What does being in love with a N feel like?

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#1 Feb 17 - 6AM
Ottersley's picture

What does being in love with a N feel like?

I found this quote on a tumblr and the question was "What does being in love feel like?' and after reading the person's answer - I realised it actually describes what being in love with a Narc is like after the honeymoon period ends (well, it was for me at least..)

What does being in love (with a Narc) feel like (after the seduction phase)?
" Like there's a button in front of you that says 'press this for free cookies', but every time you press it, a bird sh*ts on your head, but you keep pressing it and once in every 100 times, you get a cookie.

And it's the best f-ing cookie you've ever had.

And while you're eating it, you realise you'll willing get shit on 99 more times in hopes of getting another cookie.

Then one day, the cookies stop coming"

They did leave out one last bit (after the whole D&D stages) - that one day, you realise you never want that cookie again. That NOTHING could make you want or eat another one of those cookies.

-Otters (who is still angry after having to see Narc on Friday... GRRRRR)

Feb 17 - 7AM
Tori's picture

And also you realise that if

Feb 17 - 6AM
leslieisback's picture
