OMG Help me Emergency!!!!!!!

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Sep 26 - 11AM
helldweller's picture

you guys saved me

Boy did you save me. I gritted my teeth, walked straight to Mass and never looked back. Getting changed to go for a drive in the country right with my girls. Tempted to pray for the deliverance of his demonic soul, but I don't think I'm going to just yet. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Sep 26 - 12PM (Reply to #21)
Used's picture


he has no soul, so he will never get deliverance.... he is an evil evil bastard.... and god see,s everything and knows even our innermost thoughtsxxx
Sep 26 - 12PM (Reply to #11)
better off
better off's picture

Glad that God prevented you

Glad that God prevented you logging so you couldn't unblock him and give him exactly what he wanted. Since you are so embroiled in this you don't see something very obvious... he has purposely striven NOT to give you anything you wanted. The more you wanted to have the child baptized, the more he was going to make sure you didn't... and the icing on the psycho cake is always to actually give what you wanted to someone else. Sadism at it's finest. If you wanted a pink carnation, by God, that's the last thing you'd get, and someone else would get a dozen. Someone who doesn't even give a shit about pink carnations! If you wanted a pepperoni pizza, you would get a plate of liver and onions, or more likely nothing, and the next door neighbor would get a pepperoni pizza buffet catered in their back yard for 100 people. She might even be allergic to pepperoni, but that wouldn't matter. If you wanted a two bedroom apartment, then you would be summarily refused, and he would give it someone else... right? I see this over and over again with these people... "all I wanted was XYZ... and he KNEW this.. and yet he went and gave it to so-and-so. Why did he give it to HER and not me???" Because that's the POINT. Yours does it in the most blatant and clear sense, so it makes a good example. They are SADISTS. They are PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE. They will withhold anything you want from them, anything at all. It doesn't matter what it is. And the MORE you plead for it, the MORE they get off in denying it. It makes them feel powerful I guess. The thing is they could feel powerful by GIVING it to you, because they could feel like they GAVE you happiness... but they are EVIL, so they prefer to GIVE you pain. Did you ever see Schindler's List... and Schindler is trying to convince the sicko Nazi that pardoning someone shows the ultimate power (in an effort to use some sort of psychology to get him to stop abusing people).. and the Nazi thinks about it for a while... and he makes this grand gesture with this Jewish kid who didn't clean the bathtub "right" for him, and he says... "I forgive you" in this fake imperious tone. And the boy is so relieved and runs away... and he sat in the room a few more minutes, and... it just didn't do it for him, so he went to the window and shot the kid in the back. Then he was satisfied. That was the only power that appealed to him. You made an amazing stride today if you keep to it and don't contact him over this baptism. You said you were finally going to treat this as a war. And you have won this piece of ground if you keep turning away no matter what HE does.
Sep 26 - 3PM (Reply to #16)
helldweller's picture

Oh beautiful better off

It has always been that way. He knew all I wanted was to cook for him, clean for him, take care of his child, get flowers, go to ball games, go to book signings, go fishing. He has made sure to have his cooking done by someone else, have his house cleaned by someone else, have his child cared for by someone else, to to ball games with someone else, go to book signings with someone else, go fishing with someone else. They are such evil children.
Sep 26 - 8PM (Reply to #18)
hooklineandsinker's picture

Know how you feel. Mine

Know how you feel. Mine booked tickets for a sporting event for me, him, my dad and his mum back in Feb. The event was in May. Needless to say it never happened because he left me in March. Then I discover he's buying more tickets for the same sport for about a month ago. I never asked was he taking the new one to that because it would have made me sick if he did. Jesus I STILL can't believe he's with her and not me. I STILL can't believe he's really gone.
Sep 27 - 4AM (Reply to #20)
AnotherPath's picture

And one day you will be so

And one day you will be so glad with every bone in your body that he has gone. I promise you.

Ending the dance

Sep 27 - 12AM (Reply to #19)
kiwi10's picture

awe honey... its good that

awe honey... its good that he's gone... XOX
Sep 26 - 5PM (Reply to #17)
better off
better off's picture

Yes, he enjoys not giving it

Yes, he enjoys not giving it to you. He enjoys that. He's truly sick, helldweller. In you, he found someone who could give him human clues so he can bluff everyone better(since he's an alien), and he also found someone he could thwart more than any person he's met so far. So please stay strong and don't give in to any temptation to blast him or even plead with him about this baptism. It's what he wants. He would enjoy your pain. He would ENJOY your suffering and feeling you've missed out on something. Yet you haven't missed out on ANYTHING except more misery with him. Unless you really WANTED to take your daughters to see his mother's grave every weekend. ;) I imagine you planned your daughters' baptisms, and they were wonderful. And first communions? And not too much longer and you will be planning something nice to celebrate their confirmation. You have two wonderful people to plan things for and cook for and do things for. Who will always remember it and love you and appreciate you for it. You have a mom with needs right now, which can be draining, but it's another opportunity to do something nice for her. There are so many people who deserve the loving attention you have to give. Please don't squander such gifts on someone so horrible.
Sep 26 - 2PM (Reply to #12)
almostlydia's picture


Exactly right! The other thing I see here is that they are so unable to operate in the normal world that everything Helldweller has told him he should do, he is doing to look normal and decent. He wouldn't think of it on his own, nor would he give her the satisfaction while she was present but I bet he has the whole check list and is marking them off one by one all the while making sure she knows about it. Win win for him, lose lose for her. Helldweller, please stop telling him how to fake being normal or looking good. And stay strong. almostlydia


Sep 26 - 3PM (Reply to #15)
helldweller's picture


OMG that is so right on! Every single decent thing he does is something I have suggested to him. Too rdiciulous. "Must do X but must not let helldweller be involved or find out." Geesh.
Sep 26 - 3PM (Reply to #14)
Sherbear's picture


Didn't even think of that! But you are so right! I gave my narc a road map for getting his life back on track....b/c I had done it....And he sure did follow it! But what gets me is how he uses his christianity as a fake front....But I know God sees him....nothing can get past him.....and I feel sorry when it's time to reap what you have sown!! What a comforting thought!
Sep 26 - 2PM (Reply to #13)
better off
better off's picture

Helluva great point!!! OMG,

Helluva great point!!! OMG, YES! He's using her for inside information on how to act like a human. But with never the satisfaction of letting her know that she's right.
Sep 26 - 11AM
jaycee's picture


helldweller, he did this because he wants your supply, he figures you will see this or hear about this somehow and is hoping you will call him and give him props for going through with it. he didnt do this for the child or his brothers, he did this to get to you, obviously hes in need of your supply, but if you, unlike me have been strong, stay strong, as we all know none of them mine included will ever change. please dont be upset, just imagine how desperate he is for your attention he would go through this and lie to the Lord, only for his own selfish gain. I hope you dont give into him and I hope you gloat all day knowing hes jumping through hoops for your attention and youre not giving it too him. bummer for him good for you..............


Sep 26 - 11AM
betty2020's picture


BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK. Take a deep breath and go back to the basics. This happened to me in the past week and i know how scary it is. You will be ok. The main thing is that you block ALL ability for anyone that is associated with him. It will take a bit to come back to yourself after being shaken like this but just go back to your game plan. only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

Sep 26 - 9AM
Sherbear's picture

Oohh Helldweller...

I feel your pain Sweetie.....that has got to cut deep..... deep breaths honey. I too am very religious and that is one of the things that my narc faked in order to hook me. I believe he is a christian but he uses it like a cloak of deceit. I like to beleive that God has a special justice just for him! lol....God does not like it when someone uses Him as a ploy and He is a God of justice and there is nothing I need to do except give it up to Him....He is my vindicator! Delete her!!! Sorry Sweetie!! Feel what you gotta feel and then let it go. xoxo, Sherry
Sep 26 - 9AM (Reply to #7)
helldweller's picture


Yep, one of the first things he said to me was, "I go to that church, too! I'm Catholic too!" Yeah, right. Two weeks ago I remeinded him that he had to register his child for Sunday school so he could receive his First Communion this year and he said, "8am? Yeah, that's going to be a problem" I said, "I will take him with my girls. You don't have to even get up." His response: "No thank you." What a load of B.S. The three brothers and the kid all dressed up--and no place to go but down, down, down. So hypocritical, hurtful--and sad and horrible. Well, *I* for one am going to church now. I know I need all the help I can get, and I'm not going to find it at brunch or on my friend's boat, only one place.
Sep 26 - 9AM
Scoop's picture

Oh god .......youre narc is

Oh god .......youre narc is a compleat and utter arse hole . im suprised he can remember his own name he is so disconected from reality ... he is just the gift that keeps on giving isnt he , what else dose he have up his sleeve beggers belief .Lets just join helldweller in a group scream ...AAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!
Sep 26 - 9AM (Reply to #4)
Sherbear's picture

Group scream....

Sep 26 - 10AM (Reply to #5)
Used's picture


i just thought ,yours is a judge.... my 2 were criminals.i wonder if he ever sentanced either of them.... no he would free them to creat more HAVOC!!.....ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Sep 26 - 9AM (Reply to #2)
helldweller's picture


LOL Ok. Just feel 50% better after that post. You are the best. You are right; I'm surprised he can remember his own name as well! Who knows what else? He's probably getting married today! Which at this point would be awesome! I am hanging tough. I went online to unblock his number so I could yell at him, but I couldn't login, thank God. By the time I could I posted on here and the moment of insanity passed, so no feeding off me today for the narc--unless the girlfriend tells him I deleted her as a facebook friend. I screamed myself here; I think my upstairs neighbors are used to it by now.
Sep 26 - 11AM (Reply to #3)
betty2020's picture

Do not ever undo what you

Do not ever undo what you set out to do. Never unblock anything you have put on there with regards to him. Do you want to go backwards or forwards Heldweller? You know what you have to do. Everyone has givin you the advice and tools to do it. You have even taken the action. Stick with it now. Dont set yourself up for more pain and misery down the road. only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

only one way to go...Forward (tm?)