Email assault continues. My guess as to "why". Any further insight?

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#1 Jul 26 - 8AM
abreva's picture

Email assault continues. My guess as to "why". Any further insight?

The PC has been fully triangulated in Dr. Sociopath's current email assault at this point, but it is unclear if PC has taken the bait. I don't think PC will. I intend to keep my boundaries VERY clear and VERY strong with Dr. Sociopath and PC.

I checked my email this morning (for the ONE time I will do so today) and responded by

1) forwarding Dr. Sociopath's emails to the PC without reading them
2) communicating that I will no longer read Dr. Sociopath's email assaults, and if there is something important that the PC needs me to respond to, I will.

I intend to continue responding in this manner to the email assaults.

Even though I did not read the two LONG emails from Dr. Sociopath, I did notice that he included some information meant to "prove" that I am untrustworthy from before the date of our custody settlement. This clearly breaks protocol with the PC and I sent PC an email objecting to his review of the information. By the way, the information "proves" nothing about me.

Here's the link to the first thread from the start of the current email assault.

If any of you want to share your INSIGHT as to what may be prompting the email assault, please do. Here are my ideas so far:

1) It corresponds to the anniversary of me leaving him two years ago

2) He is aware that I am clearly having a good life, from reports my children gave him about "Mommy's exciting travels."

3) I'm "calling him out" in front of the PC -- exposing him -- causing Narc Injury. He must retaliate.

4) He can't really let it rip yet with Wife#2.

5) He doesn't want to let it rip with Wife#2 while our children are in earshot, because they will report the abuse to me. (Even though they were little when I lived with Dr. Sociopath, they started naming the verbal/emotional abuse that he would do to me.)

6) He has other pressures that I don't know about (financial & professional) that he needs a "release" from -- and I'm the handy dog who is available for kicking.

7) He saw me recently at a custody exchange and our children were all over me - expressing their LOVE for me and how much they MISSED me. The result: Narc Injury.

8) He's mad that he doesn't OWN me anymore, or that his PROPERTY is "misbehaving".

9) It's just the cyclical thing that N/Ps do. The seasonal, bi-weekly, bi-monthly (whatever) cycle that these disordered folk have.

10) I won't play or participate in any of the familiar ways -- he's got to change his game.

11) Any other ideas?

How I'm comforting myself:

a. I'm following policy and procedure.
Like a pilot trained for a disaster scenario, I follow a checklist. Updating on this site is part of that checklist. He attacks, I post. I will not check my email account, reserved especially for him, until tomorrow. I have a once per day rule. It's part of LC. Etc.

b. I will DO the business of my life.

c. I will BREATHE.

d. I will remember that sometimes what REALLY upsets us, is not the actual event that is occurring, but our FEAR about what will occur in the future. So, I will not ANTICIPATE a bad future, a bad outcome, etc. Anticipation is something that was pointed out to me specifically on this site, by one of the members here --- Thank you!

The days of massive ruminations over this monster are fewer and fewer. Today's business of dealing with the monster has lasted a little over an hour (including this post) AND I took a shower during that time.

So, all is well.


Aug 4 - 10PM
abreva's picture

The state of things.

Jul 31 - 11AM
agnesmurphy17's picture


Jul 31 - 11PM (Reply to #35)
abreva's picture

Incredibly Helpful

Jul 30 - 10PM
abreva's picture


Jul 31 - 4AM (Reply to #31)
abreva's picture

Nice Guy Hyper Drive

Jul 31 - 6AM (Reply to #32)
Janie53's picture


Jul 31 - 11PM (Reply to #33)
abreva's picture

Very Encouraging

Jul 28 - 9PM
DawnWins's picture

Abreva, watch the video from

Jul 28 - 9PM
abreva's picture

lean on those who have come before us

Jul 28 - 1PM
agnesmurphy17's picture


Jul 28 - 10PM (Reply to #27)
abreva's picture

Thank you Agnes

Jul 28 - 11AM
abreva's picture

Total silence from psychopath and PC

Jul 27 - 11PM
abreva's picture

I'm proud of the way I'm communicating with the PC

Jul 28 - 8AM (Reply to #23)
Janie53's picture


Jul 28 - 9AM (Reply to #24)
abreva's picture

Thanks Janie

Jul 27 - 4PM
Lineinthesand's picture

Abreva-we live parallel lives

Jul 27 - 11PM (Reply to #21)
abreva's picture


Jul 26 - 9PM
abreva's picture

Self Respect & Freedom

Jul 26 - 5PM
neverlookback's picture

I stopped

Jul 26 - 9PM (Reply to #18)
abreva's picture


Jul 26 - 2PM
abreva's picture

I have no control over him.

Jul 26 - 11AM
shock and awe.some
shock and awe.some's picture

Stellar advice

Jul 26 - 12PM (Reply to #15)
abreva's picture

Thank you Shock and Awesome!

Jul 26 - 11AM
Deidre99's picture

My take abreva is rather

Jul 26 - 12PM (Reply to #6)
abreva's picture

I think Deirdre is right. He's obsessed.

Jul 26 - 1PM (Reply to #7)
Deidre99's picture

It's a process...and I'm

Jul 26 - 1PM (Reply to #8)
abreva's picture

Thank you Deidre. I need to

Jul 26 - 1PM (Reply to #9)
Deidre99's picture

In no way shape or form is it

Jul 26 - 9PM (Reply to #11)
abreva's picture

Deidre - You were totally right.

Jul 26 - 9PM (Reply to #12)
Deidre99's picture
