Dear Friends

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#1 Oct 7 - 9AM
Qing Yuan
Qing Yuan's picture

Dear Friends

For along time now I have been here... in the same situation.

I thought I was a survivor or one of the lucky ones.
But I am still fighiting this insediuos illness...I am still controlled by him...

For too long you have all told me what I needed to do.
My family, my friends and yet I stalled and on occasion was ailenated by some for not doing so.

While the father of my son contiunes from to abuse me verbally and pyscologically. makign arrnagments only to change them, agreeeing one thing and doing another, calling me names when no one else is around, coming into my home and taking funriture pictures etc, allowing him to do so... he took every toy of my sons that he ever paid for and the rest.

all the while I held the cards.

Can someone please tell me

Has anyone else shopped there ex to the police for drug dealing. how was it handled?

If any of you remember my story, you will know I have kept quiet, protecting him because he pays for my son to go to a beautiful steiner school.

But what child would trive in a great school while his mother is crippled with emotional pain.

The narc has my son three nights a week, gives me no money to the mortgage that his name is still in, I cannot remove him becasue of his bad debt that he is runnign from.

I did notify the companies of his address and then he moved again...

So alas I am here broken down to nothing

I want to know if anyone in the UK has delt with notifying inland rev about poeple evading tax etc?

How long does it take?

I have been advised by friends to move my son's school but my solicitor says I cannot. Though I am unsure what anyone can do..

Does anyone know where I can get free support with all this. Disputed divorce proceedings are not covered by legal aid.

I am ready to fight him now. Please do not shun me for being so weak for so long. Any supportive workds or advice would be so appreciated.


Oct 8 - 12AM
Pumpkin's picture

I'm not


Oct 7 - 11AM
Goldie's picture

Clearly you are at your wits end