What Were the Hallmarks of Your Narc?

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#1 Oct 12 - 11PM
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

What Were the Hallmarks of Your Narc?

Here were some that mine exhibited:

1. Intense jealousy of anyone who was exceptional in any way.

2. Exaggeration of accomplishments, no matter how run of the mill.

3. "I've been the one who ended every relationship I've been in."

4. "Every ex-girlfriend has come back to me 6 months later, sometimes a year later, and told me I'm the best thing that ever happened to them."

- Well, it's been over a year and ps? Hell will sooner freeze over before I utter anything so absurdly false like that to him.

5. We had a pregnancy scare...he looked like a cornered animal...his reply? "I'm not done doing for me yet" (he was 43 at the time).

I'm sure I'll think of more...but what were the hallmarks of your narc?

Oct 28 - 12PM
joolsy's picture

Hallmarks of my Narc

1. Boasted of his achievements 2. Jealous of other's achievements 3. OCD - showered 3/4 times a day. and yep, chapstick, and overdosed on the aftershave, deodorant etc. If ehe wore somethign for only a few hours it was in the wash basket 4. Always wanting to know my whereabouts, who I was going out with etc. Extremely jealous, particularly if other guys looked at me when we were out 4. Continually sending txts of a sexual nature, and telling me of his fantasies 5. All over me for weeks/months, very touchy feely, got annoyed if I didn't kiss him properly or hold his hand ......... then cold, silent, withdrawn 6. Annoyed if I didn't txt him back immediately, but if he didn't respond to me then always had an excuse 7. If he needed to see me ..... I had to make myself available there and then 8. Very organised - yep XL spreadsheets (holiday agendas, even for date options) 9. Thought he was popular, and far too important to attend various meetings etc, loved to delegate 10. Constantly calling/texting, particularly if I was out, on holiday with friends This site has been a revelation ... I should have seen the signs. I thought it was normal behaviour, or he was just having a bad day.... ugh. Goodbye demon.
Oct 27 - 7PM
Syren66 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Never ending

Never ending "oneupsmanship"...if I accomplished something extraordinary, he wouldn't say congratulations, he wouldn't criticize me either...he would fail to acknowledge it in any way OR he'd recall that he'd done exactly the same thing and described his accomplishment to always be more spectacular in result than what I had just done. It was so exhausting...I simply stopped telling him anything. I was a female and that man had a raging case of penis envy when it came to me.
Oct 28 - 2AM (Reply to #42)
Gaia's picture

This is a great post!

I cant help but keep commenting on this one! "oneupsmanship"... Ok, he SWORE that EVERYONE he ever knew had this "oneupsmanship" disease, but its funny cuz he was always doing that to me, and my family. HE WAS THE KING of "oneupsmanship"! I bet he would swear he is GOD to "oneupsmanship" , and that he could one UP, anyone with his "oneupsmanship"...HAHHAHAHHAHH!!! WHAT A TOOL!
Oct 28 - 1AM (Reply to #41)
ifinallygotit's picture

mine never supported my accomplishments either

They are either jealous or just not interested as it has nothing to do with them!
Oct 27 - 7PM (Reply to #38)
loveisallthereis's picture

sounds like the guy im involved with

he wouldnt even come to my graduation celebration. then he proceeded to tell me how "most millionaires" dont even go to college!!! that was the first of MANY disappointment and failures for him to be anything but a good fuck. problem is, im still entangled.... how did you get "out"?
Oct 27 - 11PM (Reply to #39)
Syren66 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I never 100% committed to

I never 100% committed to him...something about him bothered me almost from day 1 and I never totally trusted him. It took my mother getting terminal cancer, him being totally disengaged and unsupportive throughout her illness and subsequent passing for me to write him off...but write him off I did. It was a total no-brainer.
Oct 28 - 2PM (Reply to #40)
onwithmylife's picture


Reading your post about not really trusting the narc gave me goosebumps because i could have written that very same sentence. I too never trusted him and he would awalys throw up the trust issue and put it on me, like when i did not loan him $300 for some pots and pans and he made m re money than i did but spent it all and kept saying 'you do not trust me to pay you back' ,well i guess I did not, I believe you EARN someone trust through your actions and deeds and somewhere deep in my heart I felt he was just after my money in my home and not loving me.....eerie
Oct 27 - 11AM
freaked's picture

Syren, quite the same hallmarks IMHE

1. LIES LIES LIES all the time 2. Brags all the time. most with untruthful 'accomplishments'. Initially I was so impressed with all his grandiose talk..i thought i had struck a gold mine of goodness in my husband. 3. used to physically Thrash and insult our kid. ST came into force since past year. 4. Infatuated with OW but got no regard for me and our kid 5. Zero respect for authority 6. Obsessed with his looks and skin and hairstyle. uses lotions and 'potions' and effeminate perfumes like a newly wed bride. 7. desperate and obsessed with sex jokes and cheap innuendo. Syren, it is a big revelation to me since 7 months ago when i found about NPD via google search with keyword "dysfunctional family' that all NPD people are more or less identical in their misbehavior and that as per Sam's writings, that many women are compelled to continue in the marriage due to shared children, lack of income, fear of the unknown etc.
Oct 26 - 6PM
Syren66 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

More Twisted Weird Shit: 1.

More Twisted Weird Shit: 1. ALWAYS a victim...it was literally the world and everything in it against Frank....the man used to get pissed at cigarette lighters...if the lighter didn't work the first time he tried, there was an highly audible "woe is me" sigh...then he'd get it to light...then he'd light his cigarette and slam that incompetent lighter down on the counter. And God help us all if his cigarette died out before he was done smoking it. Just two examples that jump out...but it was always the eternal struggle for the very survival of western civilization whenever he was presented with an unacceptable inconvenience that most of us wouldn't think twice about. It's like the lighter was "against him". 2. Again, the pissed off reaction if he EVER got syrup on his fingers and never once saw him eat ribs...too messy, people...too messy for the Chosen One. 3. Grandiose bragging about the stupidest shit...to wit: he NEVER got crumbs in the butter...and I do believe he expected a trophy for that lifetime achievement. Such an extraordinary, special and unique little snowflake he was. I'm incredibly flattered that he allowed the likes of my flawed ass into his life to share all of this super specialness of his with.
Oct 26 - 9AM
Blythebloo's picture


Talking too much. About himself. Lies. Lies. Lies. His statements "I've been there, done that, better, longer, faster than you or whoever else. Copycat. Nothing original. Taking credit for things I did to other people when I wasn't around. Frequent use of chapstick. What's up with that. All the exes that he was still friends with he bashed. The ones he wasn't in contact with he never said a word about. Bad mouthing of people. There were no good people in his life. More lies about the stupidest shit. Insecurities. I couldn't joke with him or tease him at all. All the porn. He told me once all the girls he dated who liked sex liked his porn. The ones who didn't were prudes. He bragged about masturbating all the time. He said if he was bored he'd jerk off 7 or 8 times a day. The blank walls. Lack of individuality. No hobbies. Yet told me he liked that I had hobbies because all his past girlfriends didn't have any and he had to "entertain" them. Wishy washiness. He could never make up his mind. His most infamous words were "I don't know what I want". We never talked on the phone. Talking to him on the phone was like talking to a rock. Coward like attitude. Never wanted to face any issues. Hid from all problems he caused. Threatened by my male friends. Couldn't wrap his pea head around the idea of a genuine friendship. Isolated me from my family. I haven't spoken to my brothers in over a year and my parents 6 months. Things have been tough for 3 years now. Yet he always pushed me to fix things with my family when he was the problem. Yes, what an asswipe.
Oct 28 - 9PM (Reply to #34)
Susan32's picture

Not being able to tease or joke

The ex-Psych would mock me cruelly... he got off on public humiliation. "Insecurities. I couldn't joke or tease with him at all"-Here's the double standard. He liked mocking me, cruelly. Yet I wasn't allowed to smile or laugh in his presence, lest I be "not taking him seriously." If I were smiling, he'd snap "Take me SERIOUSLY!" One of his favorite scenes in "War and Peace" is when Prince Andrei rages at soldiers engaging in dark gallows humor on the battlefield. The ex-P could not bear teasing or joking. Guess what I did when I broke NC... I teased and joked, at HIS expense! Not mine! LOL! Gives a whole new meaning to "it is more blessed to give than receive." The ex-P wanted to rob me of my sense of humor. Unintentional consequences? He sharpened it. I used it on him, with *ASTOUNDING* results. He might as well have put a "Kick me" update on Facebook.
Oct 28 - 2AM (Reply to #31)
Gaia's picture

WOW Blytheboo

I think your post just took me down memory lane! Did we date the same loser? -I remember the insane obsession with chapstick. -The constant need for lotions, gels, perfumes..I think he spent more time in the mirror than me. -He would want to stare at me when I was putting on make-up, creepy. -I could never EVER make a joke on his accord, but he could have degrading jokes for days, esp racial ones. - he had no real hobbies, except online video game obsessions -He told me from week one, when I met him that he loved taking things apart and putting back together, and then discarding if he could not put them back together..little did I know, he meant people. -All his exes were crazy bitc*es that hurt him. -I couldn't carry anything, or do anything myself. He always had to push my grocery cart, carry my bags. Sometimes he would try to carry me..EVERY day. -For a man that primed and pampered himself in the mirror a lot he sure had bad hygeine! I would have to tell him to shower..every day. - I had to wake him up every day because for some reason, he NEVER heard the alarm clock. -Anything I told him I experienced in life, he swore he been there, done it or MASTERED it. -he was an organized freak, he would make excel spreadsheets for everything, I mean EVERYTHING. -He never trusted me with anything , only info I ever got from him was lil crumbs of info, he said " I was on a need to know basis" , and if he said anything and I called him on it, he would automatically say " I didnt say that" -Never thinks for himself, anything i ever asked him..like what he wanted to eat, do, or see..etc..his favorite line was " What ever you want baby". - He swore he never masterbated in his life (at age 27?), then all of a sudden because of his insane lust for me, or whatever..he was the masterbation KING. 10-15 times a day..come on! I cant believe , I believed that one. -My personal favorite : His online affair with a man, he thought was a woman! SHUDDERS!
Oct 28 - 9AM (Reply to #32)
Syren66 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

He would want to stare at me

He would want to stare at me when I was putting on make-up, creepy.
Oct 28 - 12PM (Reply to #33)
emtg's picture

OF course

He would want to stare at me when I was putting on make-up, creepy.
Oct 28 - 12AM (Reply to #30)
ValiditySeeker's picture


Short Dick Man refused to leave the house unless he had chapstick and gum. He bought both in bulk at Sam's club. I asked ONE time in three years for a stick of gum and he refused.he said I needed to go buy my own. This from a guy who screamed at me because I didn't offer him a drink once when he was thirsty. He also helped himself to anything I owned without asking and got mad if confronted.
Oct 26 - 3PM (Reply to #29)
Deidre40's picture


i'm scared. i think we dated the same man. seriously. i thought syren's ex was a clone of mine. but yours...omg. scary.
Oct 26 - 12PM (Reply to #28)
NarcJunkie's picture


Mine is also a coward (too scared to face either me or his ex.. he's still terrified of meeting her in person after almost 1 year of NC) and doesn't know what he wants. When I asked him a few months ago if he was happy now (with the OW) he just said: "I don't know if I'm happy, ok??" Of course - first he enters a relationship with her, goes on holiday with her, meets her family... he probably still doesn't know if he's happy with her. He once said (about his then girlfriend of 10 yrs) I always live day by day. If I wake up in the morning and I can't stand to look at her anymore, then it's time to break up.
Oct 26 - 10AM (Reply to #25)
Syren66 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Frequent use of chapstick.

Frequent use of chapstick. What's up with that oh my gawwwwwwwd!!!!!! Same with the xN! ALWAYS with the fkn chapstick. Narcs are often addicts...people who constantly use Visine or Chapstick..smokers, drugs, booze, whatever. They are OCD I have discovered. Many of the other things you mentioned (blank walls, coward, etc)...are very similar to the N in my past...but the Chapstick jumped off the page at me!
Oct 28 - 2AM (Reply to #27)
Gaia's picture


AHHAHAH!! Omg, you are so right! He once ADMITTED he had OCD, he would pick scabs on his arm over and over. I hated it, it grossed me out. But, he obsessed over everything, and he had to have that damn chapstick. He had no originality in anything, and talking to him on the phone was the same rehearsed script over and over, and anytime I would ask him why he cant say anything else, he just got mad and hung up on me, or said : I dont know what to say, you cant make me talk. LOL! We had the most BORING conversations, and I always ALWAYS felt like I was talking to myself, I think the wall was a better conversationalist. And in fact if he ever did talk, it was garbled repeatious crap, trying to sound psuedo-intellectual. I especially loved when he would go home to mommy dearest , and tell her something new or fascinating that I TAUGHT him, or told him, and claim it as his own. I bet he never did anything in his life, he took credit from someone, or stole. GROSS!!!
Oct 26 - 3PM (Reply to #26)
Deidre40's picture

lol chapstick. yes, my ex too

lol chapstick. yes, my ex too with that. and gum. always chewing gum.
Oct 26 - 7AM
NarcJunkie's picture

Great thread! :) Here they are: Hallmarks of my Narc...

and about time I reminded myself of all this crap! 1. He's a drama queen! His life is always a mess! No matter how much someone else suffers, he always suffers more... 2. extremely adept at appearing soft and vulnerable and helpless in order to attract women who want to help him and take care of him 3. always getting emotional and crying over what he did to his ex gf (cheating on her and dumping her)... but still doing it anyway. 4. very extreme feelings of guilt and shame - which result in him either admitting it and crying (if you're still a source)... OR verbally and emotionally attacking you and blaming you for it (if you're not a source) 5. lying and twisting the truth to his convenience... 6. chameleon-like ability to adapt to people. He appears to be interested in all the same things, he will be happy to do whatever you want to do. But in reality he doesn't care and isn't even listening. 7. He makes a great effort to do well at his job and to help people he likes or who are useful to him, but can be very cold and arrogant toward those who have fallen from his grace. 8. will say the most hurtful things and wrongly accuse you, ignore you for a day or two, then be friendly and act like nothing ever happened. 9. hyper-sensitive when it comes to his own feelings but absolutely no compassion or care for the other person's feelings. 10. a huge, but very fragile ego that constantly feels threatened. Very insecure about himself, yet extremely arrogant at times. 11. extremely charming and flirtatious - using physical contact (hugging, playfully grabbing your hand) and long gazes from his pretty eyes to pull in his potential sources. 12. accuses other people of bad-mouthing him, but says very bad things about other people himself.
Oct 16 - 5PM
Journey's picture

My exN's 'hallmarks' -

My exN's 'hallmarks' - withheld sex when he knew I wanted it - could be heartlessly cold with no empathy - only apologized if it served him better to do so - said he was no good at relationships - said he was 'different' than most people - could not take criticism - criticized others often - drove aggressively - controlling in every way - demanded compliance with his 'rules', his way or no way - intense energy but bored and tired easily - changed his mind unexpectedly and frequently - slept a lot - too much IMO - picked fights and withdrew after times of closeness - teased and laughed at me for fun - liked to startle me unexpectedly, thought my reaction was funny - when it was sunny and warm he needed 'space' - when it was cloudy and cold he monopolized my time - spent a lot of time preening, yet always looked exactly the same - couldn't stand to be touched at times and would push me away physically and with derogatory remarks - was absolutely the worst and meanest to me upon first waking (before he could consciously put on his mask) - was often late and kept me waiting for him or his decisions to be made about things - would phone repeatedly if I didn't answer until I did - thought his philosophies were the ONLY ones worth believing, all other religions or beliefs foolish in his eyes - projected upon me his need for control and manipulation by accusing me of trying to control or manipulate him - used silent treatment and abandonment to punish me - withheld information and lied to me (found out later) - was offended if I didn't warm up to him right away after he'd been extremely discounting or cold to me, once he decided to get close again - wanted me to express appreciation for everything he did or would get offended, yet did not offer me the same in return - would sometimes walk a few feet ahead of me instead of with me - would walk away from me when out shopping for instance and I would lose track of where he was, with him expecting me to search the store for him... then say "where WERE you?" - told me he was living a life of 'detachment' because it was the Buddhist way, not because he is incapable of attaching because he is a narc - hated weakness and considers being 'in love' weak - lost interest in endeavors suddenly if not readily successful in them - would talk excitedly of future plans, but not follow through or forget even mentioning them - often denied hearing me say something or conveniently forget - would interrupt me or make jokes when trying to make a serious point in order to derail my thoughts and confuse me Wow, WHAT exactly do I miss?!!! This is just the beginning of the list off the top of my head, I'm sure if I really thought about it there would be much more to add... hmmm

Journey on...

Oct 16 - 6PM (Reply to #21)
ifinallygotit's picture

many are the same for me Journey

But I cannot bring myself to write the list yet One big difference is yours sounds smarter, i.e., had "philosophies"!!! Mine had no independent or creative ideas and would not try new things...only parroted others. Mine would rarely be seen with me and would look around nervously when we were out together - I did not fit the image he wanted as ex-celeb - I am attractive but normal...
Oct 16 - 6PM (Reply to #22)
Journey's picture

Oh yes, my exN is smart

Oh yes, my exN is smart alright - he talks the talk and writes well too, but his philosophies were all taken from others, not original at all. The only original thoughts he had were about how HE was smarter than us regular 'mortal' and emotional folks for choosing the ideals he did which validated for HIM his lack of emotional involvement and continuing detachment.

Journey on...

Oct 16 - 2PM
Deidre40's picture

great thread! :=) * all his

great thread! :=) * all his ex wives were nuts * all ex gf's were nuts and/or stalkers * all women are 'bad' * no one knows as much as him; very know it all-ish * very jealous of any guy getting attention other than him * only compliments people who he knows he can kick around, so like he's throwing out token compliments. if someone is better than him, and he's jealous? they don't get a compliment, no matter how good they are. only people beneath him get compliments. and it's like a father patting his son on the head. very strange. * calls all women he despises...''cunts'' (but you knew that one already, syren from my other thread hee hee) * had to make me look bad all the time after we broke up. * lied and told people he broke up with me * probably lied about his ex's, since he lied about me * has nothing to do with his kids
Oct 16 - 2PM (Reply to #12)
Syren66 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I'm tellin' ya...twins separated at birth (and unfortunately, nobody had the good sense to put them in a burlap bag and drown them) Mine uses my kid to try to get to me...he has none of his own...he could have, but he admitted he's too self-centered for the drudgery of family life. everything else you cited is HIM. ACK!!!
Oct 16 - 6PM (Reply to #13)
Deidre40's picture


lmao !!! syren...omg. lol @ nobody had the good sense to put them in a burlap bag and drown them... it's so sad to laugh at that, but it's hilarious just the same!! yeah, my ex had kids...most likely because he wanted to tie the woman down. meanwhile, they kicked him to the curb regardless. lol and he turned his back on his kids...claiming, it was the 'mama's' that didn't want him to be a part of their kids lives. granted, i believe that. but, still. at some point, as a father. don't you try to fight to see your kids...AT SOME FRIGGIN POINT? Not him. because you see. they don't serve as fans. only those that are his adoring fans, will he pay attention to. question for those who's ex's withheld sex. how exactly did that happen? i didn't have this with mine, but i imagine had we gone on for months and months, eventually he would have used sex against me...no doubts. just curious.
Oct 16 - 10PM (Reply to #18)
Journey's picture

The way mine withheld sex was

The way mine withheld sex was much like the comments below... he'd be too tired, just didn't 'feel' it, had a stomach ache, a sore back, wasn't in the mood. If I showed or expressed disappointment at all, I was accused of objectifying him, that I didn't care about HIS needs, that sex was ALL I wanted, that I needed it to feel validated, that I was searching for happiness outside myself, that I was conditioned to need sex to feel close to someone and asked why can't I just appreciate lying next to him? Why did I expect so much? This was during what I thought was a committed relationship. After awhile I stopped initiating sex completely because his rejection could be so hurtful. He then had complete emotional control over our sex life and would initiate it when HE wanted sex and after all the rejection and wearing down of my confidence, I willingly accepted these crumbs of intimacy which were often only about HIS pleasure, because unless he was hoovering because he sensed my strength and self respect returning, he could care less about my pleasure. I was a receptacle, nothing more - ugh!

Journey on...

Oct 26 - 2PM (Reply to #19)
tynk3377's picture


Journey.....we married the same N..... I was going to make a list then read yours...... No point......you nailed it.....even the withholding of sex is identical.... Of all the molds that should have been broken the N one should have been the first.....
Oct 16 - 8PM (Reply to #17)
Syren66 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

it's so sad to laugh at that,

it's so sad to laugh at that, but it's hilarious just the same!! Fuck 'em! Their entire existence is a joke! Withholding of the sex...oh, this was priceless...usually him stating that he can't have sex unless he feels it's "for real"...a concept he knows absolutely nothing about. Like I said...for a 2 minute romp, I was totally FINE with him abstaining. It was a chore ffs.