The Celebrity Narc

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#1 Oct 15 - 11PM
Lucky Escape
Lucky Escape's picture

The Celebrity Narc

Thought this was interesting. We have a "comedian" here in the UK called Justin Lee Collins. Up to recently, I actually found him pretty amusing. He comes from my home town and he was light-hearted, immature and raised a smile.

The below link highlights what has been uncovered about him recently, how is ex-girlfriend suffered horrific mental abuse and experienced what I now see as "narc rages"!. The man has been sentenced to community service (not fitting the crime but hey ho, baby steps) due to the laws recently changing, mental and emotional abuse is now recognised within the law courts over here...YEEEHAH! More importantly, this brave lady has outed him and his career will undoubtedly suffer. She has totally exposed him but also acted as a great example to so many other women in terms of getting justice. I just wish we had the same leverage with our N's - but Karma will do it's thing in the long run.

What is amazing is someone I work with texted me today to say "Hey, have you seen the stuff going on with Justin Lee Collins? He sounds like your are so lucky to be away from him". And there, in that one small text, was my total closure from this man. That is what I lived with, that is what he was, same freak, different body.

And so, when I think of the fact that Stove Trotters has seemingly walked away into the sunset with no justice or punishment for what he is.....and believe me, I am ranging from indifference mostly to the occasional days of pure and utter anger still. My anger is still hinged around the total injustice of it all....the fact that he can get away with treating someone like this. On those days, I just think of the people around me who know me and love me and all the ones who know what I have been through who can see what this man is, who he is and what they compare him to. There is my validation, there is my justice. It wasn't ever me, it was always him. I am truly lucky.

Hugs to all of you, 7 months of NC and life rocks again. xx

Oct 16 - 12PM
brinamarie's picture

Im so glad this poor woman is

Oct 16 - 9AM
Healingslowly_but getting there's picture

My mum cut the article out of

Oct 15 - 11PM
Elizabeth Bennet
Elizabeth Bennet's picture