Does he think about me at all? I can't stop thinking about him even with NC

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#1 Aug 24 - 4AM
foreverfun1's picture

Does he think about me at all? I can't stop thinking about him even with NC

Hi i'm new so i have some questions. the one on my mind at the moment is if he thinks about me when we are apart. It seemed like he would totally forget i existed when i was not with physically him. Now that we've broken up (for the 100th time)I'm just curious if he thinks about me and what he thinks. I can't understand why i think about him constantly but i know he doesn't give me a thought after all weve been through, its baffling

Aug 26 - 9PM
ruby01 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I've often wondered

if they know how much we are thinking about them.
Aug 26 - 9PM (Reply to #29)
Hunter's picture


I don't think they about us at all!! I think they live in the moment! The idealization phase is mirroring because they are so miss wired! it's like a parrot the mimics our words!! As my friend says " the dayquil's not mixing with the nightquil! Sam V puts emphasis on repetition, they need a routine! I do believe everyday functioning is difficult! Narcs have many addictions due to their disorder, I think it numbs the pain. After the D&D your just an old tire with non tread left! Food for thought! Hunter
Aug 26 - 9PM (Reply to #30)
ruby01 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Good, cause I would hate to think he was getting satisfaction out of knowing that this is harder for me than I'm making it look.
Aug 26 - 9PM (Reply to #31)
Hunter's picture


Never let him see you sweat!! Hunter
Aug 25 - 4PM
janine's picture

distorted thinking

He may well be thinking of you, but it will be in his narcish way. You know how when we get very upset or angry our thinking may sometimes become distorted? When we have calmed down we realise this and correct it. Narcs, however, are dictated by anger, rage and of course by need. When he thinks of you he will miss what you gave him and what is lacking now. That is why they often try to come back. It is also why he forgot about you when you were apart. I know for a fact that whenever I went away for a bit mine would go through his assortment of OW to see which one might meanwhile replace me. Sounds pretty crazy, hm? It will take a while a wrap your head around those weird people, just keep reading here.
Aug 25 - 8PM (Reply to #27)
foreverfun1's picture

yeah he's probably thinking

yeah he's probably thinking how angry he is that i'm not doing everything for him anymore but isn't missing me as a person.
Aug 25 - 3AM
Journey's picture

Welcome ff1!

The addiction you feel toward him, or obsession if you will, has a lot to do with trauma bonding. Abuse causes the survivors to try to 'fix' the relationship, seeking approval and acceptance. Narcs and other PDIs don't ever really connect, care or love, so fixing THAT is impossible for us. Keep reading and getting it out! It is baffling, but they compartmentalize what little emotions they have. That is why it seems they don't give us a second thought after they Devalue and Discard (D&D). Glad you found the forum, keep reading and posting... you are on your way to healing now! xo

Journey on...

Aug 24 - 10AM
BadaBing's picture

not sure

but sorry you are hurting over him hope you will be able to post and share here and learn more about this disorder/ NPD and go NC be strong! doesn't matter what he thinks - he CAN;t love - that is the fatal flaw we ALL can't ignore actions over words
Aug 24 - 8AM
sara-smile's picture


If he's thinking about you it's because he needs something from you or he needs a good hit of SUPPLY! It the worst part of dealing with a NARC. We are in pain and trying to figure out what the hell happened while he goes on with his merry life tormenting other poor souls! I can't beleive he made you pay him for sex. He needs to have his ass kicked! :) HE's a loser and you DO NOT need him in your life. Anybody who would do that is not worth spitting on. This gets easier and one day you won't be thinking about him constantly. He'll be just a bad memory and you will be awesome and HEALED. Stay NC and stay away from him. He's SICK. You deserver so much better.
Aug 24 - 5AM
Sparrow's picture

Glad you are here

Welcome. I am sorry that you are here, not because we don't want to know you, but because if you are here, you are going through what we have all been through and it's a terrible place to be emotionally. But, with that said, know that you are not alone, and that you did the right thing by coming here. To answer your question, no, unfortunately, he does not think of you as you think of him. You are addicted to him, he is only addicted to supply. As Auntie Alex puts it, we are mere "appliances" to them. Objects............they are not wired like us. They do not feel empathy, compassion, or love, for any other human being but themselves. I am sorry to be so straight forward, but it is what it is. You will not always feel this way. It will take what seems to be forever to get past even just the initial pain and suffering that you are experiencing. My advice to you is to educate yourself on this disorder as much as you can. As many will tell you, read read read! Knowledge is power. Without the knowledge, you will find yourself crippled with no way out. The pain that you are experiencing right now will subside, but only with educating yourself on what you are dealing with. Narcs are predators, plain and simple. And you have come into the path of one, just like an innocent woman comes into the path of a rapist. Heal from the damage he has caused you. He raped your soul and that is a terrible thing to have to endure. You can do it though, with the right tools, you can do it. Read, stay close to this forum, reach out as much as needed and most importantly, stay away from him. No contact whatsoever would be your best bet. My best to you in your journey, again so sorry that we have met under these circumstances....... Hang in there and stay strong!
Aug 24 - 6PM (Reply to #22)
foreverfun1's picture

i thought about what you said all night

it really clarified things when u said he considers me an object, like an appliance. like do i think about my toaster when i'm not using it? of course not! do i enjoy it when i'm using ..yes if it works right otherwise i would toss it out. this explains the N so well! they toss us out with no remorse or even a second thought when we stop serving them. it helps me understand that its not me its him. thank you for your caring support i really appreciate ur care and wisdom.
Aug 24 - 4AM
TNR1's picture

Welcome to the forum. You

Welcome to the forum. You ask a very good question and one that really goes to the root of why these individuals are disordered. The reason you think about him is that you have probably wonder how he is doing, is he ok. If you did not have "closure" with your ending (and I would say 99.9% of us don't with Ns) then you also might be wondering what went wrong, how much you miss him etc. etc. Narcs lack empathy. As such, their whole thought process is centered around themselves. If he were to ever think about you, it would be the in the context of how you fit into his grand vision he has for himself and how you could supply him with more NS (Narc Supply). However, if you are currently in a Devalue & Discard state...he likely is spending his time in the pursuit of someone else (Narc's hate to be alone and when they break up, they tend to have someone else that they are already working on for new supply). It is important to understand that this has nothing to do with you or with your worthiness etc. It is because he has a personality disorder that prevents him from considering others in any way other than as extentions of himself and his needs (providing him with Narc Supply). I know this must be extremely painful for you right now and I'm glad you found this website and forum so that those of us who have been through this roller coaster ride as well (some of us are still there believe me) can provide you with insight into this baffling world. Right now, allow yourself to ask as many questions as you would like. It is highly advisable to seek some therapy since being in a relationship with an Narc leaves some pretty deep emotional scars. Do not come down on yourself for trying to repair the relationship or missing him...those are normal reactions to a very abnormal relationship. I will say this again for emphasis, the problem isn't with's with him. HUGS.
Aug 24 - 4AM (Reply to #2)
foreverfun1's picture

thankyou for the truth, so rare

wow thank you for the very caring feedback and for welcoming me. ive been reading a lot and this site is awesome. yeah it hurts like hell to know he's with another woman but that makes sooo much sense. and what i need right now is sense and sanity becuz he's very mysterious and has had me try everything to please him. i realize from here that there is no pleasing him though. i'm glad to know it's an addiction becuz it explains why i feel suicidal when he ignores me. my family is sick of my mood swings as a result of his attention or lack of it. it's comforting to know that they always come back but now i don't want him back. and it's true he only contacts me when he needs something. he turned me into a sex addict almost and then stopped having sex with me and then charged me money to sleep with him. this sounds insane but i did it. i hope i dont do it again but i dont know.
Aug 24 - 10AM (Reply to #18)
Deidre40's picture

First, I’m so saddened to

First, I’m so saddened to read that you paid him for sex. I am terribly sorry for all the pain you’ve gone through with this man. :=( You are worth so much more, as others have said. I know for me, much of what has attracted me to narcs (but hopefully now that I know, it will never happen again) was that I was emotionally abused as a kid, growing up. Did that happen to you, also? You don’t have to share here if you’re not comfortable, but I wanted to throw that out there, that often, our willingness to take crap off of these types of people, is largely due to unhealed parts of our minds from abusive childhoods. We equate love with pain. If we’re not struggling for love, we don’t see it as love, if that makes sense. Early on in life, I was taught that to be loved by someone, meant fighting for it. Proving myself. (and this was with my own family!) I have since healed from this, but sometimes, that’s where much of this comes from, for us here. I just was wondering if that could be why you are struggling to break free mentally and emotionally from your abuser. And maybe you equate love with pain? You will get through this though—if you pray, and work hard at NC. I’ll be praying for you. Stay far away though from this man. He's evil, I'm afraid. More than just a mere narc, he's evil.
Aug 24 - 6PM (Reply to #19)
foreverfun1's picture

thankyou for your kind

thankyou for your kind support. yes i think my father was a narc too the more i read about them. there was no pleasing him and i dont remember ever receiving a single positive comment from him. once he gave me the silent treatment for an entire year. it almost drove me nuts. i was 15 and he told my mom to kick me out or else he would leave her. luckily he died in a drunk driving accident soon after. yeah this narc of mine does seem truly evil cuz hes so charming when he wants to be, he really makes me think hes satan. thanks again for caring about me.
Aug 24 - 9PM (Reply to #20)
Deidre40's picture

There you go, then,

There you go, then, foreverfun. You probably were seeking closure with your dad...through your relationship with the narc. Reliving old patterns, in hopes of a different ending. I lived this myself...with EACH AND EVERY NARC I, I say that from personal experience. I think that is what it was for you. I think you could very well be on the road to recovery, now that you know. Knowledge is power! And you have the power now to take back your life. You now call your own shots. You're a good person. And you deserve people in your life who think so. Keep people out of your life who are toxic and only want to harm you. Sure, we need to hear tough things, if someone is WELL MEANING. But, these types like your ex and dad...they're not well meaning. They're sick. I grew up with an abuser, and sought abusers in my relationships. But, I've healed...and so can you. God bless you this day, and every day, as you continue to healing.
Aug 24 - 10AM (Reply to #14)
CaminoReal's picture

Why do they get away with it?

This is so familiar and it makes me mad! My moods were the result of the attention he gave or withheld. It was hot and cold--insane. I was so confused and addicted to sex with him that it just went on for 8 months. I am NC for less than 2 weeks and wonder all the time if he thinks of me OR if he is plotting to ruin my life. I do believe he has a hidden criminal background. I would love to know what it is, but have not succeeded in learning this. Yes, I think it was the sex that made me stay with him and the lack of it that is making me so miserable right now. They all follow the same patterns and cycles! Isn't that incredibly interesting?! They DO know what they are doing and are proud of it. He once sent me a horrible demonic looking picture late at night. It said "do u feel ignored?" and said that is what he looks like on the inside. All they know how to do is play games and feed themselves (with NS). Remember they are little bratty boys we are dealing with. They want their needs met and they want it now...
Aug 24 - 6PM (Reply to #17)
foreverfun1's picture

i serious thought i was

i serious thought i was reading my own post when i read this! yours is as disgusting as mine and right now i'm infuriated for the both of us
Aug 24 - 10AM (Reply to #15)
Used's picture


Aug 24 - 6PM (Reply to #16)
foreverfun1's picture

i wrote a 3 page list of

i wrote a 3 page list of revenge actions i could do to my N and often fantasize about breaking into his house to do them. i've never been a person who would purposely hurt someone, even an EX, but he just pushes me over the edge!!
Aug 24 - 6AM (Reply to #7)
Caligirl's picture

welcome. I'm glad you found your way here

This forum saved me in so many ways. I was in despair when I found my way here, after a horrible d&d (devalue and discard). It's what they do. Stay close here. Everyone is very caring and helpful. Read as much as you can. Knowledge IS power. It will help you so much as it opens your eyes, and quite frankly my mouth was opened too in shock to learn how sick these people are! Mine was a sex addict and perverted. They are perverters of life I think. Anyway, mine suggested to me that I should pay him for sex. My reaction wasn't good, and he then said he was joking. Sure, right. I don't know where i'd be right now if it wasn't for this site and the wonderful people here. I can't talk to my family much about this. It's like an unsaid thing, deep secret. I started reading a book on sexual addiction and also read books on abuse that were helpful. Mine was extremely verbally abusive, called me whore, c*nt, b!tch. The list is endless. If you're interested in the book on sex addiction let me know. I have to get my hands on it. I'm sorry you had to find yourself here, dear, because of what you went through, but you are in the right place! It's a journey, with a lot of ups and downs, struggles, emotional upheavals, but the healing is also awe inspiring. On days when the fog has lifted and you see sunlight and you feel like yourself you always knew before, you will almost want to pinch your cheek or do cartwheels. It's a process, takes baby steps sometimes, so hang in there and hugs to you!
Aug 24 - 6PM (Reply to #8)
foreverfun1's picture

i love this site too, its

i love this site too, its brought joy and sanity where i usually feel like death is the only option. i actually feel hopeful now and am enjoying meeting so many nice people. i hear you about it being a secret from ur family. my son threatened to kill the N if i saw him again so i did it behind his back becuz i was so addicted. my son actually told me he thought i had lost my mind becuz i was with this guy thank you for the offer of the book but i actually got one and feel more in control now. its sad but also comforting to know that other people understand what these Ns do to us yeah mine was extremely verbally abusive when i'd catch him cheating,as if i was in the wrong and had nerve catching him
Aug 25 - 12AM (Reply to #9)
Caligirl's picture


I'm glad you are away from this guy and taking steps toward your recovery, reading, etc. It's so hard in the beginning. Sex was a focal point in my r/s with my exN and I know this was such a huge hurdle early on for me. Part of the way he degraded me in the end was to criticize me, bc I think he preferred floozy-types, types that would have sex with any man, any where, any day. I'm very open sexually, but yes, I have boundaries and, if I feel respected and loved, I feel comfortable to express myself.
Aug 25 - 2AM (Reply to #12)
ifinallygotit's picture

hurt by this too

I am a respected business owner, kind, worldly, contribute to the community, pretty, healthy, slim, athletic, nice figure, don't drink hardly ever or smoke and was a great GF to him. He prefers the company of sleazy bar ladies, not even necessarily pretty, with fake everything, like hooter hostesses - nothing wrong with being a waitress (I was one when young) but I am talking about hard core bar people in their 40's...he does not want a GF just people that he think look flashy to be seen with and screw - the one I saw on FB is nasty with a bad body, plastic surgery and hangs all her goods out - nice way to end a 13 year friendship - abandonment, silent treatment, brief reappearance to woo and fake that he still loves me, then disappeared again and is now famous in his new city - gross - fans are paying to be with him - can you imagine this supply for a Narc? Off topic but he was always glad to receive and very grumpy about giving - except in bed - I never understood his weirdness until I joined this site - I get that it won't change. I was hooked on the romance and sex (like many of us) for 10 years...the first 3 years when just flirty friends,, before the 10 year stint, I thought he was just a goofy superficial guy - and I was more than right. I did not ever realize that he would seriously harm me though....
Aug 25 - 3PM (Reply to #13)
Caligirl's picture

ifinallygotit, wow 10 years, you deserve a medal

He doesn't deserve you! I don't know how it's even possible to trust these guys bc of their taste in women and the way their ego is so flattered by the attention. Mine was so proud of his silly sense of humor and charm. It's all about the attention and admiration AND sex. Once you start to see this, it just it makes it next to impossible to stay bc you feel as though you are easily relaceable and can be here today, gone tomorrow. It's such a blow to one's self-esteem. I think this is why mine was secretive. I never really felt like I KNEW him or his past, but I'm sure it was littered with these flloozy, hardcore, sleazy types based on what he said. How does one grow and evolve from there with these men. You don't. So sad. Hugs!
Aug 25 - 12AM (Reply to #10)
foreverfun1's picture

yes i'm sure he preferred

yes i'm sure he preferred floozy types. mine said he likes sluts. i'm glad you have boundaries cuz he sure doesnt
Aug 25 - 1AM (Reply to #11)
Caligirl's picture

Sadly, it was this realization that he had no boundaries

That he wasn't who he represented himself to be, a barely experienced Christian Country boy, that I walked away. His mask came off and the things he said about sex and his past, were appalling. At the same time, degrading me. My friends felt he most likely had a sordid, twisted, porno-driven past with probable prostitutes. I really had no choice but to walk away, and it was what he SAID he wanted. Of course, he hoovered, calling many times without leaving messages. I packed up and disappeared from his life. Never called him back. He has no clue where I even live. My silence spoke the loudest words ever!
Aug 24 - 5AM (Reply to #3)
Sparrow's picture

He made you pay him for sex?

He made you pay him for sex? That is very believable unfortunately! Read up on the Madonna/Whore aspect of a narcissists sex life. It will open your eyes wide, believe me. And it will make sense of what you are dealing with. As far as your family and friends go, don't take how they are dealing with this to heart. They don't know and won't know how you are feeling. Only someone who has experienced a relationship with a narc can know. Your family and friends love you and care about you very much I am sure, but they will begin to detach from you because they don't understand you and feel they don't even know who you are anymore. This is all very common as I am sure many on this forum can tell you as well. It IS an addiction and must be dealt with like an addiction. No different then someone who is attempting to get off of drugs. You will experience all of the same symptoms as a person who is detoxing. It will hurt, emotionally, physically, mentally..........and at times you will feel it would be easier to just give up. But don't, we have so much ahead of us and they don't have anything ahead of them but a life of misery. Trust me when I tell you that............ This journey in healing will probably be the hardest thing you will ever have to do in your life, it is that serious. Be strong, stay strong and commit to yourself to the healing process. There are a lot of women and men on this forum that are living proof that it can be done. Stay close to this site and read as much as you can. Especially regarding the Madonna/Whore subject. We are all here for you, 24/7 someone is on this site that can relate to you and what you are going through. My best to you and your journey! We will all get there together, we will not leave you behind!
Aug 24 - 6PM (Reply to #6)
foreverfun1's picture

thanks i read all about the

thanks i read all about the modonna/whore like u suggested. its shocking and heart breaking but explains everything. he even told me that he only likes sluts! so i tried to be slutty for him but nothing worked. he prefers porn and seducing women on dating he did me. i understand that hes just bored with me and i am too nice to him
Aug 24 - 6AM (Reply to #4)
Soldier Girl
Soldier Girl's picture

Sounds like we have the same guy

My exN was always about the money not directly asking to be paid after sex but always in need of money and his dream supply would be to find a rich women to use He will drop any one he is with in a min if he can get the supply he craves ! It will get better for you I was in a mess a few weeks ago in the fog But the fog has cleared and I can breath again Big hugs x