I know for a fact they sleep in bed together (because he's scared, the N says, though the child doesn't even remember his mother) and the fact that the N's "love" is all physical totally scares me. I pray to God that he's not hurting that little boy. I've called DCFS before to report his drunk driving and him slapping him and leaving him in the car while he goes into the store, but nothing has happened yet. There's not much more I can do. He's a judge and I have to look out for my little ones because God knows what this guy would do. He's filth. Thank you so much for helping me tonight!
Listen to these ladies here! They know what they are talking about! Don't do it! Make a list of all the things he's done to you (& I'm sure its pretty long!). Every time you feel yourself slipping, pull out your list & read it. Don't forget how he treated you when you miscarried (that in itself is major), how he didn't show up to your daughter's Communion, how he grobes at you like your some kind of whore! He has no respect for you just like exes didn't for us. He uses a poor innocent child to make himself look like "Father of the Year". Accept WHAT he really is... A NARCISSIST! Once you accept that, you learn to view them as not human. He has done you wrong on so many levels, helldweller. We've all been conned, used, & manipulated but now we have the knowledge to know they will never change! Keep reading! Barbara has posted some really good information on here regarding medical information. Its not ever going to change for them, they are literally wired that way!
Yes! I'm a writer and write all day. I have a file called "Notes" that I read every hour while I'm working with all the crap he's done to us. I add to it all the time. It really doesn't detract from my work; it actually gives me energy! My daughters and I were out this beautiful evening playing on the block and his foster child and the babysitter he moved in next door came home. She didn't talk to us--she is such a victim, poor thing-- and the child threw his arms around me and said, "I love you. Can I come home with you?" The N sucks. He should rot in Hell. I've never said that about anyone, but he is, as everyone says, the Devil.
Since he's still this influential on you, you're gonna have to find a way to block the number, or delete the txts as soon as you get them. You are fantasizing about the FAKE GUY. He doesn't really exist, you have to start understanding this or you're gonna get sucked in again. I promise next time it will be worse...I know this because I allowed myself to get sucked back in more than once. You WILL regret it. That's one reason we are here, to help you not screw up and have even more hurt to deal with.
Go out with your own friends, make plans, leave your phone home...do anything but answer him...
I'm sitting here, after the N texted me "never mind about coming to the party" and I'm mostly happy because I HATE HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY. I always felt out of place and was usually shaking when I went to his functions. Total weirdness seeing people love him when he SUCKS! Just watching him and his female "friends" and the way he admired them, his colleagues and "what a fine family" they told me he came from. It's like the damned Twilight Zone, and I'm thinking, "I'm gonna be cuddled up with my babies who love me instead of in that cesspool of lies." Go me, dammint!
While you were struggling with your decision of what to do, HE was D&D'ing you...wow, they work fast. Keep ignoring him, and this kind of clarity will keep coming, grow, and soon this strong temptation will fade...
Kudos to you!!!
You need to change your number....FAST!
BTW, I'm not yelling. I just wish I had this site 6 years ago. :)
Don't go,,it will be tough, get over the hurdle, be strong..
Con men have a tendency to re-con the very woman they got the first time, be careful, it is not worth risking...the temptation is there, don't be played by these losers, it will only set you back and you would wish you didn't go...don't even respond, do what ever it takes, hide the phone, go somewhere, sit on your hands, do something. Honestly, neveragain5 is right.
Why did you leave him in the first place.
Argh. This is what blows. I only have one number and it's my business line, so I can't change it. I can't block texts either because I have to be able to text employees. I'm staying strong and keep going into my girls' bedroom and looking at them to get strength. I just wish I could block something!
Thanks, girls! My provider's website said you can't block one number, but I will call and do it! He already texted me, an hour after he invited me to the party, and said "forget it. too much drama" WTF?
if your provider wont do it directly, there is a mobile app for blackberry, iphone, and android devices called blacklist. you can manually add numbers to it, and it will automatically reject calls from numbers on the list, and redirect text messages to a fake inbox.
they dont even show up on your call history list - the only way to see if they tried to contact you is to go into the program yourself, input a password, and check the blocked call list.
it has saved me a WORLD of headaches. i believe the program itself costs about 5-10 bucks depending on your phone, and there is a free trial also. google it :)
block his number or get a new cellphone number
and send an ANONYMOUS LETTER to CPS about him and this child. They have to investigate, judge or not.
Get a damn restraining order if you have to.
Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals
Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
You did the right thing by coming here before replying. Yea!! A step forward! Just remember all the bad stuff he did, and also remember how hard this has been so far. You don't want to start this all again in a few days, weeks or months. And you will be. We know because so many of us were sucked back in again and again.
You know we're all behind you cheering you on. Stay strong!
Thank you so much!
Watch out for him
INC invitations
Whhhhooooooohooooo! The
never again5
Good going!
Don't go,,it will be tough, get over the hurdle, be strong..
Its just another ploy to
Call your provider, there is
Blocking a number
if your provider wont do it
Danggammit! Can you block
yes when you block a number