Did anyone else's narc replace her with another primary supply who WASN'T another woman?

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Jul 2 - 4PM (Reply to #8)
better off
better off's picture

Read up on emotional

Read up on emotional incest... narcissistic parents will often make an opposite sex child into an emotional "partner" without there being anything sexual about it.
Jul 2 - 9AM (Reply to #3)
hitandrun's picture

Other supply

He had a strange relationship with his nephew(toddler age), he was involved in a new business that was getting media attention, and most of his friends are younger. He only got engaged to me so he could get even more attention. He had a lot of supply...I was just an object used for sex when he got bored with his hand. Said he hated porn. If I ever had the good sense to snoop through his stuff when we were together(never crossed my mind..that's weird) I 'm sure I would have found a big stash. You know narcs. I hate this =I love this. I never watch porn=I watch it all the time. I can't stand the thought of men having sex=I blow my best friend all the time and have since highschool.
Jul 2 - 6PM (Reply to #6)
better off
better off's picture

LOL! Exactly!

"You know narcs. I hate this =I love this. I never watch porn=I watch it all the time. I can't stand the thought of men having sex=I blow my best friend all the time and have since highschool." There's your tell with any of them... I remember mine once saying something about seeing a clip of Broke Back Mountain that it made him almost throw up in his mouth, but he didn't have anything against gays or anything... and this was in a situation where nothing needed to be said at all, but he seemed COMPELLED to blurt that out. I remember thinking, hmmm, thou dost protest too much? Any man saying he HATES porn? Hilarious. Not every man is a slave to porn... but not looking at every day is not the same thing as hating it. Any guy who says he hates it means he can't get enough in my book. ;)
Jul 2 - 7PM (Reply to #7)
NancyM's picture

Ditto better off

totally agree with every word. Sad we spend time ever believing anything they say. I remember early in the relationship, I casually said something in jest regarding men and porn, I did not have a huge problem at the time for men taking an interested look within reason. His intensity was exactly like "doth protest too much". I was stunned. But there was enough evidence in the end to suggest porn, cybersex, online gambling, and prostitutes. Most of the clues came from what he was compelled to tell me what his workmates had been caught doing. Blame shifting just in case I caught wind of it. Hitandrun, better off is right.


Jul 2 - 10AM (Reply to #4)
neveragain5's picture

Hmmmmmm....he was VERY

Hmmmmmm....he was VERY defensive about living with his male friend. He said that he hated porn too. FREAKED OUT, when I called him out on using Viagra. Part of me wishes that I had seen just how perverted he was.
Jul 3 - 9AM (Reply to #5)
M's picture


I did catch mine with porn...found out after the divorce about prostitutes. it makes me sick..especially when he says he's a great Dad. I worry for our daughter. I would like her see a therapist, but if I do he will "consider it reckless parenting on my part". Really???