NC Challenge: NoMore Facebook Stalking the Narcissist, NC Support Club for 2014
NC Challenge: NoMore Facebook Stalking the Narcissist, NC Support Club for 2014
I understand that many here struggle with Facebook Stalking.
Facebook stalking IS contact by proxy and DOES keep you stuck, addicted, and does keep you subject to breaking NC with further contact in many cases eventually leading back to physical contact.
Facebook stalking IS self abuse.
Viewing the Narcissists Fake life not only keeps the buzz alive, it is also keeping you from treating yourself to a better way of life.
It takes 30 days to break a habit.
Let's see how many here are able to go 30 days in the:
Facebook NC stalking club.
Please feel free to declare all of your NC intentions for each day.
The only requirement is to come on daily and express your desire to STOP in the morning and return before bed with your progress.
If you slip you are required to report this to the club members and begin fresh the next day.
Let's see how we do in 2014 with the support of each other.
This is a safe, no shame; judgement free zone.
"Treat yourself to a better way of life in 2014."
Take the NC challenge; NC from Facebook etc... Support Thread
This is for you :
Check in each morning with your NC intentions list.
Report Back in the evening with your daily progress.
"I will not ck n activity on FB or anyone else who may trigger N thoughts for me.
I will avoid drive by's today.
I will not text N today.
I will not talk about N at work today. "
And so on.
Each morning you will create YOUR own intentions list which works best for YOU.
Each evening you will report back your progress.
Your list may not be the same each day.
You may add to or subtract from your list as you see fit.
These are your bottom line behavior change intentions.
An accountability list with the members in the club as your very own cheering squad!
Thus is a safe, no shame; No judgement zone.
Willingness and honesty are the only requirements to join the club.
I suggest at least a 30 day commitment to change, just one day, one hour, one minute at a time.
You CAN do this.
Together in recovery ~
Day 8
very good post
Thank You Troubles Will Be Gone
I struggle too... be strong
Week 2
Day 2
Weak Moment - Back to Day 1?
At day 10
Its official! 1 week NC!
Almost at Day 7
this is awesome troubleswillbegone!
Thank you Spinning! Today is
Day 2
You go girl
Day 3
Day 3
day 3 .... so far so good
Great job Babysteps
Day 5
Hold your head high
You are not responsible
Day 1 (harder resolutions)
Thank you for your support
Day 4
day 2
Well Done takingbabysteps
Half way through day 2
Day 3 LC
NC is impossible because are
Yes used!!! I have kids with