"the hoover"

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#1 Nov 6 - 4PM
idk1903's picture

"the hoover"

Soooo 72 missed calls later, numerous voicemails and text messages I believe I have a full blown hoover situation on my hands. I have not replied and being that i have 15 voicemails already saved dating back to sometime in august and each one says the exact same thing just on a different day for a different screwed up thing he did to me.. I think its safe to say these messages are no different. The only difference this time is my reaction which is noooo reaction and I must say it feels good not to explain myself, defend myself, or just feed into it what so ever. I am just curious how long this hoovering will last. I am going to put my money on him showing up at my house when he gets back from his vacation is evening. So I am preparing myself for that. After reading everything I have on this site I can see just how transparent he is. All the messages.... I know what i want... i am sorry.... I need to talk to you... I I I I I me me me me. It is allll about him and what he wants. "I realize on my trip what I want and that I want to fix this..blah blah blah.." well ya know what.... call me crazy... completely mad and off my rocker... If a man has to go on a selfish vacation while his relative is dying... after he invited me and disinvited me, to see that he wants me and he wants to "fix things" with me (things he created all on his own) I dont think I really want that. Especially since I have been here all along for almost 2 years and if you cant figure that out when I am right in front of your face... I dont need ya.

Sooooo typically how long should i expect the hovering?

Nov 7 - 12PM
Lisa87's picture

Delete and NC

sounds like a complete psycho who just can't stand to be ignored. Mine kept coming back even with deleting, blocking and NC for months at a time. I finally turned the tables, it was always him saying, I want, I this, I that...so I turned the tables and said, this is what I want! (I told him perhaps I have a bit of narcissism in me too lol) I want a man who will love and respect me, not lie, cheat and manipulate. I want a man that will take care of me EMOTIONALLY and financially (he had lots of $$ but no heart) I want a man that wants only ME, not every woman that comes in his path I want a man who is happy in his life, not looking for the next thrill, nothing and no one could ever be enough for him. When he said he can be take care of me, I laughed in his face cause , its all about them controlling you so as soon as you turn the page and try and control them, they won't be hoovering as much. Just give him a taste of his own medicine, be strong and stand up for yourself if you feel you must reply....but in the end firm NC is the only way to go. Not worth the game or rollercoaster.
Nov 6 - 5PM
a65703's picture

JC, that is really a the male

JC, that is really a the male version of a "psycho bitch". I really suggest, you take in all his missed phone calls/voice-mails/texts/whatnot and USE all that power, relish in it and be done with everything! Even though the Narcissist may have won many battles (versus your emotional psyche) YOU CAN WIN THE WAR and you are winning the war by what your empowering post says!!! Change your phone number/block his phone numbers through your cell phone company/get a blocking application if you have a smartphone. If you do this, you will answer your own question! Hoovering stops when you put a mature action (for the sake of your own sanity and well-being) to end it. You are above and better than him!
Nov 6 - 6PM (Reply to #5)
idk1903's picture


thanks everyone! I have actually changed my phone number twice during the duration of our relationship. I have text blocking and call block professional. but in the past i wanted him to call and wanted him to be sorry and fix it so i was always checking to see if a blocked call came in, a text came in and he always ended up with my numnber some way some how. This is the first time i have looked at all the calls come in as they were actually coming in and said to myself eh... what is the use? I found out some other things about things he has done during the course of our relationship even in the very beginning which now leads me to believe i dont even know who this guy is. I am getting the promise texts now. he loves me so much, i am what he has wanted his whole life, he wants to start our family and move in together. Welll he wanted to move in last time and we even went to go look at a house and guess who changed their mind when i was right back where he wanted me? give up?? that guy. Since he has been gone on his vacay I havent cried, I just feel so different this time. I know there isnt anything he can say. he has said and promised it all and to date nothing was delivered but a big package of disappointment and abuse with a big ol shiny bow and lacking the gift receipt. Last week I came to the conclusion he is ruining everything I worked so hard for. And I am allowing it. I went back to school after working towards it for several years. And I was doing exceptional when classes first started but he starts with his abuse I get so affected by it.. I dont do my homework, I dont go to class, I just dont handle it well.. He knows how excited I was to start my classes. He knew how long I have been working 2 jobs and planning to take this path.. and what does he do.. support me? nope. Makes my life more stressful then necessary. And if I tell him I was upset and having trouble focusing then its a put down. Get yourself together is what I am told. So I decided I am going to focus on my goals and not let him ruin any of it for me. Why waste thousands of dollars on tuition to fail my classes? I am not going to be bitter... I am going to be better! Lets hope the more I type this the more it sticks! Every time I start to question it or what he has said about me or done to me... I will just have to remind myself... I did the right thing... I gave him all my love, effort, time, understanding, energy... and he didnt give me that. I deserve what I put in... WE ALL DO! I would never ask anyone to give me something I wouldnt give them. I know what I want.. I am not waundering aimlessly around the planet looking for things or people to make me feel good or superior or validated like most of these men we have all seemed to get hung up on. Never knowing what or who they want. Filing their lives with the meaningless. Empty relationships, meaningless sex with random people, constant conflict. No thanks! They dont know whether to scratch their butts or whind their butts! And they will remain unhappy. and I feel bad for them. and if he has moved on to someone else.. well I feel bad for her too. Yes she might get my good times with him, my early morning cuddle sessions or lazy sundays but she is eventually going to get all tha pain I did. All the anxiety, the agony, the crying, wasted time, and he wont be there for her just like all the times he wasnt for me. let someone else have that if they want it. I have already wasted too much mascara on that guy. And i want the wrinkles on my face to be from smiling and laughing not from crying and frowning. And say one day he magically changes and becomes prince charming and treats someone else like a queen and is happy. Well good for him. I did love him (or what i thought was him) So i dont wish him a life of misery ( I am sure he can create that on his own will) It just wasnt meant for him to do that for me. It was another learning relationship... for us both. While he clearly suffers from NPD I also have learned alot about myself. I need to work on boundaries, the diease to please, and the saying "everyone deserves a second chance" might be well and fair.. but not everyone deserves a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 20th and so on and so fourth. In the future.. that will not happen. It will be a red flag parade. just got another call and text... I am waiting for the angry messages. Well I did get one last night that said I fucking called a thousand times and I will leave you alone and never call you again if that is what you want. oh realllyyy?? Alrighty... back to homework I go... I feel good and I am thinking of all of you ladies too and sending my good and positive vibes out to you! big hugs... and whoever he might be in your life... HE isnt worth it!
Nov 6 - 4PM
mystwoman's picture

Yep. I'd say this is a

Yep. I'd say this is a full-on hoover attempt. To quote Hunter, "Delete, delete, delete". If you're concerned about him showing up at your house tonight, my advice would be to find somewhere else to spend the evening. Go out to eat or something. Let him find an empty house where no one answers the door. Of course, if you don't want to leave your home, you could also just not answer the door. Stay NC. :) Maybe if he's too obnoxiously persistent, you could even call the cops on him. If the narc is looking for supply (just like ALWAYS), he could be introduced to "Officer Bag O' Donuts" for trespassing. lol. There is really no definitive time limit on how long a narc will keep returning. Some of them will return for a hoover after they've been gone for years. Just when you're starting to think you'll never see the narc again...SURPRISE! A rare few seem to just never come back. In xnh's case, I've been completely NC with him for almost 18 months now. Just last week, I caught the S.O.B sneaking through my area at work after hours when he thought that I'd be in there alone. I've filed harassment complaints against xnh at work, and management moved my office away from him. Xnh KNOWS he's not supposed to go near my work area. He's been reprimanded. However, as I was coming out of the bathroom with a friend, I saw the back of his ugly head sneaking into my area. Now, I've reported xnh to management AGAIN. He behaves like the "creature that won't just go away". Grrrrrr. I'm staying firmly NC with xnh forever. However, xnh seems to stick like a dog turd that I've gotten smashed onto the bottom of my shoe, and I just can't seem to scrape him completely off. rofl. Maintain your NC with the narc. Narcs can be obnoxious with the hoovering. However your only hope to get him out of your life is complete NC. Any attention from you (either positive or negative) only provides the narc with NS. The best option is to give the narc NO supply at all with your NC, worry about your own recovery, and move on with your life without him anywhere in it. Huge hugs.

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Nov 6 - 4PM
Hunter's picture

The longer you ignore the

The longer you ignore the sooner he will stop!!! Any move on your part fuels the vampire.. My friend had hers Hoover everyday for 2 months.. If you want him gone Block him or change your number.. Then ...ignorance is bliss.. Hunter
Nov 6 - 5PM (Reply to #2)
gratefuljen's picture

Changed my phone number,