Does anyone else accept that he really never loved you?
Does anyone else accept that he really never loved you?
I think i have avoided this topic for some time now... but yesterday i allowed myself to read old journals from the first 5 years of our 9 year relationship... i saw so many things that are really hard to take right now. It is a real shock to let this concept sink in... how could he really not love me after all that time!? 9 yrs with a man i loved but he didnt love me? At all? He just used me!? And he lied to me to make me think he did!? Huge lies! things to trap me and make me stay with him!
In the past i had documented things that i thought showed he loved me but now armed with the npd knowledge it is easier to see that they are truly statements or acts that only show how needy he was or how in need he was of me loving him!
"Never leave me"
"You mean everything to me"
"You make me so happy"
"Are you going to propose to me? Propose to me" (i actually did this 5 years later and he freaked out... he never wanted to marry me he just wanted me to want him...)
"Please don't ever leave me"
"Promise you'll never leave me"
"Id be crushed without you"
"Will you love me forever?"
none of these reflect how he loves me for who i am or what i have to offer him (besides the love he needs to take from me)... i totally misread them!
the rest would only mean something if he followed through...
"im committed to you forever"
"im married to the idea of being with you the rest of my life"
"i will never regret you"
"i will never question our relationship again"
(any plans for kids & a full life together which he promised up until the month before he abandoned me for the search for "the female version of himself only better" since according to him we are no longer compatible.
Additionally there is a very clear pattern of his seeing me as secondary NS. Work, friends and such were clearly more important to him even if he was good at hiding it. HE WAS A VERY VERY SUCCESSFUL NARCISSIST. He was self aware enough to know what would be acceptable and not... he hid his true agenda and hid it very well...although it is clear in my journals that deep down i knew! I knew and spelled it out all the time but my denial and my pain kept me trapped.
I am angry. I am angry at him. I am angry at myself. 9 years... But still... i think he knew and didn't tell me. I think he was self aware enough to know he was using me that he is incapable of love but then his denial kicks in... he refuses to accept he has problems and then projects it onto me... D&D!
To answer the question...
Ugh, this is where i am
Accepting that they never really love us
N's and love
When they tell you "I love you" I want to spend my life with you
It's not only bed
Exactly, they want to see you suffer
Wanting to see others suffer
Very much so. I fit the
Peace. J
HOWEVER, before the advent of PYSCHO" MAN
Mine said EXACTLY that to me
If he said that WITHOUT all
Hey Hooklinesinker
Don't get me wrong
OH i almost forgot....
I Have
Totally accepted I was never loved by N's
Boy you said a mouthful
Kinda makes you throw up in your mouth a little huh
for me it was easy
The fact that he didn't love me
OMG i was just thinking the same thing
that made me laugh out
Oh Agnesmurphy17