Will He Be Different for Another Woman?

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#1 Jun 10 - 11AM
NeverAgain115's picture

Will He Be Different for Another Woman?

Hi everyone!

I have to thank all of you for aiding my recovery with all of your topics, posts, words of wisdom to each other and the validation that comes from having shared the same path. It is so scary how they are all so much alike!

I'd like to ask for your help now - I feel that I am significantly over the Narc - not 100%, but pretty damn close! I just have one re-occuring thought that I can't shake - and I feel that it stops me from reaching that 100%.

Even though rationally, I know this would be hard for him to do, I just keep thinking that the next person he meets, he will become serious with and morph into a "normal", "loving" man who keeps his word, doesn't lie, isn't so selfish, isn't sexually perverted, etc. You probably see where I am going with this!

I think I feel this way because he completely romanticizes the only 2 serious relationships he's ever had in his life - goes on and on about how perfect they were - they were the loves of his life - he claims he was DEVASTATED when they left him, yada, yada, yada. Get this though, I happen to know that the 2 relationships only lasted a total of 6 months and he was totally hitting on me all throughout his last relationship. On top of that, just to give you an idea of his track record - the man has 3 children by 3 different baby mommas!! And he gave up his parental rights to the third as he was born with cerebral palsy - nice, huh?

I would so appreciate any advice you might be able to give me - if I can reconcile this in my head, I feel I will be on much more stable ground!


Jun 13 - 3PM
BadaBing's picture

Will the next give him what he wants?

Will the next woman give into each and every sexual fantasy and whim He did remember my Birthday and christmas - so he is a more thoughtful narc than most I guess But it doesn't really matter to me in the end he isn't going to be a trusted partner to anyone
Jun 13 - 12PM
Deidre40's picture

How I'm certain they won't be

How I'm certain they won't be different, is...I've been out of the picture...out of his life...for what now, two months? And he's still baiting me. Playing games. Bashing me on his FB page. lol I have done nothing to antagonize this. I have broken NC but to be kind, to extend an olive branch, when I've fallen prey to his fake attempts at niceness. (baiting) So...the next nice person who comes along. He will lure in. And then try to control. And when she doesn't like it...and complains/stands up for herself, he will abuse. And when she dumps him...or he leaves...he will walk on in life telling the world she's nuts, and bashing her on FB. Just remember where you read this. :=P
Jun 13 - 11AM
TovaBella's picture


NeverAgain115, I'm not sure this will help, but here is what my ex-N said to me before I knew he had NPD and he was trying to be "just friends" with me: "I do whatever I need to do to lure them in and then I decide what I want to do with them." NeverAgain115, they don't change. They cut through women like a hot knife through butter. They get bored. They also LOVE to rub previous relationships in our face...love to pretend they are SO happy once you are gone and everything is just peachy...it's all an act. They cannot change long term, they just pretend to get what they want and then revert back to the miserable people that they truly are. P.S. You keep doing wonderful and reach your 100%...he can suck it! He doesn't deserve you ;) Big Hugs, TovaBella
Jun 13 - 1PM (Reply to #37)
Done sourcing
Done sourcing's picture

ditto for women narcs

my exwn does the same dance, no different really. not quite "Done Sourcing"
Jun 13 - 8AM
NeverAgain115's picture

Can't Thank You All Enough!

To everyone who responded to my question of the narc being different for another woman - I thank you from the bottom of heart! Not only do I thank you for the time you took to respond, but for your words of wisdom, and in some posts, making me "wake up, smell the coffee and put down the damn koolaid"!! My only wish is that I had found this Board sooner - 3 years gone, but the only thing to do is move forward. I'm looking forward to posting the horror that is my story - just need to sit down and put all those painful memories on the keyboard! Again, thank you and peace and healing to each of you!
Jun 13 - 12AM
Done sourcing
Done sourcing's picture


I almost wish you could take him back, get him a vascetomy, and then d and d him. What a disordered individual. He has you reciting his fairy tales about his previous relationships. Stop drinking the Kool-aid. You kissed a frog, turns out it was a frog with NPD. Think of reasons to be grateful that he is gone, shouldn't be hard. Devastated when they left??? Means scared. f'em. And his stories. Out of order. Liars, cheats, and thieves! Another relationship can't fix broken! Stop kissing frogs
Jun 12 - 12AM
Journey's picture


He will not be different for any other woman even if it seems like it temporarily from the outside. I'm out a long time now (almost 23 months) and I've seen my exN go from one woman to the next without being any 'different' with any of them (possibly even worse). Like others have said, it is the Cog Dis that causes these thoughts and I think learning how to refuse entertaining these kinds of thoughts is a big part of the fog clearing process we all have to go through as we recover. For me, reading more and more about PDs and staying close to this forum helped me keep those thoughts at bay the most until I was strong enough to shut them out or turn them off in my mind as I trusted my own perception more. Your narc sounds like such a liar too so you can't really trust anything he's ever said such as romanticizing about his two serious relationships when you know from experience one of them couldn't have been that serious. Narcs love to play up a past relationship in order to make us try harder to prove our worthiness to them by putting up with escalating emotional abuse. I wouldn't at all be surprised if you found out he says the same thing to the next woman about his relationship with you. Narcs lie to get their way whenever it suits them to. You are doing so well getting over your ex, don't worry that these thoughts might be based in reality because they aren't - narcs don't change for anyone because they can't. It isn't a decision they can make because they are disordered. The disorder will always take over, even if they think they want to change or 'be better'. Sadly, they lie even to themselves. Stay strong!! (hugs)

Journey on...

Jun 10 - 9PM
Deidre40's picture

I think you answered your own

I think you answered your own question, perhaps. He has three kids, from three diff women. Hitting on you while he was 'in love' with one of the two top chicks of his life. lol Seriously. These men are clowns. The thing that kills me about these men/women, is they think we are all dumb and naive to their games. Like we don't see them for what they are. Yeah, when it's happening, and we're enamored...sure. We can't see the forest through the trees, but take away the trees...and it's clear as day. They are game players, liars, cheats, manipulators. And yet, I can still feel some empathy for them, as it would suck to go through life so utterly depraved. Void of normal emotions and tenderness. Think about that for a moment. That's the life they create for themselves. Very empty, indeed. My ex had four ex wives, kids he doesn't know and has never known...restraining orders...spent time in jail...I left him. No, I don't think they 'morph' into anyone else. They don't change. They just change partners. ;) Great to hear you are nearly completely recovered...what a ride it's been. You are doing wonderfully, and may you continue to stay strong and narc free!!!
Jun 11 - 9PM (Reply to #32)
miloka's picture

They don't change. They just

They don't change. They just change partners. ;) Wow you just said it all....I have to write that down
Jun 10 - 8PM
Steph's picture

Ok. Given his track record

Ok. Given his track record from what you have written here, this guy definately sounds pathological! NO. He will NOT change for the next gal. This is a common thought that we all entertain though. Here's a link to an article that helped me with this thinking......hope it helps you too! Stay strong!!! xoxo, Steph http://saferelationshipsmagazine.com/the-other-woman-now-hes-happy-with-her
Jun 12 - 9PM (Reply to #30)
sara-smile's picture


I could just hug you for posting this link! I had a very stupid moment tonight and that stupid moment caused me to start thinking the Narc and the OW were living a Cinderella fantasy life! DUH! What is wrong my with my brain tonight?? LOL! Thank you!! This was a great article! Hugs to you! Sara
Jun 11 - 8AM (Reply to #29)
Lobo555's picture


I bookmarked that article -- thank you! So when I run into CharlieSheenWinning and NewWinningWife, I'll pull it up and get my head on straight again!
Jun 10 - 10PM (Reply to #28)
Littleone's picture

Thanks heaps for posting this

Thanks heaps for posting this article steph. It's helped me immensely! My EXN doesn't seem to have a OW yet, but it's probably because he hasn't found the perfect victim yet. This really cleared some doubts I've been having and I'll definately refer back to it to when I have to cross that bridge.
Jun 10 - 9PM (Reply to #27)
NeverAgain115's picture

Thank You!

Thank you so much Steph! I know you are exactly right - I don't know why that came over me today with such intensity!I really appreciate your response and the article :) Peace and blessings!
Jun 10 - 7PM
Susan32's picture

He didn't make sacrifices for her

This is what a friend of mine observed after the final D&D, after the ex-Psych prof had fathered twins with his girlfriend, then married her. His parents moved across the country to raise his twins;his father sacrificed his job (his girlfriend had done the same) My friend observed, "See. He didn't make any sacrifices for her either." His girlfriend had made MORE sacrifices for him, IMHO... she changed jobs to work down the street from him, she pulled up stakes, financially he went from an apartment to a house... I was just a college student. I didn't give up my job or move to be with him. She had. Of course, there was the speculation that she was as much a Narc as him, and they saw their marriage purely as an arrangement, not a relationship.
Jun 10 - 7PM
Cgrl's picture


Unless he has some great epiphany, he will be exactly the same guy he was with you. Take the narc part out of it- people are set in thier behaviors. He only left to be the man he is. He can't be any other man but what he is. It's a cycle. She will get all that great stuff from him too. Then he will cycle to devalue and discard her too. Stop wasting all your energy focusing in on how he will be and focus on your recovery from him. They don't change. There are no miracles. They are who they are with everyone. She will be right where you are wondering what the he'll just happened.
Jun 10 - 9PM (Reply to #24)
NeverAgain115's picture

You're right!

Thank you cgrl! Cogntively I know you and the others are exactly right - I just have to be confident about it emotionally as well. Thanks too for the reminder to focus the energy on my recovery - I will. Having found this Board, it's like being thrown a life preserver! Hugs to you :)
Jun 10 - 3PM
SoaperGirl's picture

I wonder the same thing sometimes Comfort me please!

While I think I'm a nice enough looking woman, the fact is, I am obese, which I've read enough to know some of you ladies look down on..Oh, yes fat! Yeah baby, I am trying to work on it. I hate it, but it is what it is. The new OW makes big bucks compared to my much more modest means. Has a nice expensive home, beautiful land an property...its difficult at times to keep your head and your self-esteem up. Tell me please she has no more chance than I did of making it long-term with this bum than I did! I know he's just using her, I'm sure largely because she's economically well-off. A fact, I'm sure she's proud of. I could use some words of encouragement here, that money, nice home and other things wuill not make a permanent difference. Needless to say they had a bullet train fast whirlwind courtship, first few weeks intense attention paid to her, fast commitment. After three weeks she was ready to move him into her home! He bragged about what she can do for him. Waved her magic wand to make all his troubles disappear! Comfort me please! I really need it.
Jun 11 - 8AM (Reply to #19)
Lobo555's picture


CharlieSheenWinning married his tall, blonde, rich girlfriend after only knowing her for 3 weeks. This was within 2 months after he and I were on a vacation together. It was after he told me for years that he didn't want a relationship and, oh yeah, then he told me he still wasn't over his previous girlfriend. NewWinningWife got him over her in a hurry where I couldn't. I can't even look at a picture of the wife (she's on FB and on his FB but I refuse to look), I'm terrified to run into the two of them around town because I know it will send me into a total spiral of self-doubt and misery. What I'm saying is, you are not alone in this. These guys suck and you know what? Miss blonde, tall, rich WinningWife is going to get the shaft, too!!!! Deep down I know this. Your narc's girl will soon get bitten by the snake, too. It's a fact of a narc's life and any woman who is with him. And about your being overweight -- you're working on it, and that should be for *you*. If you were Cindy Crawford, that narc still would have f'd up and been a jerk to you. Look at Sandra Bullock, Elisabeth Hurley, Tiger Wood's wife. Lose weight for *you* if you want to do it. You're a caring, kind, compassionate, smart person from what I can see here. That's so much more important than a few pounds. Weight you can change, kindness is ingrained. {hugs again}
Jun 12 - 9PM (Reply to #22)
SoaperGirl's picture

Don't you just get so mad, you'd like to get a gun? MONEY!

The hypocrisy blows my mind, and I'd like to blow his. Just seeing my narc book up with OW, he completely reversed himself on many things he'd been whining and preachiung about for years. Suddenly a gung ho healthy life-style with vitamins wasn't that important...suddenly he forgot all abuot the saintly dead wife he'd been grieving and idealizing over for the past 2-3 years. Gone! Forgotten! I no longer existed, and all he was going to see in the past or future is the new OW, who to hear him tell it, was basically calling the shots, and had all these high standards, everything he was looking for. HA! The real reason IMO, - Her very healthy bank account and check book, expensive property and lucrative business - MONEY - MONEY! Money makes the world go around, the world go around, that clinking, clanking sound! MONEY! And she's got tons of it! - Damn Man-Whore!
Jun 11 - 9AM (Reply to #20)
SoaperGirl's picture

Thank you Lobo555 (love your handle btw)

One of the last few things my narc publically said about me (although he didn't mention me by name) was that I looked and ate like a pig which I don't think is true. I suspect I am highly empathetic that makes me highly sensitive to hurts and pains. From what I've seen of the most narcs mentioned, there is no winning with them even rich, beautiful, celebrity women get bady badly hurt by them: Sandra, Tiger's wife, Maria, Cong. Weiner's wife. There are many gorgeous, talented, rich beautiful women out there, and they get shafted just as readily by their narc as their more humble looking sisters without money, movie star looks and all the rest, not even the attractive, well-educated gals who look down dumpy, overweight women - we all get hurt too. None of us are special in that regard! I've seen some behavior I wasn't crazy about, but I said nothing, and let it go, because I also saw those same women's deep wounds and trauma. I felt badly for them too. None of us have the right to feel superior to another! None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes! Nobody, no matter who and what they are, or how they behave, are immune to being conned and played hard by a narc. We are all sisters, and in this together!
Jun 11 - 9AM (Reply to #21)
Susan32's picture

You are my sister

That's why I WANTED the ex-Psych prof to change for his girlfriend (she could've been a Narc, I didn't get to know her)... I had been through Hell... and I did NOT wish it on her. She struck me as such a sweet person that the very concept of what I had suffered being loosed on her pained me. He got her pregnant not long after I left, and I knew how he regarded pregnancy with disgust&hatred. Honestly, I don't know if they're still married after a decade... all I know is that the ex-P's parents moved in with him to raise his kids (he also hated children) I felt that the ex-P's girlfriend was my sister. She looked like an older, taller twin version of me with glasses. I wanted to tell the ex-P "You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend, and my parents didn't tell me I had a long-lost sister!" I just wanted to hug her&comfort her... and I had been through Hell of the final D&D. Yet when the ex-P flaunted her, he didn't introduce her to his colleagues... and he literally abandoned her. He went running down the stairs, leaving her behind. She was shocked when he simply up&left, and she was the one who had made the big job change/move to be with him. In a perverse way, I HOPED she was a Narc so she wouldn't suffer as I had.
Jun 10 - 7PM (Reply to #15)
onwithmylife's picture


It does not matter if you weigh 500 lbs, he will still treat any other women the EXACT SAME WAY....
Jun 10 - 8PM (Reply to #16)


Hi, I don't post often, but I do keep up with the boards so I hope you don't mind me butting in with my $.02 :) Even if you were a 90 pound super model he'd treat you the same way! As I see it, there are 2 options with an N, you are either the short term girl who's abused, lied to, and taken advantage of *or* you're the long term girl who's abused, lied to, and taken advantage of. I'd much rather be the short term girl :) Besides, her having more money doesn't mean she's any better than you, the only thing it means is that there's more for him to take. XOXO
Jun 11 - 8PM (Reply to #18)
SoaperGirl's picture

Its so frustrating that the parasite is residing in my head

Feeling weak tonight, and tired for no good reason that I know of. Can't get the narc out of my mind! I feel like he's trying to feed on me again. I must have been a rich source of NS for him. While he has OW, and is not directly contacting me, I'm still feeling like I'm psychially connected to him, and he's not letting me go! Make any sense to you? Something, I think he's keeping me connected as backup supply, now that he no longer has primary supply from his old website fans. I wish I could find a way to invade his Pathological Narcissistic Space, and induce him to kill himself or something. I keep trying to disconnect him, and he keeps connecting the psychic cords back. I have this horrible feeling all is not over between us. I order him out, and to leave me alone, sometimes, I feel a power surge, and then it dawns on me, I'm losing power again, and feeling weaker while he's sucking on my mind. What do I do? I want him out of my head space.
Jun 11 - 9AM (Reply to #17)
SoaperGirl's picture


I lasted 1 year and 4 months. I don't know if you'd consider it long or short term. I may not have even lasted that long if I had not been living long distance and battling cancer - then again, we had plans for me to move in permanently with him, and eventually for me marry him, but the cancer/reconstruction treatments pretty well derailed those plans. I think he wanted the facade of being a normal man and husband to hide his creepy narcness behind. Ha! It is good to know that there are sisters out there who can look at the big picture. Ultimately, the narc will treat us all the same way. Thank you for all the kind comments. Yes, it does help! One final note, at the end of the month, I will finally get my last procedure - an aerola tatoo! Yea! I would not have chosen this experience, or the cancer experience, but through it all, I think I have emerged as a much stronger, and I hope kinder person. Love to all! http://cheaterville.com/?page=cheaters&id=3184 http://soapergirl.blogspot.com/
Jun 10 - 3PM (Reply to #8)
ShaynasMommy's picture


"Tell me please she has no more chance than I did of making it long-term with this bum than I did! I know he's just using her, I'm sure largely because she's economically well-off. A fact, I'm sure she's proud of." Well, I guess theoretically it could "work," except for on e problem. The mask always slips, and then it eventually falls off! If she is all that and financially well off, then she is no dummy and she will eventually figure it out. All relationships that these guys have end up in shambles. If she chooses to stay with him and take his lies and abuse for whatever reason, then that's her problem!!!! Just be glad its not YOUR problem anymore.
Jun 10 - 4PM (Reply to #10)
SoaperGirl's picture

Thanks ShaynasMommy

I needed that. I've read that all narc relationships are exploitive and they always end badly. I'm just wondering how long this one will take before it falls apart. As I have no way to know what's going on, your guess is as good as mine. So we're talking nearly four months into the "relationship". She should be receiving the Silent Treatment now, and all the other fun games narcs like to play. I never lived with him, and she's going into the second month of living together. But you are right, I'm glad he's not my problem anymore. NO, I don't want him back, but he's in my head still too much which I hate! I'm trying hard to cut all the psychic ties with him, and get his powers and abillities cut. He is in a position of sponging off this woman which I'ms ure was his intent from the beginning, and he's likely into full criticizing mode now (for her own good you understand!), and turning her into his own personal slave. I'm just really, reaally curious as to what should/would be going on now behind closed doors of a live in narc relationship. Thanks for the kind words!
Jun 12 - 8PM (Reply to #13)
Redhead1's picture

SG, I was with my narc for

SG, I was with my narc for over 20 years. I will tell you why, I was a doormat. If a woman is with a narc for an extended period, don't think for one minute he has changed, she has. We all have our flaws. I was a bit overweight a couple of times during the 20 years and it changed nothing. Whether I was fit or fat, he was an ass!
Jun 12 - 9PM (Reply to #14)
SoaperGirl's picture

Common for a women be subservient - I'm sick of my life!

That's how the narc sets it up, and they can be very persistent. I hate it that he's still so much on my nind! It's been close to 4 months since the breakup, and we were together 16 months. It's hard for me to imagine spending 20 years for a narc...Actually, I kind of think my 2nd husband was a narc. We were married 13 years, separated for 7 years at least and countless other times. There were few times he had me cowed and afraid. He was abusive and threatening. I had some threats of my own. Raise a hand to me, and I'd have him arrested and thrown in jail. I ended up sending him to prison for 6 years, probation for another 6. I've been thinking lately, I'm sick of how my life is going. I stay home and don't do anything important - Oh I will be taking my grandchildren to the movies tomorrow, and maybe swimming afterward. But damn, I'm hungry to be loved and have a relationship. Except for the narc, I'vd been alone for 18 years. That needs to change. I get this feeling, to meet someone who might want to stick around, I do need to get the bacon off the backside. More later. Hey,it's amazing how this thread of being fat or overweight seems to have struck a chord with so many women here. We do worry about our flaws don't we? Apparently, note to self: being thin doesn't guarantee happiness or faithfulness by the narc or any man when it comes right down to it. I wish I understood it all.