Footpath's story

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#1 Nov 11 - 7PM
Footpath's picture

Footpath's story

Initially, I couldn't make sense of why/how my EXNarc's behavior affected me so intensely. I think he triggered all the psychological wounds ingrained from my childhood having both NPD parents. The short story goes like this - I was born (3rd child of 4) into a dysfunctional family. NF controlling and deceitful to NM openly for at 20+ years. NF was out "playing poker" on Friday nights and without explanation of his whereabouts ever. No phone. No cell. No email. No text. No questions. Another weird thing... one day out of the blue, my eldest sister told my sisters and I that we were going to all get trust funds when were grown up for the purpose of not having to rely on our future husbands for permission to buy something for ourselves. And I was relieved about that since I always saw my NM stressing about being strapped for cash. When I asked her to share her gum, she would break the stick in tiny pieces and give me the smallest. She had house cleaners weekly, car and unlimited gas, and a large home, all without working yet couldn't figure out how to give me a piece of gum. NF paid for all of our college education but never gave unconditional love, empathy, or compassion. I was grateful for what I received and still am, especially since he never told ME to shut up. But he told my NM to shut up or just be quiet, frequently. It always bothered me to see dirty dishes in the kitchen sink after school and nothing was ever in the refrigerator except cottage cheese. I remember as a kid feeling so desperate for normalcy, good cooking, and consistency. It's probably why I loved sleep-away-camp so much. Being there, I got 3 squares a day like clock work plus, I was with people who saw me and liked me for who I truly was! For 8 weeks I felt wonderful everyday to live in an atmosphere of freedom yet still contained in safety and security. I was at peace. Fast forward- Im 17 yrs. old- off to college, never to live there again. I was finally free from all the craziness (I thought).

It's only now, a divorced grownup and mother that I realize the profound impact my childhood had on me. In retrospect my NF actually betrayed the whole family never coming home Friday nights, treating my NM like an object, and never caring about my thoughts and ideas. I'm really not into the blame game but I'm sure my lack of trust and self-worth in romantic relationships was severely damaged by them.

No surprise that I am here trying to make sense of my intense emotions after failed friendships and romantic relationships with NPD. It is all I know and feel familiar with. Before this recent break up with EXnarc I took the time to regroup and find my self. Pursue dreams and achieve goals and I thought I was finally impervious to these people. I was wrong. This last break up hit me hard. I know self-care and compassion to love myself will help but really? I love and miss the person my EXnarc pretended to be. I was blind because I needed to feel special so I was lured in by his smooth talking and seduced by his flattery and compliments which clouded my judgement. Talk is cheap as they say and my ego was fighting my intuition. I found out he was having an affair with a married women the whole time by reading their daily flirtatious emails. And they made fun of me in a few emails too - he exploited me which hurt the worst. It was worse than the cheating for me. He didn't want me to end our relationship and became angry instead of remorseful. Love after dishonesty and deception? Sure! why not? look where I come from... So while I was considering the circumstances and severity - understanding (rationalizing) that even good people do dumb things and thought I was willing to forgive and move on. He did somewhat admit to something, though at the moment can't actually recall what it is. I reevaluated the overall strength of our relationship and never felt it to be on solid ground so then, the lack of honesty made it shakier and not doable. Devious deception gave me a totally false version of reality and he wasn't totally committed to regaining my trust by continuing to hide the games with his married "friend." The only way to end the confusion, frustration, and anxiety was to end our relationship with no contact (NC) Did I love him - yep, even with his lack of integrity.. But I am relieved. His unreliability make me uncomfortable and tense. So I decided to reevaluate my definition of love rather than hold onto the previous distorted version. I deserve the best and the best involves assurance that I'm consistently being told the truth and any outside flirtation with emotional involvement is not okay.

Nov 13 - 7AM
gingercat's picture


I was raised in a situation with N parents. Attractive self-absorbed mom and dad who treated me like a little trophy for display but were emotionally vacant. I was my mothers companion for her lonely life. I escaped into marriage the minute high school ended (she started her nightly cocktail routine about that time that became upper class alcoholism) and I have spent all of my adult life being the good daughter they trained (shamed) me into being. Fast forward to their elder years and it gets really ugly when my N father is slowly killing her through abuse and neglect (all white collar so insidious). I had to walk away because he was making me complicit by refusing to move her into care and she was a fall risk, etc. So, my dear brother helped force the issue to get her into care and she is in a wonderful place to spend her final years. I went NC with my father to protect myself from any more psych torture and although painful as good daughter is now viewed as not-so-good by outsiders I have tried to move forward from the corner he painted me into. The really sad part is that of course I ended up with a Narc after 22 years of a very good relationship (the one right out of school) because the Narc relentlessly pursued me and tore up my marriage. I was probably his easiest target and have suffered for 15 years with this bas**&% until he has destroyed me financially, just about ruined our son and is now a withered old man living in someones refurbished garage. Sickening because I helped him through law school and worked to support us each time he flaked out, etc. Now I am trying to patch together a fragmented life and am no longer young so please protect yourself and keep on this great path of awareness you seem to have discovered. I only wish I had understood so much when I was still younger. Always check out each potential suitor and keep vigilant because daughters of Narcs are so vulnerable. Your story made me think of a book I read many years ago that I know you will find interesting. Definitely try and find a copy or download it because it really gives you food for thought about N parents...... Are You Somebody? by Nuala O’Faolain This was a book that was never intended to be. A small Irish publisher acquired the rights to a number of Nuala’s newspaper articles and planned to assemble them in book form. Nuala offered to write an introduction. When she sat down to write, the words flowed onto the page until it became a 200 page essay contemplating the high and low points of her life to date at 55 years. Somehow her account of alcoholism, despair, love, sex, loneliness, the stuggle to find meaning in life all struck a chord with many people and her publisher quickly repackaged the book as a memoir. Within a year it was number one on the New York Times Bestseller list. She was inundated with thousands of letters from readers touched by her story who saw themselves in her specificity.
Nov 12 - 5PM
Sparrow's picture

You will find a lot of

You will find a lot of support and information on this site. Read and post as much as you can and stay NC. You will find the love you are looking for. It's not that far away. As a matter of fact, it right there inside of you. Learn to love yourself, and don't count on anyone to fill a void. You need to fill it yourself and than allow someone to accompany and love you as a whole person. It will be beautiful, when it is time.
Nov 12 - 4PM
Hunter's picture

Welcome to Narcville! Hunter

Welcome to Narcville! Hunter
Nov 12 - 7AM
Winter's picture


You sounds very strong and determined. I hear you and your pain. And I also understand what a big relief you feel by ending it. You will be fine soon if you keep NC Love Winter