HELP....He's Baaaack!

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Sep 12 - 7PM
thisisnotfun's picture

Wow! Gosh, I'm sure you are

Wow! Gosh, I'm sure you are happy and mad at the same time. NC......... You know what will happen down the road.
Sep 12 - 7PM
quietude (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Soul searching? He'd have to have one to be able to do that! (sorry, just in that mood today!) My ex has said same to similar. Notice it's all about his needs. Everything they say has to do with how the world effects THEM. Mine has said: *that I was the only woman who he felt this relaxed with, who hasn't used him and tried to take everything from him...*that we are so good together, nobody understands us like we do each other, and that is so rare to find....*besides my mother, you are the best woman I've known, and like her, the only woman who hasn't tried to screw me over.....*you make me want to be a better man (uhuh!)....*for the first time in my life I feel like I can relax and be happy, and that's because of you....*I know I've hurt you, but if you let me, I promise to make it up to you and always be by your side. I'm just wanting you to see some of the similarities, almost down to the exact verbage. Oh, the last one there - the 'always' meant about 7 weeks - this was him coming back into my life after a very long reconciliation process to the time he left again. Don't be fooled, more importantly, don't even listen at all. Please keep up NC or you'll be riddled with empty words, empty promises that only serve to confuse you further.
Sep 12 - 6PM
dolce (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

everything but the beach house

My N has said and repeated each and everyone of these things exept the beach house thing, of course. He loves the one about me knowing him better than anyone else, which he should realize is a warning to me, not a compliment. Your N is showing how needy he is. Please dont fall for these. It's classic. Good luck. ...and NC! Stop listening to his garbage.
Sep 12 - 7PM (Reply to #2)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

NO CONTACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if their lips are moving - they're lying!" "you are the only one who really knows me" I am so shallow inside and don't feel like slicing & dicing someone new so I will recycle old supply "you are the only person aside from my mother who loved me unconditionally" you loved me, I could have cared less about you because I am shallow soul less animal - so let me suck some more life out of you "i now know that im better with, being with you makes my life better" You're great supply "your the only person I truly trust" and I use this line on every woman I am trying reel back in. It always works when they believe me! "your the only women who hasn't tried to take anything from me" and you better not rip off my false mask again! "i haven't always been good to you but i have treated you better than any other women i've been with" And if you believe this one, since I believe you have no real way of checking on this - I have swampland in Florida to sell you too. "i know i've hurt you but i always loved you" it makes me feel great to hurt, disembowel, lie and use you! yeee haaa! "im ready to spend my life with you" and I will say ANYTHING to reel you back in because you dared to go NC on me and found out what a predator I am "im going to forgo the beach house so i can give you the home you want where we live" ...and I am going to suck you dry financially and make you feel like you OWE ME for the rest of your life! "you make me want to be a better man" I saw this line on a movie of the week and it worked great so I will try it out with you. BLOCK DELETE IGNORE If he comes to your home DO NOT LET HIM IN!! CALL THE POLICE!! NO CONTACT NO CONTACT NO CONTACT!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLICK HERE: Articles & information for Narc Victims - Updated Daily "As soon as you feel that crazy sense of walking on eggshells, fending off N-rage, stop. Walk away." - Dr. M. Beck
Sep 12 - 8PM (Reply to #3)
baddream's picture

Mine's trying too ..

Mine has said all those things to me to try and get me back and then when he did, after some time the the monster came back. Now he is at it again. Yes, it is SO HARD not to soften up, but we must be strong, we must stay NC. I am getting things everyday now from my ex, doesn't matter if I block him, he gets through anyway. I haven't talked to him, but I'm still hearing his messages--he is trying to reactivate the supply. So is yours. LISTEN TO WHAT BARBARA WROTE (ABOVE) SHE IS RIGHT!!!!
Sep 13 - 3AM (Reply to #6)
Scoop's picture

Mine offered to sleep with

Mine offered to sleep with me again .I didnt have the hearts and flowers email it was just "do you want my knob back or not " . It was a beautiful thing i may print out said email and put it on my fridge ,so poetic yet to the point . No contact , no contact ,no cantact . They cant change , they can act a change but only for a while and then he will do something so outragious that you will be back here again . Peru x
Sep 12 - 10PM (Reply to #4)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I think you'd better read back over some of your old posts and what you've said about this creature. Here's more for you: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLICK HERE: Articles & information for Narc Victims - Updated Daily "As soon as you feel that crazy sense of walking on eggshells, fending off N-rage, stop. Walk away." - Dr. M. Beck
Sep 14 - 6PM (Reply to #5)
neveragain's picture

They All Came Here In The Same Spaceship

OMG....I LOVE the "malfunctioning robot" description!!! Perfect. When mine came crawling back, it took five short weeks before the D&D happened. When it did, it was in one stupendous, outrageous screaming at me into the phone before slamming it down in my ear. Hmmm....the "please take me back because I need you but really could care less about YOU" verbage was similar. He did bring me a few token gifts: An ornament for a Christmas Tree (it was January) A used lamp A stand for my BBQ (but didn't want to spring for the cover) A propane tank that he wasn't using for my BBQ He then proceeded to tell everyone how much he had tried. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME AND THEY WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER BE ABLE TO TRULY GIVE ANYTHING TO ANYBODY Yes, I've also noticed the time frame and I do think the Season Thing is a factor. Mine called out of the blue and all he heard from me was a "click" when I hung up the phone. neveragain