Bugged and wistful...argh!

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#1 May 13 - 5PM
GhostBuster's picture

Bugged and wistful...argh!

Hi everyone. Just hoping for some perspective. I recently discovered my ex N fiance (who is now serving in the middle east) has been checking my company's website (company I work for, not my company) since March. We have a blog, bios, etc. on our website. We broke up in January and I told him there would be no contact. So, he hasn't tried to contact me...but his sister was in contact until March when I told her I just couldn't maintain contact anymore. She has respected my wishes.

The thing is, my ex knows I am responsible for monitoring traffic at our website and that I can often see who has visited. He comes in once a week like clockwork (at least that I can see...he might be doing it more from undetectable domain names) and it's left me with a variety of feelings. First, I'm really bugged that even though he hasn't tried to contact me as I requested, he's still monitoring me and trying to let me know he's watching. Second, it's actually made me feel sad and miss him (or the person I thought he was before realizing he's an N), so i've been feeling wistful...which is exactly how I don't want to feel. It's messing with my head. But perhaps that's exactly what he intended by coming to my company's website, huh?

I've suspected he'll try and make contact when his tour of duty is over end of this year/early next. But until now, I held out hope that MAYBE he did get the message when we broke up and he'll just stay away. The last communication I had with his sister I told her I think her brother's a narcissist and I had hoped that would get back to him and help seal the deal--he'd stay away for good (he knows how I feel about my first N and how I didn't buckle to 1st N's attempts to reconcile). So now, I feel like he's almost back in my life...checking on me through my website and will likely make contact when he returns. While I'm trying to get over it all and rebuild my life, I feel like he's inhibiting that progress now.

If anyone responds, please don't think me rude if I don't comment/respond tonight. For some crazy reason, I can't post from home--something about my security settings that I haven't been able to fix. I can only post to this board from work.

Thanks in advance for any perspective!

May 16 - 9AM
Carolyn's picture

You are just being mind

You are just being mind gamed. He has downtime over there and knows he can bug you and make you paranoid. there is nothing you can do -it is a public website for a company. he wants you to initiate something: Call his sister, file some complaint, and that will make him feel in control of you. there is an old joke that a politician I knew had on his desk-"Just because you are paranoid it does not mean 'they' aren't out to get you!" Stay safe in your head and heart. Have some ritual that you do when you get the hit in your solar plexus when you know that his presence is around. If you are religious have a prayer you recite for protection. Repeat a phrase that makes you feel comforted and safe, ask the universe to protect you from this person. You are being cyberstalked by a military person. You have good reason to be anxious. Beat him at his psychological game by maintaing control of your own thoughts. Never have any contact with him for any reason.
May 13 - 9PM
Fawn's picture


I think that feeling wistful is very normal in this situation. You are grieving the end of a relationship. He is checking on you, and was probably having his sister check on you before you cut off contact. My husband was driving by my house all the time for about a year checking on me. Now he is occupied with someone else, so he leaves me alone. He was also talking to several of my friends for awhile and, get this-- the babysitter he is sleeping with now was spying on me for him last fall. She kept asking me if I was dating anyone and I told her no. Who knows what she told him bc she was pursuing him at that point, while taking care of our child every day. Sick & twisted! That is my point here. We aren't dealing with normal people here. Just keep on moving forward with your own life.
May 13 - 8PM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

they all do this...

They ALWAYS check up on you. PsychoBoy - after basically abandoning me and lying & smearing me - cyberstalked me for over 2 years. He still does. He came to my personal blog, copied the template and used it for the start of his own blog. I caught it. A webmaster caught it - but it wasn't worth pursuing. It was just BIZARRE. He'd literally stolen pieces of my PERSONAL HISTORY and repeated them to another of his victims as happening to HIM (guess he found me more interesting) he seemed to also do this with my blog. It's called Projective Identification - talk about a HOLLOW man. (btw he runs a Right Wing blog now and latches on to anyone with a bit more notoriety than him. I & my attorney still have chats between us where he says he would NEVER blog because he thought it was STUPID.... riiiggghhhttt...) He stalked me to a site about one of my medical problems - signed up as a woman - took something very personal and now uses it to say I have 'poor hygiene' (I don't) Really cruel and a complete lie to me and about 2 million other women with this problem. Wrote to everyone who commented on my blog to "tell the truth" about me. Posted his own "version" of events - really laughable - and then got furious when people called him on his lying. Hello? Too much reality? Still follows me all over the net but of course, accuses me of stalking him online & off. (Really, I don't have time for that nor do I want to. But he, like all pathologicals, keeps saying it over & over hoping if he keeps saying it - it will make it truth.) Posted my IP number many times to HIS blog - in fact, every time I changed it for about 8 months. Called ME a predator and tried to get anyone who speaks to me to dump me as a friend. Now he's on Twitter following "abused women's" issues - probably trolling for new prey. Wonder if his wife knows? so yes - they do this. It's sooooo bizarre - they D&D you yet they check up on you as if you are still their property. really sick. Like a criminal going back to the scene of their crimes. Does your ex's new "victim" know he's doing this? LOL! He may be doing it to get a reaction out of you like my Psycho-Boy did. Don't react - he will then accuse YOU of STALKING him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free articles & information for abuse victims: http://abusesanctuary.blogspot.com Effective Coaching for Victims of Pathologicals http://one2one4victims.webs.com/
May 16 - 10AM (Reply to #2)
GhostBuster's picture


thank you everyone. I know they all do this. I just didn't expect to have to deal with this now that he's the "property" of the military. I figured he'd try to contact me in about a year. It has really gotten to me but I WILL NOT let him know that. My boss said I could block his IP address from being able to see our company website if I wanted to, but I thought about it...and that would just let him know that I see him on our site and give him ATTENTION! So I'll do nothing. I thought about contacting his sister and asking her to ask him to stop, but that's ATTENTION. Thought about sending him a curt email saying "stop it!"...but obviously, that's ATTENTION. So, I'll just deal with it. I like the suggestion to have a verse or saying or something to "protect me" when I feel his presence. Being a realist and lover of facts, I just came up with this: I WILL NOT ever be controlled by him again. I WILL NOT ever have crappy, objectified sex with him again. I WILL NOT ever let him try to hurt my dog again. I WILL NOT ever let him run his con on me again. I WILL NOT ever let him think he gets to me. The list is a work in progress, i'm sure i'll come up with more. I just have to remind myself of the awful things he did and try not to reflect on how happy I once thought I was with him. I think part of my sadness is that at this exact time last year I thought I'd found the man of my dreams, I was filled with hope and happiness. Everyhing seemed possible...
Jan 16 - 1PM (Reply to #10)
apple's picture

I loved this post

I wonder how you are doing now~ long time healed I hope? Thanks for the inspiration!!
May 16 - 8PM (Reply to #3)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Narcissists cannot give up control. It kills them that they no longer have a hold over us like they used to....it drives them crazy actually. Therefore, they will go so far as to cyber-stalk you. I didn't make a big deal of this when it happened because I didn't want to encourage further behavior, but did you know our messageboard was hacked into by somebody about 3 to 4 weeks ago? My web support person confirmed that someone puposefully hacked in to this website and crashed it. Fortunately, we caught it early enough and after a lot of money, were able to restore the data and add better security, but can you believe that? It could have been anyone's ex-narcissist so I don't want to freak anyone out, but the point is these narcs will stop at nothing. Absolutely nothing. I love what you wrote "I will not......" Stay strong!
May 16 - 10PM (Reply to #9)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

they must be in control at all times

Psycho-boy is still so furious that I have a site with the factually-backed-up truth out there about what happened he's tried to hack it, my email and so on. 2 years ago a hacker friend of his in Australia hacked into my personal blog and replaced pictures for the last 12 posts with really disgusting gay porn photos. These jerks will do whatever it takes. Do some websearches on Narcissistic Rage. Here's one bit I found: Narcissists are interesting people, as long as you are not in their line of fire. But they are always burning inside, even when they look like they aren’t. They will deny they are angry in many cases, but a Narcissist is always primed for vengeance. The boy can’t help it. The Narcissist in his own mind is brilliant, perfect, controlled, calm, and unique. He sees himself as the most balanced man around. Unfortunately more observant people see the ruse for what it is…he is NOT balanced, he is very Unbalanced. This concept is security for him but it’s a slippery rug under his feet. He demands respect, regardless whether respect is due. Because he exists, he is entitled. His modesty is not seen much, though he might present himself as a simple fellow. His ego is inflated, but under it all, he is very insecure. He’s actually a bag of tricks, and for the uninitiated, it’s hard to avoid stepping in his dung. The Narcissist is constantly on the lookout for slights, perceived insults. Generally they have short fuses,(and the incidences of self medication, either through prescription drugs or illegal drugs or sex or alcohol are high…a way to deal with the short fuse) and will twist words to make insults , even when none are intended. Someone once said that a Narcissist is the bride at the wedding and the stiff in the coffin. They must be the center of all attention. They are self-centric. The world revolves around them in their minds. (If this behavior sounds like a 4 year old, it has some great similarities. Narcissistic behavior is honed from an early age. They learn to manipulate their parents, siblings, etc. They learn to manipulate the world around them. These children are generally the school bullies. Sometimes they also grow up to be the predators, the domestic abusers, the criminal elements in many cases… Nothing new here.) The Narcissist relates to the world, to his environment through his constant and unresolved conflicts. This might be the blood that floats their boats, the simmering internal conflicts. Since they are so self involved, they never turn off the tapes. They construct outrages that have never happened…they create a sense of paranoia within. The Narcissist sees every disagreement or criticism as a threat. He can’t react in any other way except by rage. But what causes this Rage? Narcissistic rage is a reaction to a (perceived) narcissistic injury. When his outlandish sense of self-worth is being attacked, or thought as being attacked by another, he will go to work: he will move heaven and earth to destroy the self worth of others. This, in the eyes of the Narcissist, makes him feel superior. There are no holds barred here: slander, innuendo, gossip, or just plan malicious behavior are the arsenal of the Narcissist. If he has cronies who will do his bidding, he will send them out to scout and spy. The Narcissist is a great Manipulator, and believes his allure is impossible to resist. He is a supreme user of people. The Narcissist has to feel power… again, and again. They are the drama queens of the world and need conflict. It’s a drug for them . It’s also a point of power and control. This uber anger is a substance that gets them feeling superior. Of course, they only get admirers from somewhat broken people ( or victims in their supply line) who are not so much admirers, but …broken. Sometimes they can’t think for themselves too much so they depend on the false aura of the Narcissist. More “normal” people may get caught in their web for a while, but then they break, shake and run. They realize all this tiptoeing around the Narcissist is constricting their own growth and existence. And this growth? It is truncated, because a person in a long term relationship with a Narcissist suffers a lot of psychic wounding. They have moved into the shadow of the Narcissist, and like a plant placed too much in the the shade of a bigger plant, they become clingy and fearful. Their essence is sapped until they get far away and into a different environment. But back to Rage. It may come in many forms, but it all boils down to the same thing: revenge. These rages are based on something. External sources might just be triggers. I believe they are based on fear. They are based on the perceived possibility that they aren’t getting the acclaim they think they deserve. This opens many cans of worms: perhaps, thinks the Narcissist: I’m not so brilliant? Perhaps I am not so sexually alluring? Perhaps I am not so powerful anymore? Perhaps I can’t attract the respect I NEED for the ego? (Nah, they don’t think this deeply… remember …they are PERFECT) Perhaps I am aging and not so attractive? This fuels more rage…or more extreme measures. To the Narcissist these rages are ‘justified and proper’… after all, their overblown concepts of themselves would make them judge and jury. But this rage impairs their cognition. What conclusions they draw about the ‘other’ impairs their judgment and their punitive actions. They can fast lose control of themselves and cause some injury or real harm. Rage might feel good to them (it’s a drug after all…) but it will deplete them later on in important ways. To other more normal folk, Narcissistic Rage is scary and also will, if they are really normal, make them rethink their relationships with Narcissists. I saw one Narcissistic Rage fest that cleared the room. Smart people. But a practiced Narcissist will try to control the damage to a point. He can sense when he is seen as pathetic or weak. And that is death of power for a Narcissist. Keep doing the same rage fest over and over, and you won’t get the same effect. Where does Rage come from? Deep within the Narcissist. It is rooted at the core of the personality. That is why it is so hard to control for the Narcissist. It’s embedded. It takes a lot of effort for our Narcissist to measure out his drug. Under the skin of the Narcissist: The dark side (can this really get any darker???) is that a Narcissist is always seething. As I wrote, Narcissistic rage probably begins in childhood. Perhaps the parents are overindulgent and the child can do no wrong. Any destructive or cruel behavior is ignored or of little consequence to the parents. In many cases the parents are Narcissists themselves and their empathy level is missing, and especially for their own children. These children are generally saddled with being the ’supply line’ for the parents. And perhaps the parents themselves have never been able to love the child just as a child: he has been pushed by the parents to make them feel more powerful in their own lives. Expectations of talents developed or intellectual capacities, etc. can be unrealistic or damaging to the developing ego of children. Self loathing is probably the tap root of narcissistic rage. Since these people generally project to others (yeah, to the blind!) that they are perfect, they rarely are treated. If you are perfect what problems do you have? It’s others who have the problems. But Narcissists over a time realize they are very much empty bowls of bowels. They have no empathy, so people are moving away. However, a marriage partner has a particular problem with a Narcissist and his Narcissistic rages: Either he erupts and covers everyone with his spleen, or he seethes constantly, and his personality becomes even more distant, untouchable, unapproachable, unemotional. They are empty shells, because they lack the spark of empathy. I firmly believe that Narcissists know what they do and what they are. (It’s not that they are not self aware. It’s like they know what buttons to push in others for responses, and they are laughing up their sleeves) But they can’t self-fix because that is admitting that they ARE a problem… for themselves and everyone around them. That’s a lot of introspection and they don’t want to do the work. Narcissists are also basically lazy people because they know how to manipulate others to do for them. So what do you do when the volcano erupts all over the floor?? - learn as much about their damaged personalities as you can. (this is for people who are married to Narcissists.) Others, run away. - Maintain respect for yourself and realize that although you might be married or partnered to a narcissist, you ain’t them. You are a separate and unique individual NOT him. Maintain your mental space. And remember he is using something called ‘projection’. It’s a defense mechanism. I don’t really believe he can’t contain himself, I think some Narcissists have such a warped sense of propriety and such contempt for others, they just don’t care What they do. After all, they are like big children, and they throw shit for attention and to get what they want. Don’t make the mistake of expecting a Narcissist to grow up. They just grow old and the emptiness grows, too. And they grow more and more isolated. Remain as empowered as you can, stay calm and maintain an emotional distance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free articles & information for abuse victims: http://abusesanctuary.blogspot.com Effective Coaching for Victims of Pathologicals http://one2one4victims.webs.com/
May 16 - 9PM (Reply to #4)
quietude (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Wow! They can't shut US down, so they'll go after something else apparently! Sorry, this must have been quite the headache for you. I remember the website being down, and that thought crossing my mind. My exN has left me paranoid, but you can't help but be a little extra suspicious after all you go through. It just proves they're cowards - mine certainly was. That's why he could never tell me in PERSON that he wanted to leave. I'm pretty certain my exN wouldn't think to come here because #1, I never told him I know what he is, and #2 He would never think he had a problem. If it suddenly dawned on him, he'd be contacting me, using his enlightenment as an excuse to get back. I know you just can't help some of them intruding on this space, but if anyone is ever tempted to show their guy this website in hopes of helping them, please don't. It won't help, it'll make things worse for you, and it's an invasion to the group. Just my two cents.
May 17 - 11AM (Reply to #5)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


I know, isn't it unreal. They will go to any length to mess with our heads. They are cowards and instead of confronting us, they hack into our messageboard and try to destroy it. So sad. They can't handle it when they lose control of us and will go to any lengths to exercise some type of control. Hacking into a website to bring it down. Come on....they need to get a life!
May 17 - 5PM (Reply to #6)
cassiemay's picture

oh yeah....

I remember that intruder and I believe we all had the same intuition. Well...at least we've got that working for us! CM
May 18 - 11AM (Reply to #7)
GhostBuster's picture


What did the "intruder" say and do you remember the date they posted? Just trying to figure out if it was my ex N that caused the trouble. I now know he's doing some cyber stalking. I doubt he would think to check message boards though...he told me flat out that he believes people who post to message boards are "insecure". What an N.
May 19 - 5PM (Reply to #8)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Thanks for your follow-up on this. We're not entirely sure who the intruder was who crashed our site so it's best not to speculate. Let's just hope it doesn't happen again! xoxo, L