Being used

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Nov 27 - 11AM (Reply to #9)
Happy1's picture


Yes, he's a male whore and loving it! Makes me sick and I hope she comes to her senses and throws him on his ear too. 8-)
Nov 27 - 11AM (Reply to #10)
Used's picture


Nov 27 - 12PM (Reply to #11)
Happy1's picture


Thanks! Yes, and I hope to never experience anyone like that ever again. I hope none of us do!!
Nov 27 - 8AM
Hunter's picture

Gueswhat ding dong.. And you

Guess What? ding dong.. And you were around, when he was with the Doctor., if you think he's so special in her neck of the woods, think again.. I bet he has back up supply too. Michael is crazy., my guess is if she is incontrol he's not going to like it., The Doctor will need a Doctor when he's done with her., Physical and emotional bruses.. Can you stop now?? Hunter
Nov 27 - 11AM (Reply to #5)
Happy1's picture


I know he has to have back up supply as he had her with me. I should feel sorry for her but I don't. 8-)
Nov 27 - 8AM
Sparrow's picture

Because he can and because

Because he can and because she is there. Be thankful that you saw his true colors, recognized the red flags and that it ended. You would have lived a life of absolute misery. Worst of all, your son, would eventually either have taken on his bad traits or have been as emotionally abused as you. It is a blessing that this parasite is gone from you and your sons life. You have to always remember that. He would have destroyed both of you, and robbed your son of a normal childhood. Read about children that are raised by narcs. It isn't pretty. Count your blessings and thank God for unanswered prayers!!!!!!! And the doctor, she is irrelevant. Try not to give her a second thought. You know about the OW and their true significance.........none. Take care, stay strong, and know that somewhere, someone is watching over you and made sure to bring this toxic relationship to an end. No need to question that. Enjoy your narc free life and consider yourself one of the lucky ones! I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 27 - 11AM (Reply to #2)
Happy1's picture


I think finding out this news a few weeks ago really hit me that he's gone for good. He will never try to contact me again and never hoover again. Part of me always thought he might and now I know it's over. I had contacted him quite a while back now and he hung up on me as soon as he heard my voice. Now I know why. He has reinvented himself for her and I never happened. He has moved on. I will continue with my recovery and focus on my son for the Holiday's and keep enjoying our fun time. I do have temptations to know what he is up to and it is a hard thing to break. I see where it has gotten me these past few weeks and I know the next thing I will hear is they are engaged. Thanks for helping Sparrow. 8-)
Nov 27 - 2PM (Reply to #3)
walking_on_sunshine's picture

Seems like he is out for

Seems like he is out for money, and she fills his needs. When hes taken enough cash from her he will replace her with another money tree or maybe a blow up doll or a trophy depends on his needs at the time.Engaged is likely since its the route to getting half her worth in his pocket.