Why He Won't Ever (sincerely) Apologize

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Sep 23 - 4PM (Reply to #21)
better off
better off's picture


And that's why they love the internet, there is so much to steal, humor, ideas, opinions, philosophy, poetry, anecdotes. That's also why they love brilliant funny women, it's a goldmine. They use the CASE method, Copy And Steal Everything.
Sep 23 - 4PM (Reply to #22)
Meadowbrook's picture

CASE method. hahahahaha!

Here's one last one you'll love. I forwarded the OW an email he wrote me when I tried to break things off. It was full of cheese. She wrote back, "yep, pretty much sounds like letters he wrote to me too." The best thing she said was, "I wonder if he copy and pastes". Yes, Yes, I'm sure he DOES copy and paste most everything! Loser.
Sep 23 - 2PM (Reply to #15)
better off
better off's picture

He blocked you so he could

He blocked you so he could hide what he's doing. Because he's a big fat liar. It has nothing to do with rejecting you.
Sep 23 - 2PM (Reply to #12)
Used's picture

she hopes it will help her

she hopes it will help her get him for herself. I hope I am wrong about that. But I wouldn't be surprised. you are not wrong... she asks to many questions for someone she isnt interested in....
Sep 23 - 3PM (Reply to #14)
Meadowbrook's picture


which is why I'm sort of kicking myself for talking so much to her. I do still want to rat him out to his wife. There are LOTS of reasons for NOT doing that. But, admittedly, one of them is because I don't want her to get her way. Isn't that screwed up! Oh, I long for the day when my poor addled brain will stop strategizing and obsessing. It's exhausting!
Sep 23 - 2PM (Reply to #13)
better off
better off's picture

ABSOLUTELY that's what she

ABSOLUTELY that's what she wants. She couldn't figure out why he'd lie about that??? Duuuuh.
Sep 23 - 7AM
tica's picture


WE all see that the apolgy never would mean anything..they are pathalogical, whatever is said we can not believe..mine gave me a hug instead of an apolagy, and i really felt it was truely sincere (until he got a hard on! the sicko!) i realize and even told him that I have work to do myself..why would I even be attracted and sucked in by this? so that's where i am at, not about HIM!! About ME!! Have a great day everyone! tica
Sep 23 - 7AM
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I think we can say

We've won the WAR when we can say "who cares" seriously...I was so friggin exasperated trying to break down and explain and did everything short of break out a fucking pie chart ever so careful to be non-confrontational and "communicate" and it was like dealing with a fucking caveman. For me...yes, irate, brain-buzzled whatever...on the apology note I am at WHO CARES...and you know something...I've examined myself, I've said some bad things...so let's say we got this much anticipated expected apology...I can't say I'm ready to apologize for my behavior...I'm not...I have said every VILE thing I possibly could to him. IF by some wierd reason, he's been abducted by aliens in the middle of the night and had an empathy transplant and came to me this afternoon with a "TRUE SINCERE" apology...seriously, after the damage he's done, the trauma his behavior has caused...I'm not frigging sorry...SO...touche to him too...I don't care anymore and I could give two craps less about his apology at this point...it just doesn't matter anymore.
Sep 23 - 9AM (Reply to #2)
faithinthefuture's picture

I wouldn't care

I wouldn't care if he came to me on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness and bawling his eyes with sorrys. You know why? first I wouldn't believe his sorry ass shit and 2nd I don't care either! Like you said michelle after ALL the shit they have said and done and blamed us for and the begging I know I did to try to get him to see what he was doing and it his response would be "It's not all about you". I would tell him the hell it isn't when you're pulling this shit on me and expect me to just accept what you've done! And then he would throw things in my face from years ago!!!! It will give me great pleasure should he ever try to even contact me to ignore him totally. He is dead to me! and he's so used to everyone just accepting him (but laughing behind his back) I know it would kill him inside to be ignored by me. :-) I will be going to his hometown in 2 weeks to see my daughter and go to a wedding(he's not invited) & I will do my damnest to avoid going anywhere he may be. I would rather be there never see him and then have everyone tell him how great i looked and how happy i was! cuz honestly i'm a little afraid if i do see him i would punch him in his ugly face! and i truly just want to ignore him.