When someone else takes advantage of you,it triggers how the N took advantage..

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Nov 22 - 12PM (Reply to #9)
desprathousewife's picture


Common....ME? lol You speak for yaself, I'm common as muck me :) Thank you for eggs plaining it so eloquently for me though, I owe ya one. Audrey Hepburn ;) xxx
Nov 22 - 11AM
blueeyes's picture


This has been happening to me a lot lately so I wanted to comment on the things I've done to help myself. I think about what this person is doing to me personally. I think about why they are doing this? Usually, it is their issue and I'm upset about something they have done or thought yet essentially threw at my conscience. Is it worth it to say anything or react? It depends on how important it is to you and only you know the answer. I found my role in the 3 Narcs in my life. I figured out that it was me compromising myself to please others. What to do now? Stop. It's hard to re condition yourself. I'm not saying be bitter to everyone and turn bitter to the world, no way! I'm saying train others on how to treat you by being respectful to yourself. Set the boundries nicely and you will be surprised at the difference in others. Empathy is a great trait, yet we have to learn how to use it. I hope that I made sence? I'm busy thinking about this topic a lot lately. N's change us for the better if we rid of them. PS- Did I hear you correctly? I will take 1,000 dollars, thanks! (I'm kidding)
Nov 22 - 12PM (Reply to #4)
desprathousewife's picture

I resonate too

I've always been a giver and attract the takers like a magnet. I only let them take so much though, if its expected and there is no gratitude and they would not repay the compliment, then I cut em off pronto. Blueeyes is so right, our N's DO change us for the better. I've learned to know when enough is enough :) PS Blueeyes...I'm the biggest charity case here. Shortway, if you can lend me sick squid I'd appreciate it :) ooops, you may not even know what six quid is over there....if not then this will go straight over your heads.
Nov 22 - 2PM (Reply to #5)
blueeyes's picture

Despy :D

Lol, I never heard squid but money talk is universal. Your too funny. When I make it big, I'm going to come over and deliver you squids!!!! Did I plurualize that correctly? Lmao.
Nov 22 - 4PM (Reply to #6)
desprathousewife's picture


If you make it big I want squillions not squids darnit ;)
Nov 22 - 12PM (Reply to #2)
shortway's picture

Thanks blue!!...I let me ex

Thanks blue!!...I let me ex N borrow 2,000 and live in my family's home..ran up there if he needed me,was always here for him,etc etc..ONly to be D+D'ed..and the OW given flowers when I basically wiped his arse... Yes,the days are over of me helping my family out too,I am constantly doing stuff for them and I'm done.I did speak up and say someone to a family member because it was time..I've been running around like a chicken without a head...Helping with my sister's new house,getting my contractor friends to help..Helping her sell her new car..Planning for her wedding,everything....i ask her to help me wrap ONE book for my online business and she huffs and puffs...So I'm done..I flipped on her this morning..It was her wedding yesterday and she did some things I couldnt stand BIG THINGS,so I shut my mouth and didn't say anything all day...But today I put my foot down..enough is enough....
Nov 22 - 12PM (Reply to #3)
chickon2's picture

Shorty I will take

a few G's too sistah.. I hear you loud and clear on this.. I just don't have the time for people and their shenanigans on trying to use me.. and I sort of hate that my niceness gets used.. Not by everyone but I hear you.. Hard balance.. But like the others have said.. Boundaries. Hugs dear heart..