Don't even know what to title this..........

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Dec 5 - 7AM (Reply to #10)
Sea's picture

Oh my!! She is a sick cow!!

Oh my!! She is a sick cow!! Yes agree with used. Dont let this set u back. Let narcky and this sick cow go!! They will get their karma. Hugs!!
Dec 5 - 7AM (Reply to #9)
Used's picture


No this is not COOL, but please dont let it set you back, you are divorced from him know Who he is ...and what i hope you take from this is ...well I am glad now i know that i am wrote a post sometime ago, when he asked you to come back...when OW had that post it told me everything about who he also wrote of your marriage till that point being great, even idylic[s]....and it was for you to write and feel that....but i believe he was going with women all the time....He was just very very clever...Your friend sounds like A WOMEN SCORNED AND THATS WHAT SHE IS!!!!!!!!! THATS HER TOUGH LUCK...THE DECIETFULL TREACHEROUS COW.... AND HER SISTER TRIED TO CLUE YOU UP....NICE!!!!!
Dec 5 - 7AM (Reply to #8)
Hermes's picture


Maybe yes....maybe no. One way or the other: NOT a friend! Hermes
Dec 5 - 7AM
Used's picture


Like you, I am gobsmacked at her reaction....but looking at it from an outsiders point of view, she loved him?, and tho you say, you are certain they did not have an affair....I respectfully disagee, a women who reacts like this, and has the audacity to say mike divorced me too?.....WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?.... she was not there for you, not only in a terrible time in your life...SHE IS STILL NOT THERE FOR YOU TO SAY THIS TO YOU.... There is bitterness and jealousy in every thing she if you didnt lose your HUSBAND, SHE DID!!!!!!!! its as if by you and mike divorcing, she felt divorced from him too....why would she feels like this, if there was nothing in it...SHE HASENT GOT YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART, SO THERE IS NO POINT IN CONTINUING TO EVEN GIVE HER THE TIME OF DAY..... I think she said a SHITTY thing to you when there was absolutley no need too... So sparrow maybe you need to ask yourself why she is so bitter.....when mike went off with the other women...DID HE LEAVE YOU FOR HER...YES HE DID, DID HE LEAVE YOUR FRIEND FOR HER? YES I BELIEVE HE DID.... I AM SO SORRY FOR THE CRAP YOU HAVE HAD TO PUT UP WITH.....CUT HER OUT OF YOUR LIFE.... HER DISLOYALTY WITH THAT REMARK ALONE *HAS STUNNED ME* AND THAT TAKES SOME DOING.....
Dec 5 - 7AM
Hermes's picture


We,, Sparrow, pardon me but she sounds somewhat unstable to me. "Divorced by proxy"!! Not too much in the line of empathy there either, sounds very self-absorbed. Oh well, don't we learn somethng new every day..... All the best Hermes
Dec 5 - 7AM (Reply to #2)
Sparrow's picture

Hermes, unstable or a

Hermes, unstable or a mistress. How could I have been so blind? Am I jumping to conclusions? I have a funny feeling that I'm not after reading Used words.
Dec 5 - 7AM (Reply to #5)
Used's picture


I couldnt care less , what anybody else thinks....THEY WERE HAVING AN AFFAIR.....THE SISTER PRETTY MUCH ADMITTED IT...
Dec 5 - 7AM (Reply to #3)
Hermes's picture

Not sure

Sparrow: Unstable personalities imagine all kinds of things. I would not jump to conclusions. NPDs are very good at being "charming" to others, and those others (like your friend) may "get ideas" if you follow me. You'll only know if she tells you "yes" outright. Then again, I suppose: what does it matter? You don't need friends like that. It is very upsetting but try if you can to put it to one side. Best to you Hermes
Dec 5 - 2PM (Reply to #4)
walking_on_sunshine's picture

The way I would see it is

The way I would see it is that I'd wonder for what reason would they not have had an affair? If she was in love with him, which that is clear, and he is a cheater, and that is clear (since he left for another OW) Then what would possibly stop him from having humped up on her? There is a small chance that he thrived off the " friendship supply " but unless she wasn't attractive or desireable to him, I would think more than likely that it was physical at some point. Are there other odd behaviors outside of this situation that you can remember that made you think she had traits of experiencing delusions? Her emotionality is just over the top and its either from delusions of reality or from actual reality. If something actually did happen,and if she is starting to crack up, she may admit it. I personally wouldn't want to know until I was more healed though. You may want to focus on yourself, and your healing and adapting to this possible reality first before you traumatize yourself with more information. Just my opinion, and Im really sorry that he is such a scumbag. I hate hearing stories like this.