Goodbye all, I'm going NC

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#1 Feb 7 - 5PM
Clover18's picture

Goodbye all, I'm going NC

This will be my last post on this forum as I have had enough.

I never dreamed I feel like this as this forum was a lifeline to me when I was in the depths of despair.

However, I feel as though I've just gone through a lightning speed version of my toxic marriage to my ex-n.

Observing and then becoming part of the drama that has played out on here over the last few days has left me feeling just like I did after challenging my ex-n about his behaviour then being given a dose of his lying, denying, gaslighting, crazymaking etc.

No 'real' apologies have been made to those who should have received them; no remorse; just excuses, diversions, evasions, secrecy and projectory accusations.

Also, we are always being told that when the narc tries the "I'm ill, I've lost my job, I didn't say that, I didn't do that," and worst of all, "Stop attacking me (after HE'd been abusive to ME), you're juts trying to make me feel bad" etc etc

I haven't been posting on this forum for a while now. Just coming on now and then and reading. One of the reasons for this was that when I'm struggling as I have been doing for a while now, I cannot function properly and don't have the energy to post.

However, the other reason is that I've become more and more uncomfortable with the 'scolding' responses to posts and the telling people what they should and shouldn't do.

I have had counselling and therapy from several and varied sources here in the UK and have trained as a listening ear for desperate and unhappy people myself in the past.

And I'll tell you now that a well-trained counsellor would never dictate to anybody as to what they 'should or 'shouldn't do. They would not last 5 minutes in their job if they did that.

They can gently guide and steer, but that is all. They have PATIENCE, one of the hardest skills (after 'listening' which very few untrained people do properly). They treat each person as an individual and listen carefully so as to know when the best time for that very gentle steer in the right direction may be.

This is not the best place to find that safe route to real healing and that is a shame as it is a wonderful source for feeling that you are not alone and that yes, there is such a thing as an abusive narc and its not you, it iss he who is the problem.

Having said that, I have gained a lot from this forum and I am very grateful for that.

I also wish everybody here the best of luck in their healing (don't try to rush it - a band-aid hastily slapped onto a very deep, pus-filled wound never works.

I also wish you all hope, peace, joy, patience, gentleness and most of all, love.


Feb 7 - 7PM
Klarity Belle
Klarity Belle's picture

Safe, understanding and non judgemental

I read a lot more here than I post and there are some wonderful posts by members and very good blog entries. For 14 months I have/am an active member at a very safe forum which supports those who have been in relationship with or related to someone with a personality disorder. I am on the board for several PD relationships, Mr NPD and Mr Avoidant and Mother Narc (decd) and Bro Narc. I have learned a great deal there and received a lot of guidance and safe support, they allow me to move at my own pace and make my own discoveries. Self focus is key as well as boundary setting with consequences. It is a nurturing environment and the moderators are very experienced. Just run a search 'out of the fog'. I do believe that Barbara's intentions are good and it is clear how passionately she feels about getting past the pathological relationship. Tough love is a method that works for some and not for others, sadly if someone is suffering with ptsd or cptsd imho tough love would not benefit them. I still intend to read here daily because there are some great resources, posts and articles and they have really helped me in my current struggles with npd co-parent. I may post too but intend to stand firm on 'my own truths'. Here is a link to a post I made where I disagreed with Barbara and stood by my own truth. I am not an advocate of victim mentality or codependency but I do believe that self focus/healing as well as boundary setting with consequences is the way forward for us to heal and become stronger so we don't get duped by these narcs or PD types in the future. I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater but I hope you ladies find a safe sanctuary to reside in, support is so essential to healing from abusive relationships. Keep strong and I think you have been very courageous in stating your truths here, my best wishes KB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran

"The deeper that sadness carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran

"That which we do not confront in ourselves we meet as fate" ~ Carl Jung

Feb 7 - 5PM
Ellen's picture

Hi Clover, NO CONTACT for me

Hi Clover, NO CONTACT for me too! I agree it is not healthy to be controlled........... 'Observing and then becoming part of the drama that has played out on here over the last few days has left me feeling just like I did after challenging my ex-n about his behaviour then being given a dose of his lying, denying, gaslighting, crazymaking etc.' Well said: I too was just D&D this weekend from this forum where i was left voiceless while Barbara professed i wasn't moving in a way that was required by this forum. It was an 'unspoken' requirement of this forum. It has been a whirlwind of a wake up call of what I too lived in. Glad it was short lived. I am deleting all my posts and will be communicating elsewhere. Shame about this site it is a really good way to reach out to the people who need it but i have to say only to gather them all up to abuse them some more. To delete peoples posts and lock them so noone can post on it is a total dictatorship. Not what i want to be a part of. Anyway can't wait to move to a healthier safe place to communicate where i can be myself and not have to justify my feelings and pace of healing.