Charity Starts at Home

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Mar 12 - 10AM (Reply to #8)
sara-smile's picture


JRB you will LOVE therapy. I've been several times in my life and it is the most cleansing thing you can ever do. It's like purging your garbage and then start dealing with it through steps supervised by a professional. The great part is the therapist is not your family or friends so you don't have to hide anything AND SHOULD NOT HIDE ANYTHING. The don't judge! They have seen it all. The reason why I haven't made this appt earlier is because I didn't want to hear it. I realize that NOW. I know when I go the purging part and talking about the details of what is going on will be hard to relive. (and yes a little embarrassing) I know it will be a great step in the recovery process. Please make yourself an appointment. I PROMISE you that you will enjoy it and look forward to the next appointment. It's like cleaning your soul. I'm not saying it will fix everything but it will make it easier to deal with. Also, keep reading here and anything else you can sink into your brain! Reading is great therapy too! I hope you decide to see the counselor! Good luck and stay strong!
Mar 12 - 10AM (Reply to #9)
JRB123's picture


Thanks for that - it's inspired me to make an appointment this week. I definately feel like I need to clear the garbage and cleanse the soul! Good luck with yours too! Thanks again.
Mar 12 - 10AM (Reply to #10)
Hunter's picture


Make That appointment. Its easier than going to the OBGYN! Spread them and Share! :) These Narc are very Ill, Once you comes to terms with their disorder you will understand that isnt not you. They are toxic and you need no part of that. Post your reality Idealk
Mar 12 - 9AM (Reply to #4)
Hunter's picture

Sara Smile

I highly recommend medication. Im not a pill popper but I can tell you its made a big difference. Come to Chi town. You can always call me OK? Venting is a god thing. Idealk
Mar 12 - 10AM (Reply to #5)
sara-smile's picture


I laughed when I read this because I've never been a pill popper either but lately I'm taking 7 pills a day! My doctor has doubled my depression meds AND my anxiety meds. You would think I'd just sit around drooling on myself with all those meds in me!
Mar 12 - 10AM (Reply to #6)
Hunter's picture

Sara Smile

This will be one of the most awesome experiences of your life. I feel so lucky to share it with you. NOT! F'n men! GRRRRRRRRRR! Idealk
Mar 12 - 9AM
whskywmn5's picture

In search

Im keeping up the search for a job, spending as much time as i can doing research and learning how to love myself again.
Mar 12 - 9AM (Reply to #2)
Hunter's picture


Rock on!! Idealk