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#1 May 4 - 7PM
malloryforest's picture


Son had a horrible time when ex left. He pooped in his pants in school, never does this, and was crying. When I picked him up, he said he pooped because he is a baby. Took him to his weekly therapy session. He crawled from the waiting room into the office and acted like a baby googooing the whole time. Askewd my husband to stay and help. His is just not my lot.

What does that mean? it is not his lot....

Son seems better. Going to put him down to sleep.

May 5 - 4PM
Mariline's picture


Mallory, I am a teacher in the primary school. My pupils and their moms love me :-))) really so I suppose I am not that bad in my job. I am not a psychologist, but please do not think too much to this. What have you described happens. It happens even to 7 yeras old (how old is your child)? Or oldre. It happens when they are upset but also upset for little things, usually when they are unsettled. All they need is STABILITY. Rituals. Habits. Feeling sure of something. Schedules. And lots of cuddles. Do not focus on this episode as if it is particularly important. It is a step in the process of facing their new reality. Good you bring him to his session. You are a good mom. But just follow your guts with your children. It tells you the truth. They need stability. YOU are the one who has to provide it. Now and for ever. So start, and do not look back. They need and deserve you: noone else. Remember: Safe People are people who draw you closer to who you were meant to be spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. They encourage you to be your most loving, growing self. (Emotional Abusers- Heartless Bitches International)
May 5 - 8AM
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

not his lot?

OK so now he's just Mr. DNA Provider? God this guy is SCUM! I wouldn't want him NEAR children. Even my exNH wasn't that bad in the caring for children area. Psycho truly depraved psycho. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free articles & information for abuse victims: Cost-Effective Coaching for Victims of Pathologicals
May 4 - 10PM
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Oh, I'm so sorry about your son. What the heck is that comment, "not my lot" WTF?!