They "Feed" off your responses

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#1 Apr 4 - 11AM
ValiditySeeker's picture

They "Feed" off your responses

I work with special needs kiddos and once did some contract work in an acute mental hospital for kids. Most of the kids there had some sort of mental diagnosis/problem they were dealing with and needed help outside the regular home and school setting. OCD, anxiety, conduct disorders were the big diagnoses. Especially conduct dusorder and oppositional defiance.

The students were taught by certified teachers during the length of their stay and got family, group, and individual counseling as well until they left to go back home. It was my job to go in and make sure the ones who came from a public school with an IEP continued to get served with special ed. services.

So this is what happened one day: As I sat at a table with one little boy, I had my arm on the table between us. I was talking about how I wanted him to do his work for thirty minutes and then he could earn a sticker or a piece of candy. He seemed to be attending to my instructions as he was looking intently at my face the whole time I talked. That's how I interpreted it: that he had a great attention span.

As I'm giving him my spiel, he sees my arm on the table and starts to pinch my forearm hard. He was still looking at my face all the while. I decide to ignore him and continue talking about what our plan was for the day. For the record, no one else was in the room. He continues to pinch harder and harder and I just kept talking nonchalantly. When I couldn't stand the pain any more, I said in a matter-of-fact tone, "You are pinching my arm." He says, "I know. Does it hurt?" while still pinching me. I said calmly, "Yes, it hurts very much" as he continued to pinch.

Then he got an angry look on his face and yelled, "But you aren't making a face!"

I never looked in his chart at his diagnosis but I think this a sociopath in the making: no empathy for a victim's pain, intentionally hurts others to just see the response on their face, hurts a person when no one else is around to witness it. It appears to me that he did it in search of a facial grimace from me and was angry when he didn't get what he needed. And for the record, this was the most adorable, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, freckle-faced, cutie-patootie you ever saw. His cherubic appearance was so deceptive.

I think there's a lesson for all of us here.

Who does this remind us of? Think of how the narcs behave when we are trying to leave. Or any time they are hurting us, really. They are looking for a response by telling us how fat we are, how stupid, how we can never get anyone else. They find our weak spots and attack those with a white hot intensity. They cheat, they steal, they set us up only to knock us back down cruelly at the knees. Their inhumanity knows no bounds. No actions or words are too cruel for these animals. And they never seem to look like an asshole when we first meet them, do they? The volunteering, helpful "good guy" social appearance; it's all an evil disguise.

I know most of have responded to our hurt feelings with rage and tears. I certainly have curled up into a fetal position and cried at the hands of my narc because I didn't know why he was being so mean and callous.

Unfortunately, this is just what the narc ordered: a grieved reaction to their vicousness.

I'm sharing this in hopes that next time one of us gets a nasty phone call, a rude email, slandered in public, lied about in front of our friends and family, insulted, or otherwise devalued and abused, you remember not to respond. Or at least not to respond emotionally. That's simply rewarding them for their bad/evil behaviors- it's exactly their intent! And that will only ensure that they continue doing this type of stuff.

No matter how hard it is, no matter how much you want to verbally defend yourself against the hate that they spread, my advice is to ignore or react in the most non-emotional, almost robotic tone that you can muster in the face of cruelty.

Chances are, s/he'll up the ante by "pinching" you even harder, but refuse to award them with any of your emotions. They'll get bored eventually and go away.

I hope this story helps someone who is feeling the need to respond to a hateful narc today.

Continue on with the NC!!!

Apr 5 - 11AM
Journey's picture

Very interesting story... a

Very interesting story... a sociopath in the making me thinks. My exN always paid attention to my reactions and I have noticed since I've been away from him that there are many things he said which seemed to be just fishing for my response. What is most disturbing looking back however, is from the very beginning of our relationship he liked to slap me. It was never painful, always a suggestively 'loving' thing to get my attention. Often he would do it while in his car while he was driving. He'd reach over with this joyful, mischievous look on his face and his hand would hover for a moment then smack! down onto my leg. Oh it was so funny to him! It was sometimes abrupt and those times were unnerving to me, a bit shocking, but he'd laugh at my reaction every time. This was something he always did throughout our relationship and after we broke up (and were still seeing each other as friends before he completely detached) it just stopped. I guess he didn't care anymore what my reaction would be. I am certain he does the same to all his women. The first time he did it I should have run, but I was smitten and it was always done in 'fun'. He never threatened me when he was angry and I didn't fear him overtly, but it really was an intimidating behavior thinking back. Another thing he liked to do was when he was standing close (sometimes even when I thought he was about to kiss me), he'd blow a short burst of air into my face to either get my attention or to laugh at my surprise again. Wow, thinking back he got so much joy out of teasing and torturing me 'for fun'.

Journey on...

Apr 5 - 8AM
dudette's picture

when Mr Hyde came out

2 weeks after the termination we went out for lunch. He had said that he wanted to talk about our future together... What he said was this.... It's not you. you are beautiful, and you undertstand me and you are strong and there is nothing wrong with you. it's me, my doubts and insecurities.... I need space and time to think, could we just not see each other for hedonistic purposes only? it may take 10 min, 10 hours or 10 days.... I said, I think it is time for you to take me home... The he said. can we at least negotiate on the wedding DJ? ( yes we were planning to get married etc...) I said, I think the wedding conversation has just become an irrelevance. then I talked no more He looked at me, slightly amused.....4 days of ST later I dumped him, he hoovered and was still "contemplating our future together" so we met , he said he loved me but there was this OW he had feelings for I walked out on him that day, never asked him back
Apr 5 - 1PM (Reply to #35)
Alisa's picture

You go girl! Seriously,

You go girl! Seriously, that's how I should've been... but at this point after having given mine a second chance, I am pretty certain that I will not want him back. Definitely not ask him back. BTW sounds a lot like mine. When he came around the second time he still had feelings for his ex-girlfriend plus he had met this New Woman. One night (when we were already back to being "friends") he was talking about his ex and going to some event with her. I said, "Are you sure you want to be friends with her?" (supportive friend that I was, but already looking through him at that point). He replied, "No, I want to be in a relationship with her". Almost instantly after he was talking about New Woman, all excited. That's when I first truly realized that I was NOT in the picture and never would be.
Apr 5 - 2PM (Reply to #36)
dudette's picture

then we

shall walk with our heads high and never ever engage in their insanity, ever again..... Twats!
Apr 5 - 2PM (Reply to #37)
Alisa's picture


Apr 5 - 8AM
insectt (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Thank you!

Apr 5 - 7AM
StudentOfLife's picture

Yes it's all about getting a

Yes it's all about getting a rise out of you and they really do feed off of it like vampires. After a couple years of this, I started to notice he really was looking at me to see my responses, i could see he was amused. One time he even grinned and chuckled and said: "Hehe, I love to see the look on your face whenever i say negative things." -- as though it's the least bit *acceptable* to be amused by enticing negative emotions in another person. Not a good game, it is evil. You really can learn a lot about a person based on what they find amusing. In the beginning, when you *think* he has a "great sense of humor" --> watch and listen and pay attention to all the things he does exactly find amusing. Wish I'd have known.
Apr 5 - 1PM (Reply to #22)
HopeAgain's picture

I was "too negative to be around"

My N would abuse me and neglect me and then tell me I was "too negative to be around." "He needed positive people in his life." "When you surround yourself with positive people positive things happen." I was always "dragging him down". Before he met me, "He was happy go lucky". How psychotic !! He would work so hard to make me absolutely miserable and bring me to the edge of my sanity and then tell me I was too negative FOR HIM! It still makes me want to scream so loud!
Apr 5 - 8PM (Reply to #32)
Finally Faced It
Finally Faced It's picture

Same. Again.

Yes! Mine said I was "so negative". I have NEVER been told in my life that I am negative. In fact, the opposite....that I am an eternal optimist, upbeat, etc. He repeatedly would say weird Stuart Smally-type stuff like "Attitude is a choice...and I choose to he happy each and every day." Like crap straight out of a self-help book. Then they pull this "it's not you, it's me" bullish*t...damn right it's you *sshole. I'm so done!
Apr 5 - 6PM (Reply to #29)
gettinbetter's picture

Oh yes he said all he needed

Oh yes he said all he needed was me happy. Well quit abusing me mofo and maybe I will be! all I know is I was quite happy living my little suburban life until you showed up and I have been unhappy ever since. So who is the common denominator! I have been married 15 years and you are 44 and never married with one failed relationship after another hmmmmmm
Apr 6 - 6PM (Reply to #31)
HopeAgain's picture

I love that

I love "quit abusing me mofo" ! That is the absolute best. I can't believe the same things happened to the women here..I thought it was only me for so long. He would drag me down to his dark pit and then complain about my negativity...which gave him license disappear to go out and screw more supply!!!
Apr 5 - 8PM (Reply to #30)
Smitten Kitten (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

And each relationship they

And each relationship they were probably "in love" almost immediately. Although they will tell you, they haven't loved anyone else until YOU!
Apr 5 - 3PM (Reply to #23)
Journey's picture

Mine said the same thing on

Mine said the same thing on the phone maybe a month after breaking up with me when I wanted him back so much - that he needed to be surrounded by a more positive environment and that I was always too negative so I was becoming hard to even talk to! Of course by now he was with his next girlfriend already which I didn't know about yet. Except for two honeymoon phases, he was always dangling affection and withholding it from me to maintain complete emotional control of our relationship and if I had a reaction to being rejected or pushed away that was anything other than continuing adoration and joy toward him I was being a downer, too intense, too negative and needed to have fewer expectations. ASSHOLE!!

Journey on...

Apr 5 - 5PM (Reply to #24)
Smitten Kitten (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

HopeAgain & Journey

Same, same same! Not only was it projection - HE was the negative, depressed, unhappy, angry one, with unpredictable mood swings. But he would also fail to see cause and effect, or maybe he did, but refused to take responsibility for it. Gee, if you treat me like crap, I'm going to respond negatively. Anger, tears, depression, unhappiness. Sometimes I would try to hug him and he would literally remove my hands from his body and step away from me. When my feelings got hurt because he rejected me this way, he would insist he didn't reject me (gaslighting). What would you call it then? In the beginning, he loved my passion. In the end, I was overly dramatic. In the beginning I was a vibrant, happy, secure woman who also made him happy. We both smiled and laughed so much our faces hurt. In the end I was always crying, or trying not to cry, angry or depressed and rarely smiled. I reminded him of this after one of his "you're so negative and woe-is-me" accusations. I pointed out that when you mistreat someone enough and hurt them, you're left with an unhappy, insecure woman who is sad all the time. Vampires they are, who suck away your self-esteem, your energy and your soul.
Apr 5 - 8PM (Reply to #28)
Deidre40's picture

smitten kitten

This really spoke to me. I have been called negative by this new guy I'm dating...who I'm starting to believe is a narc. I seem to attract them. Which is on me, I guess...I need to examine this about myself. I am far from negative. When we started dating ...he loved my energy. We would laugh ourselves silly too. I don't know where that all went to. It's only been two months of dating, and I feel it's been longer, and I don't say that in a fond way. lol I find myself saying...''I'm not negative.'' Over and over. I'm tired of trying to prove myself to him. Thanks for stating what I think many of us feel.
Apr 5 - 6PM (Reply to #27)
HopeAgain's picture

Did we date the same freak?

Smitten Kitten -I think I wrote this on another post..but I really do think we must've dated the same guy! He also said the "you're so negative and woe is me" I am telling you..I think it's the same freak!
Apr 5 - 6PM (Reply to #25)
Journey's picture

More of the SAME!!!

Mine did the same thing Smitten! "he would literally remove my hands from his body and step away from me. When my feelings got hurt because he rejected me this way, he would insist he didn't reject me" Sometimes mine would say while removing my hands from him "get your paws off me" - usually in a 'cute' voice so if I got angry or upset he could turn it around on me for being too serious or whatever, that he wasn't really rejecting me that he just felt claustrophobic sometimes if I 'crowded' him. Like you, in the beginning he loved my passion and sensuality... until he found ways to control it, then he said I was being too controlling over him with it so I had to hold it back a lot to keep him from pulling away. Oh yeah, real nice guys we were in love with. I definitely don't ever want that feeling of push pull back!

Journey on...

Apr 5 - 9PM (Reply to #26)
Smitten Kitten (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

When mine referred to my

When mine referred to my passion in the beginning, it wasn't just sexual passion. He saw that I was passionate about things I cared about. If I had an opinion or belief about something, I was passionate about it. That later came to be overly dramatic. At least he never knocked me for my sexual passion, but we only lasted a year. Maybe if we'd been together longer that would have been d & d'd too.
Apr 5 - 7AM (Reply to #21)
Smitten Kitten (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Getting a Response!

Yes, mine would sometimes say something to me on the phone, usually something about another woman, especially a mutual woman friend of ours on FB hitting on him in some outrageous manner. And I would flip out and yell, "ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME?" And then he's start laughing and I knew he was just yanking my chain.
Apr 5 - 6AM
ImStrong's picture

The narc used homosexual

The narc used homosexual remarks to get a facial exspression out of me..saying things like "you know I was gay before changed that"...."ha ha you have a gay boyfried" all while looking deep in my eyes..even while where walking in the street..he stare at me and scream out "im gay! Im gay!" On his block with people he know passing..i was embarrased for him and myself..he did anything to say "lookat your face"...he would stare at me for hours in public..whatch my posture and say "I use to sit upstraight like you" while trying to sit upstraight himself..he was always watching me always..even today when I pass him ..i get the Narc beeming stare.. Very zoomed hes amazed of his pray..and how bouned back..and not wasnt a amazed face but looking straight at you look..almost like a sniper taking a direct kill...almost like he was looking for weakness

"In the fiery pit lays a man with two faces.One is the face of a God and the other a face of the Devil.Beware He lurks your souls.Keep one hand on your heart and the other hand over your eyes. Let him walk pass you not into you.Ghost of love will possess

Apr 4 - 6PM
onwithmylife's picture

Validity seeker

what you wrote is so wonderful, I remember the exNarc at times trying to hurt me, pulling on my underwear and saying, oh you aren't wearing white, of twisting my arm till I cried in pain, thinking it was a teasing way but he went on past that point, rude, crude and callous, they are EVIL MEN and I do not use that term lightly, they are sadistic, get a kick out of your emotions because they are too weak to express anything but rage and fear, they are so emotionally stunted,,,,,,,,,,
Apr 4 - 4PM
agnesmurphy17's picture


I wish women would understand that these guys just feed on the harangue. If one does not engage, they evaporate & disappear.
Apr 5 - 6AM (Reply to #15)
Smitten Kitten (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

And yet mine said at the end,

And yet mine said at the end, "I got tired of all the fighting. We don't get along." What were we always fighting about? His interaction with other women, constant flirting, and the lies I started to catch him in. If it wasn't that, it was the way he was ignoring or rejecting me, or when he would twist something around that I said to have a completely different meaning. At those times, I would be reasoning with him (trying to anyway), but he even saw that as arguing. At one point I told him, "I swear, it's like you manufacture reasons out of thin air to be mad and you cling to them to stay mad." Personally, I think he's going to miss the drama with the new GF, because he gave me the impression he doesn't anticipate arguing with her. She's probably way more passive than I am.
Apr 5 - 1PM (Reply to #16)
HopeAgain's picture

I think I dated the same guy as Smitten Kitten

Smitten Kitten - I swear you just described the N I dated to a "T". Eery.
Apr 5 - 1PM (Reply to #17)
dazed and seeki...
dazed and seeking peace and strength's picture

same here. sounds just like

same here. sounds just like mine. I am my N's longest relationship and he's been with TONS of women. I am pretty honest, and I like to address problems. I think that the fact that he knew I was smarter than he was and there was much to gain, he stayed in this. He liked the arguments and he liked the fighting 1 because he liked watching my emotional response to him - made him feel powerful and in control 2 so that he could learn more about me. Jen, you are so right, engaging with him only fed fuel to the fire. And it helped him how to push my buttons and to further manipulate me. And I also think that we lasted so long because he couldn't get as bored since I was always expressing my frustration with him. I wish I knew all of this. I wish I never engaged or bothered to give him my emotions.
Apr 4 - 3PM
Susan32's picture

Not ALL responses are alike...

The ex-Psych prof would simply AVOID me whenever I was happy or cheerful. Of course, he LIKED it when he stood me up at concerts&lectures. He couldn't stand being around me when i was smiling. I'd be grinning, congratulating him on finally finding a partner, and he'd snap "STOP SMILING!" (I went to Cheshire cat mode, I could've vanished, but the smile would remain, curiouser and curiouser) If I was smiling or giggly, he'd snap, "BE SERIOUS! Take me seriously!" If he thought I was LOL'ing at him, he'd run, or find a way to end the conversation. The first time the senior skit lampooned HIM, he got up from the front row and made a run for it. When I talked to his girlfriend, he left HER stranded, practically. Some responses send them running.
Apr 4 - 1PM
TLSM's picture

Excellent, Validity Seeker!

This is very true. I read somewhere - I think from Sam Vaknin, Mr. Narc himself, that there are two things to get rid of a narc totally OR to really rattle his chains, so that they become desperate or give up... 1. Ignoring him 2. Indifference They thrive on our reactions -Good or Bad. It doesn't matter. Just as long as they get emotions out of us. Do you think they do this because they lack emotions, therefore provoking us to react because they can't feel it or know what it's like because it's so foreign to them? Like they want to experience something they don't have?
Apr 4 - 7PM (Reply to #12)
ifinallygotit's picture


I think they do it for sport with detached amusement rather than trying to feel through us vicariously - however mine did not enjoy creating any upset. Upset shut him down. They are wired differently and I do not think they have the depth to understand the emotional damage they cause - they just know they were "bad" like a little kid. Anther good way to get rid of them is to insist on a commitment!
Apr 4 - 3PM (Reply to #8)
gettinbetter's picture

Its the only way they can

Its the only way they can perceive if they are loved or not. They see it they dont feel it but they only see it thru pain. To them thats the only true emotion that they believe. The rest of the time they think you are just as phoney as they are but pain that is a real emotion to them. So they constantly do things to put you in pain so they can see what love is.
Apr 4 - 7PM (Reply to #11)
Susan32's picture

He must think I no longer love him...

With the exception of a postcard sent 8 years ago, whenever I've broken NC, it's to say how *HAPPY* I am, and wishing him happiness. I guess I'm expressing some sort of surreal indifference towards him, because I don't say things like "I'm dying of love for you" and "you broke my heart marrying M---." "The rest of the time they think you are just phony"-The ex-P was CONSTANTLY accusing me of putting on an act to humiliate him. He would accuse me of being phony, that my feelings weren't real. So it was surreal when after the final D&D,he said that *HE* had put on the helpless, insecure act to get my sympathy, and did the "you don't appreciate my masks." "They constantly put you through pain so they can see what love is"-That explains why the ex-P said, when I mentioned Sofia Tolstoy's numerous suicide attempts, "She REALLY loved him." During the final D&D, after I had declared my love&he'd be publicly reducing me to tears, one of my friends said something to the effect that, when he saw me in pain, he thought, "She REALLY loves me" (and why when I began MC/NC after meeting the girlfriend, he suddenly thought I was the one pulling a fast one-the senior skit didn't help) Leo Tolstoy told Sofia in his diary that when he saw her in pain giving birth to their first child, that he saw the "divine essence of love." Yet when she was in pain after childbirth, and addressed it, he threatened to kill her, and abandon her to go back to the army. When she had mastitis and couldn't breast feed, Leo emotionally abused her. The ex-P thought the Tolstoys' marriage embodied Ideal Love. It was the kind of marriage he wanted.