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#1 Sep 30 - 10PM
moonshine's picture


I like to read about the sun signs and i have been doing that for a long time ...I feel that most Ns are born in sep/ oct...that is the sign LIBRA......that sign has a tendency to love themselves.

My dad is a N and he is a libra. I also have a cousin who is the same.

My N is a libra too.

I read this in an another thread that someone has written that they are mostly born at this time and it reminded that librans are that way

Well....this is a thought...may be we can see a pattern and avoid them alltogether..haha...

this being said Ns birthday is coming up...i hope i be strong and not even send any wishes.

Like one of our member -USED wrote here in the forum.....he always counts who doesnt wish him while I would have given the best with my money, time and heart.

Oct 2 - 8AM
fooled no longer
fooled no longer's picture


There are raging Narcs in every Sun sign believe me. The sunsign is nothing, bur rather where all the planets are placed gives some indication of the personality. This involves a very careful examination, but even if there was some tendancy, it is the upbringing and choice of the person that determins if he will be a narc or not.
Oct 2 - 5AM
helldweller's picture


Hey! I'm a Libra! When's your N's birthday? Maybe I can go out with him since my narc is gone and we can both celebrate. I could take him out for a nice dinner. I'll drive of course. He can tell me I look fat in what I'm wearing, and then I'll give him a thousand-dollar present before he tells me he has to leave at midnight because he was called into work. LOL Seriously, when this astrology thing came up a few months ago, I looked up our signs to see how compatible we are, and apparently we are one of the worst pairings to begin with: Libra and Aries (just like Bonnie and Clyde). Throw in the narc virus and it's all over.
Oct 3 - 9PM (Reply to #33)
moonshine's picture


That was funny. Thanks for making me laugh. I gave him an expensive gift last year and he wanted to return it because it does not fit or match with his home decor set. Yes, libra and aries not the best pairing. I thought we were great together...i knew our signs match...our energy was great...we never fought (apart from the OW issues)...was very happy ....little did I know he was a great actor and I was only following a illusion.
Oct 2 - 5AM (Reply to #32)
Alive's picture


That was funny! lol. OOHHH that took me back, to the numerous times that we were at restraunts :) Shit they are all the same aren't they???? I think you are a lovely libra helldweller x
Oct 1 - 4PM
hooklineandsinker's picture

I went to an astrologer in

I went to an astrologer in early August whom I'd consulted before about three years ago. He was very accurate about my career back then so I decided to see what he'd say this time. Apart from all the stuff he told me about my own life, current conditions etc, just by looking at the ex's birth chart, he said the following: - he has Mars and Venus in his birth chart, which makes him "excessively amorous" (his words - true) - his father was absent when he was growing up (true) - people with this pattern in their birth chart crave praise and recognition because they secretly think they are pretty insignificant (true) - they tend to be open and flirtatious (true) - they tend to have trouble keeping their focus on one person (true - although it took 8 months for this to come out) - they like a high octane existence and will become bored and frightened by settling down to the normal rhythms of life (true - just going on his extremely experimental past) - he has a dark side to his nature (true) - that his whole childhood was not being seen, being overlooked (his reason for breaking up with me was that he felt "not listened to"
Oct 3 - 9PM (Reply to #30)
moonshine's picture


I was also told pretty bad things about the N....I didnt listen....I though he was the greatest guy ever..... What was told was very similar to what you have written.
Oct 2 - 1AM (Reply to #28)
kiwi10's picture

hmmm... not that it matters,

hmmm... not that it matters, but everyone has a mars and a venus in their birth chart, the question is which sign they are in and what house..
Oct 5 - 6PM (Reply to #29)
hooklineandsinker's picture


Yeah, that occurred to me too. I guess there is more technical stuff involved as to where the Mars and Venus actually are placed in the birth chart. when I went to see the astrologer I was still deep in grief and trauma after finding out about the OW (couldn' really talk for the first 10 mins because of crying) so I didn't get into the technical end of things but just what he said off the top of his head on looking at the ex's chart totally rang true.
Oct 1 - 9AM
hopefuljms's picture

Early July, mine is a Cancer

Early July, mine is a Cancer also
Oct 1 - 9AM
ewa's picture

End of June. Cancer.

End of June. Cancer.
Oct 1 - 8AM
gettinbetter's picture


Mine is a Libra. Never knew that thanks for the info
Oct 1 - 7AM
moonshine's picture


I am a gemini. The funny thing is that my dad groomed me this way and when I met him...bam...i wasnt even aware that I started liking him. Well Ladies....we can see a pattern here though. I also want to add that astrology can be broad but certain things are right. I was warned that I will meet a person ...I was warned not to get physical with this person. i also had his charts looked into for his future...the astrologer said.....this a very bad person...using others....does not sleep peacefully in the night...will have debt all his life.....uses women for his own benefit. I could not believe it......I my N is a very good person (this was in the honey moon stage). Despite his charm and other stupid things...i truly from my heart believed that he is a good person.
Oct 1 - 5AM
Used's picture


hi, its my exnh,s birthday today...yep libra.. i am in the uk so its 11 30am here.... i stoped any contact with him a year ago. and stuck to it..he still put xmascards and on mybirthday i never aknowleged them...he phoned each of our kids and said he had done it, and had i even mentioned it to the kids... they said no, mum never said...the reason i mentioned the time here cos he has already phoned said kids and said ,mum hasent sent me a card a text nothing...and this is also a milestone birthday for him.... and mum still wont be i can assure you ,my freinds on the board... are they not predictable.. moonshine?.. ruined his day, like he nearly ruined my life...GAME OVERxxi wasent going to put the narc,s birth sign, in case they relize who i am if the come here... but f..k it..... narc capricorn...
Oct 1 - 7AM (Reply to #21)
moonshine's picture


You are way know that don't you? I know how you shd have felt when he didnt care when you gave your wishes.....only cared about who didnt.......but now....he wants you to wish and you wont...u r cool.GAME OVER..haha. They are very very predictable. This time his birthday falls on a weekend and that means I dont have to see him at work. For his last birthday....I did buy expensive gifts ...a cake....and a beautiful gift wrap that i made myself which depicts of the things we did stupid am I ?
Oct 6 - 2PM (Reply to #22)
Used's picture


you were not stupid... its called love... i was also the type that made abig thing of peoples birthdays... i wont make that mistake again...!
Oct 1 - 1AM
kiwi10's picture

he's a cap. i'm a triple

he's a cap. i'm a triple pisces.
Sep 30 - 11PM
Susan32's picture

What's your sign?

The ex-P, as well as my brother in-law are Virgo (their birthdays are 4 days apart) My sister is Libra. The ex-N boss and I are Taurus. Recently, I was reading the astrology column and it was advising Virgos "You find praising the accomplishments of others difficult. Try praising and recognizing someone else's achievements today, and it will do you good." LOL!
Oct 1 - 3AM (Reply to #18)
Mariline's picture

My Ns: Capricorn, Taurus.

My Ns: Capricorn, Taurus.
Sep 30 - 11PM
almostlydia's picture

Sorry, the exN was a

Sorry, the exN was a taurus. And do not send a bday wish above all, fight the idea. you're consideration and kindness will be considered an opportunity. Unless you are ready to go another round, do something fun for yourself this day and do not feel like it is the 'nice' thing to do. they are not nice and do not operate in this world. Take it from one who knows this well. It is an open door for them. almostlydia


Oct 1 - 7AM (Reply to #14)
moonshine's picture


No...i dont want to go one more round....i will stay here and gain strength....i will not wish him. He almost ruined my life....i dont wish him any good. Although i need to let go of this anger some day for my own good though. I get what you are saying. i will read what you have written again and again and NOT WISH HIM FOR HIS BIRTHDAY. Sorry I am repetitive ....I am an him..slowly recovering.
Oct 2 - 8AM (Reply to #15)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Good for you for refraining from wishing him a happy b-day. It was my ex guy's b-day on Thursday - the long distance relationship I was in and out of for the last year (my ex from college) and it took so much strength not to wish him a happy birthday on Thursday. I did not anticipate how hard it would be not to reach out to him, but I kept telling myself it would only present him with an opportunity, like AlmostLydia said. I can't open myself up to that again and neither should you. We do NOT want to go another round. They had their chance and they squandered it. Their loss! Stay strong, my friend! xoxo
Oct 3 - 9PM (Reply to #16)
moonshine's picture

Lisa e scott

Yes..I will stay strong...the bad part is that I see him EVERYDAY..he will brag about what he might do on his birthday at work....i will have to put up with it. Even if no one remembers it...he will bring it up that its his birthday. Congrats not trying to reach you ex for the birthday...good for you. Hope I be strong.
Sep 30 - 11PM (Reply to #2)
M's picture

xhN was...

a Capricorn. When I was younger & dating Scorpios were the toughest. I'm a Sag. xhN doesn't fit the profile of a Capricorn though. Remember, these folks aren't normal. I don't think astrology can help define these people.
Oct 1 - 7AM (Reply to #9)
moonshine's picture


scorpios are always tough and intense...esp for you a sag. Yes...they are not normal..i will drill that though into my head.
Oct 2 - 12AM (Reply to #10)
sweetsamm's picture

watch it moonshine,lol

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,lol,i'm scorpio.....................sweetsamm......but,yes,we're not normal,lol...and extremely intense...
Oct 3 - 9PM (Reply to #13)
moonshine's picture

sweetsamm... might the one of the nicer the lot..hahah.
Oct 2 - 2AM (Reply to #11)
tasha's picture

scorpios are intense

and without a doubt Scorpion Males are one of the worst if they are narcs aswell. I am a scorpion woman who was married to a scorpio narc. I still bear the battle scars-but then again so does he lol!!!
Oct 2 - 6AM (Reply to #12)
sweetsamm's picture

tasha and other scorpios

Hey tasha,i was just wondering if you've read up on scorpio for oct thru jan...we have venus in our sun for the longest the astrologers have's usually a week or two,ours started in that being said,i dont know about u,but I have sooo many men flirting and asking me out. I know we're big flirts,but I had a pretty big dry spell from june til middle of sept...and the astrologers explained that also,.plus,my luck has turned around and everything is coming up roses which they say will last till end of,any other scorps feeling flirty and getting more attention than ever??
Oct 1 - 1AM (Reply to #3)
Alive's picture


is a LIBRA hahaha. Im a sag
Oct 1 - 1AM (Reply to #4)
sweetsamm's picture

tried this

tried this horrible N is asshole N is aries.............Me only the best..Scorpio..lOL