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Jun 2 - 4PM (Reply to #4)
Hunter's picture


I just cant stop thinking about how she feels. There was so much love for her in that room but no words were spoken. What can anyone say? Im Sick,. I just kept thinking, the family and friends there should be enjoying the beauty of that baby not attending her funeral tomorrow. Most things can be fixed but not this. Oh and more good news. My dog of 12 years has cancer. WAHOOOOOOOOO! Make this day go away. Hunter
Jun 3 - 5AM (Reply to #5)
Used's picture


too tragic, this poor girl, poor baby.....cyber hugs to you and her, live is so full of tragic events....and a hug to your dog as wellxx
Jun 2 - 3PM
mystwoman's picture

This is so sad. I'm so sorry

This is so sad. I'm so sorry to hear this. Big hugs to you!

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

Jun 2 - 3PM
Alibi_10's picture


Really sorry to hear this, that is so sad. Just wanted to send you a cyber-hug. ((x))