Day 3 NC and I am filled with jealousy

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Nov 5 - 11AM (Reply to #5)
chickon2's picture


No I don't want this monster back.. I know.. (not to sound coneited) that I am so much better.. Than him, her.. I KNOW it.. I hate these relapses.. I hope they come farther and farther away Thank you so much for this.... ""Look what an amazing woman he lost out on". It may feel fake right now, but as you find your strength and gain your distance, it will start to feel real (and it IS by the way). Good Luck, big HUGS!!" You are right..... HUGS
Nov 5 - 10AM
Used's picture


you already know what there fate is going to be..she is married...she wont be meeting his family....i know it hurts and i know nc in the early stages hurts to....but i cant say enough times how much nc is the way it has to ,the longer you do nc..the more you will heal...the more you heal the less important he will become... i know ..myexh is on f/b with ow.BUT when i first found out i would look at exh and hers..then one day i went to look and thought oh who cares i dont i dont even bother looking any more[ i would of once]the narc same thing...last night i thought of something narc had done that at the time sent me into a frenzy....last night i laughed out loud when i thought about it....i never in a million years would ever thought i would be able to laugh at that incident....somehow along the line of nc i have been able to see what a pathetic little man he was[he is a realy big man] but in my head he has turned into a little DOT....i hope i dont sound daft...but thats what that lump of a man has turned into in my mind a DOT....HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN!!!!!
Nov 5 - 11AM (Reply to #2)
chickon2's picture


"....HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN!!!!! yeah mighty asses, is pretty much as mighty as they are.. You know reading what you posted.. It makes so much sense.. I remember when my ex Hubs left I thought I would die.. I could not even think of him with his other woman it wold make me sick. Gawd if they get married I could totally go to their wedding now.. I just don't see him or love him that way anymore.. I love him like my brother.. but he was not a narc.. he is a good guy. I love that you wrote ... he has turned into a little DOT that is wonderful thank you so much
Nov 5 - 10PM (Reply to #3)
victimnomore's picture


I know how you feel bec I think one of the reasons I stayed with my NH was I use to worry about someone else having him. well now that I have 7 weeks NC today I would hand him to some other woman on a silver platter with a cherry on top. LOL I tried to cry today, I mean i really tried to cry but the tears would not come. Than i just bust out laughing and texted my girlfriend and she said sounds like I'm on my way to freedom once and for all. I never thought the day would come after 25 years that I would actually feel good and sexy and smart and healthy and free. I'm only 47 and I am looking forward to healthy love in the future. But not yet, still have work to do. NC is the bomb!
