The Importance of Journaling
The Importance of Journaling
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to share something with you all that has been immensely helpful for me personally in trying (still!) to come to grips with all that has happened between my N and myself. I started keeping a journal about 3 years ago when things really started going downhill. I would write down what happened and always post the date (important!), and of course my feelings about the event or interaction. As I did it it provided a realease of sorts for my emotions, but more importantly, as time has passed I often go back and re-read my entries. It absolutely amazes me how helpful that has been because you begin to really see and remember the patterns. There are things I had completely forgotten about that as I reflect back from reading help me to get a sense of the "bigger picture". This is especially helpful to me when I start entertaining thoughts about wanting him back. It helps me realize that such a choice would be CRAZY.
Thanks, CM
So, I totally kept scrolling past this idea
~~~ Keep Learning & Keep Healing ~~~
~~~~~ The best revenge is to survive and be victorious over it. Nobody can take from you what you don't give them.
More on journaling & poetry
Ode to a Narcissist
Peace. J
their roadmap of mind control
That is a good poem.
journaling--the need for an emotional outlet
Journaling and Praying
Good for you, helldweller!
It's not in the details
writing as a way of healing
Yes, absolutely..
the importance of journaling
Writing is healing
If you are not keeping a journal I suggest u start
Trauma & the Benefits of Writing
The Power of Writing
It's almost as if this
So true