alone, being hated, being condemned, being not good enough. He is a piece of shit, and I hope god will put justice on him.
Dec 9 - 11PM (Reply to #9)
M's picture

My daughter's father is an N..

So I am constantly seeking advice, avenues to protect her from his NPD. I know eventually he'll D&D her too-especially when she starts really becoming herself. (she's 7 now) I've already encouraged her to have her thoughts--and express them--and if she disagrees with her dad, she can tell him. Maybe some of ya'll who have a NPD dad, and a mom that maybe didn't quite know what to do---what advice would you give your mom in hindsight?
Dec 10 - 1AM (Reply to #10)
Briseis's picture

I'd tell my mother to make

I'd tell my mother to make it safe to express any pain, guilt, shame, confusion, anger, outrage or grief about my father with her. This subject was completely off limits. No one even spoke to each other about it. It made me very crazy, and I felt completely alone, abandoned by my mother. I know she loved us kids very much, too, but in my mind, I was alone in dealing with him. I would also tell her to stop telling me that my father loves me, even though he beats me, curses and shames and rejects me. Don't mess with a kid's head like that. Loving behavior is a very different thing. It would have made a huge difference even if she'd said "he's a sick man, I'm sorry, I don't know why he does that." And don't tell me I should love him just because he's my father. All of these things are important because they preserve the child's sense of reality. Otherwise, it gets distorted and she begins to normalize and accept atrocious behavior, and the cycle goes on. Let her know you are firmly on her side, and she can come to you with anything regarding her father, literally anything. This can be done without putting down her dad personally. But what he is, is the truth. She has a Narc for a father and she'll learn some lessons in life earlier than others, perhaps. It's a "given" in her life. She'll have to deal with him for many years to come, and then she'll have to deal with all the other narcs and jerks and various insensitive/controlling types. All kids need an education in this, really. School bullies, controlling friends . . . they need to be able to spot bad behaviors and have a way to cope with them that is healthy and preserves their self esteem.