Spring is a very symbolic and powerful time. It is a time of rebirth and renewal. A time to rise again. We lose ourselves in the narcissist. Whether you celebrate Easter, Passover or Bodhisattva, Spring is a time for us to tap into our innate potential and find ourselves again.
Finding yourself after being in a relationship with a narcissist is not easy, but absolutely necessary in order to heal. I believe we must tap into our spirituality in order to connect with ourselves again. I am a spiritual person, but not an overly religious person.
I don’t believe we need to go to a church or a temple to be close to God. If that is something that helps us feel closer, then it’s a wonderful thing to do. However, I know that in order to be close to God, I do not need to be anywhere other than with myself. God is within each one of us. It is this realization that has allowed me to find my spirituality.
The kingdom of heaven is within you (Luke 17:21)
Jesus was not a magician or a performer. He was a teacher. He taught us that any person who makes the discovery of the God-like potential within him has the innate potential to be transformed by the power of their own divinity.
Jesus taught us that God exists within each one of us. He discovered his own divinity and sought to teach us how to tap into ours by getting in touch with our true consciousness. When he says “Follow Me,” he is asking us to reach within ourselves to find the high level of consciousness that he achieved. For it is in this level of being that we are truly alive.
I see Jesus as the great discoverer of the divinity of humankind. He does not want to be worshipped. He wants to be followed as a teacher for helping us find ourselves and our true level of consciousness.
Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32)
In my opinion, this freedom is the inward motivation to tap into the raw spiritual power that resides within us. It is to harness our true potential and move in the direction of our divine good. In a way, it is like turning on a light within ourselves where we become conscious of the root of our true being and consciously make the decision to tap into our spirituality. By finding it, we are more creative, imaginative, powerful and great.
All of us are spiritual beings, whether we know it or not, whether we act on it or not. Unfortunately, in today’s modern world, we are more in touch with our physical being than our spiritual being. We must remember that our physical being is only a shell that holds our spiritual being and this shell is only temporary. It is our spiritual being, our soul, which never dies. We must tap into our God-like potential, that light that resides within each one of us, to live a life that fosters good, helps others and has purpose.
When we are in touch with our spiritual self, we are free to do unlimited things. We see things in a different light, we tap into a creativity within ourselves we never knew existed and we draw upon a higher potential. This potential has always been within us, but it is our responsibility to find it and harness it. This is what Jesus taught us.
God sent Jesus to teach us that it is not about how we worship him, but instead about reaching deep within ourselves to find the presence of God dwelling inside us. God is within each one of us and it is up to us to tap into the power and force of his spirit. I believe the moment we understand this, a whole new level of consciousness opens up that can change our lives forever.
You do not need to look “out there” to find your spirituality. It exists within you and always has. You can never be separated from God because you are an expression of God. God is within each one of us, waiting for us to harness his power. When we WAKE UP and allow ourselves to experience our true depth, we begin to finally live the life we are meant to live.
I was born the day
I thought:
What is?
What was?
What if?
I was transformed the day
My ego shattered,
And all the superficial, material
Things that mattered
To me before,
Suddenly ceased
To matter.
I really came into being
The day I no longer cared about
What the world thought of me,
Only on my thoughts for
Changing the world.”
― Suzy Kassem
Love & Light,