Has anyone seen the movie "Crazy Heart" with Jeff Bridges?

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#1 Sep 11 - 8PM
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture

Has anyone seen the movie "Crazy Heart" with Jeff Bridges?

OMG, I can't remember the last time I've been in so much pain. I'm reeling right now. I haven't cried this hard in a long time.

As some of you know, I was engaged a year and a half ago to an alcoholic and had to end it because he couldn't get sober. I gave him so many chances. Has anyone ever been in love with an alcoholic or addict? Watching this movie tonight was very triggering.

The man I almost married before that was a drug addict. He never did his drug of choice around me, but would disappear on 2-3 day drug binges.

I dunno what I'm rambling about! It's embarassing, really. I'm just sharing and getting it out, I guess. Since I finished writing my first book, I have tried real hard not to talk about any current relationships on here. While I'm not going to start doing that, I feel a need to get a little of this off my chest and apologize to you for being so quiet lately.

I just got out of a relationship with my college sweetheart who I don't think I ever stopped loving. We reconnected a year ago and have been trying to date long distance for the last 11 months. He lives in San Diego. He told me three weeks ago that he didn't want to continue our relationship because it's too much work/effort to date long distance. Crushed me. I'm still reeling. I'm not worth the effort? How insulting.

While it's painful, I can say that after being that insulted, I will NEVER look back and wonder again. I can tell myself I gave this relationship everything I had. Like he said in his last e-mail he "simply couldn't meet me half-way." There's nothing I can do about that, but move on and tell myself I deserve better. Way better.

Anyway, I'm trying to pour my energy into the 2nd book, but it's hard to give advice when you're hurting like this. I need everyone's help to finish this book. It's half-written, but I've hit a bit of a road block. I come here a lot to read and get inspiration from all of you, but like I said, I haven't been feeling like I'm in a position to give advice lately.

The new book is going to cover the 6 Steps to getting over him. I'm in the first step all over again for what feels like the 800th time so I appreciate everyone's patience. I know I've been talking about these steps for a long time now. While the book is delayed, at least I can assure you that these steps will be put to the test as I develop them. What's better than real-life practical experience to test the effectiveness of a recovery program?

The new website is going to be awesome. We're still trying to figure some things out, but the important thing is to give everyone the ability to connect directly - send private messages to one another, chat privately, or chat as a group. I'm really excited about it and hope you are too.

So back to my point, I need some help finishing this book. If you don't mind if I quote you in the new book, please let me know. The new website will also have a section on the front page titled "Member Advice." This section will be for the purpose of quoting member's advice that we feel is very poignant and profound. Mariline just posted a topic on some of her favorite contributors here and I thought it was beautiful what she said. The idea to highlight advice from different members as a weekly feature on our new site is something I'm vey excited about and hope you are too. Don't worry - we won't quote anyone without their permission.

As soon as possible, we'd like to have you test the new site and give us your feedback on what you like and don't like, but from what I understand having a chat function is at the top of the list of requests. If that's wrong, please let us know. Chad, Betty and I are working behind the scenes to create a site that will allow you to interact and connect with one another even more than you do now.

It helps so much to talk to people who get it so thanks, as always, for being here. xoxo

Sep 13 - 9AM
nhtmf's picture


The Xn is an acoholic as well. He went to rehab and got off the juice while I was with him. I went through hell on that whole journey. When I picked him up at rehab 30 days later I had such high hopes. Life would be so different now, great!! Was I ever wrong. The alcohol actually dulled his narc ways and he was much worse when he got sober. Didn't see that coming............. Also for the book maybe think about the old adage: Same behavior=same results. I mean that for our healing and understanding how important it is to go completely NC. Can't keep going back and then crying about it afterwards IMHO. If you're looking over your shoulder all the time at the past you will surely trip and fall while walking into the future. Deb
Sep 13 - 9AM
iAmMINE's picture


What a strong woman u r! It takes a strong woman to get to where you have, done the things you have to encourage and inspire others to heal. And then to be open and honest with your 'alleged' setback. I feel and believe this is no setback whatsoever. It is my understanding that should we experience a "moment" like this it is merely to allow us to see the need for healing. And we can BE thankful for it, for if we'd not opened ourselves up to feel it, experience it, we'd never learn to embrace it and grow from it. When I first started doing my art (as therapy for myself) I was a mess, a real big mess. It was my belief at that time that there were "good" emotions and "negative" emotions. And I always boasted in the good and was so embarassed by the negative ones, masking them to the point of denial. Today? I BElieve there are just emotions. While some may make me to FEEL "Good" or "negative", when I slow my mind just long enough to feel whatever it is... in the end I get to embrace them and see myself, the world and others in it so differently. One thing I think we tend to forget sometimes is just how much we've gained from our experiences. The ability to better 'read' people and avoid relationship/s with the ones who are not "self aware" or that may be dangerous. That we have gained the ability to be self aware of ourselves, and grow to a place where we can truly BE happy, content, and determined to BE more than our past or our past choices. Lisa, I do want to express a sincere thanks to you for all you have done. I found your site as you know a couple years ago while caring for my uncle as he was passing from cancer. It was through this site and your book that I was able to get to the place first of all to make sense of the craziness I was living in. To objectively take a good look at myself and the N I had chose for my life at that time. To not bitterly judge him or guiltily judge myself. But to face it for the "it is what it is" and move forward to where I find myself today. Yes, I realize that it took me to do this for me. But without this site and your book this "place" may have taken muuuuuuch longer ;) Thanks again! ~~~~~ “The best revenge is to survive and be victorious over it. Nobody can take from you what you don’t give them,” --she said, (taken from my final remarks in a Sync Weekly Magazine article about my art and mySelf :)

~~~ Keep Learning & Keep Healing ~~~

~~~~~ The best revenge is to survive and be victorious over it. Nobody can take from you what you don't give them.

Sep 13 - 11PM (Reply to #37)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture

NHTMF & IamMine

Thank you for your responses. NHTMF - I remember picking him up from rehab as well. Oh, such high hopes I had. Eventually, shattered. Alcoholism is such a brutal disease. IamMine - I love what you said: "That we have gained the ability to be self aware of ourselves, and grow to a place where we can truly BE happy, content, and determined to BE more than our past or our past choices." So true! We must always remember this! Lots of love ! xoxo
Sep 12 - 10PM
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Sending Positive Vibrations

If it's possible given the slump I'm in...all the best Lisa and thank you so very much for providing a place for all of us to find support. I hope you heal soon.
Sep 13 - 7AM (Reply to #35)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


I'm sorry to hear you're in a slump too. I'm sending positive vibrations your way too. I absolutely think no matter what mood we're in, we can send positive energy to one another. Without a doubt. Thank you. xoxo
Sep 12 - 7PM
terri's picture


I will echo the sentiments that have already been expressed in this thread. I'm a relative newcomer and am so grateful for the insight I've found here! I had been in a months-long struggle to finally and completely put my mind at rest and move on from what was never-ending conflict and drama. After only a few weeks of reading the posts of all the wonderful people here, I was finally clear-headed and strong-willed enough to go NC. I am absolutely sure that wouldn't have happened on my own. I'm so sorry to hear that you are experiencing extreme sadness and pain again. Reading your words makes my heart hurt for you - and it's a familiar pain. You're obviously a very strong lady and I know will come through this even better on the other side. I'm in the Chicago area as well and am sincerely hoping that I will be able to attend an upcoming support group meeting. I just broke my foot this week so am struggling to learn to walk with crutches. But as soon as I'm able, you'll see me there! Take good care and know that we love you.

Believe in yourself!

Sep 12 - 10PM (Reply to #33)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Thank you for your support! It is much appreciated! I'm so glad you found our site and that it has helped you go NC! That's such an important step! That's great to hear you're in the Chicago area! We'll have to get together at the next gathering. We're trying to confirm the date and will announce it asap. Sorry to hear about your foot and hope it heals quickly! Love you too! : xoxo
Sep 12 - 7PM
terri's picture


I will echo the sentiments that have already been expressed in this thread. I'm a relative newcomer and am so grateful for the insight I've found here! I had been in a months-long struggle to finally and completely put my mind at rest and move on from what was never-ending conflict and drama. After only a few weeks of reading the posts of all the wonderful people here, I was finally clear-headed and strong-willed enough to go NC. I am absolutely sure that wouldn't have happened on my own. I'm so sorry to hear that you are experiencing extreme sadness and pain again. Reading your words makes my heart hurt for you - and it's a familiar pain. You're obviously a very strong lady and I know will come through this even better on the other side. I'm in the Chicago area as well and am sincerely hoping that I will be able to attend an upcoming support group meeting. I just broke my foot this week so am struggling to learn to walk with crutches. But as soon as I'm able, you'll see me there! Take good care and know that we love you.

Believe in yourself!

Sep 12 - 6PM
lynn61's picture


thank you so much for posting and sharing your feelings and wounding with all of us. i am amazed at how this site really does meet us where we need it to at certain times. i am walking through a divorce after 29 years and just this week walked through grief anew. i even wanted to break NC after months. i couldn't believe i was there again, but alas i was! this is what it looks like to FEEL. thank you so much for your work on our behalf and for starting this site. i come on and am renewed in my efforts to push forward and get to know who i am apart from a man. thanks again lisa, you rock!!


Sep 12 - 10PM (Reply to #30)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Wow, thanks for your support and encouragement! You have no idea how much it means to me. I'm sorry you went through grief anew recently. I love what you wrote here: "I come on and am renewed in my efforts to push forward and get to know who i am apart from a man." Exactly, we must get in touch with ourseleves when we have the opportunity to do so and be grateful we can do this. We can feel. :) xoxo
Sep 12 - 12PM
cluelessuntilnow's picture


I cried my heart out when I saw that movie which was only 2 months ago right before I found the this site. I actually told my exN in one of our last conversations to watch the movie because at that time I thought he was only an alcoholic and I was holding out hope that he could change or get some help. Now I realize that he is both. When I saw your post my heart went out to you because I had the same reaction. Thanks for everything you give us by having this site here.It has changed me and provided me with much needed light on my relationship with my exN which has been dark and confusing for 18 years. xoxo
Sep 12 - 2PM (Reply to #26)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Thanks for your message. I really appreciate it and am so glad you found our forum. Wow, 18 years is a long time! I'm so glad you finally saw the light and have found the courage to break away from this man. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who was so deeply affected by this movie. As I think about Step 5 - "Finding Your Outlet" I realize there are so many various outlets that can help us feel our feelings. I think we need to find one major creative outlet that we are passionate about, but there can be many, many outlets we can tap into to help us heal. I would definitely consider dramatic movies as one outlet for me. People often tell me they don't understand why I watch sad movies, but I realize now, it helps me process my feelings. It helps me feel. We have to feel before we can move on. While feeling can be painful, it reminds me that I'm alive. I would rather be in pain and know I'm alive than be numb to any feeling whatsoever. Narcissists are numb. We are not. We are the direct opposite of that. We feel more than anyone and they can never take that away from us. It is a gift we will always have as long as we take care of ourselves. Thanks again for your support! xoxo
Sep 12 - 4PM (Reply to #27)
cluelessuntilnow's picture


Movies are one of my outlets as well. Sometimes they make me feel things that I did not even know were there. I like movies in the sense that they often convey common themes, archetypes, stories, myths, etc... that we can identify with. Common stories provide strength, insight, wisdom and a chance for healing. I am more and more becoming a fan of storytelling for these reasons. The first time I have cohesively written down my story was for this site and it was empowering. As for 18 years, I have to clarify, he was gone for 15 of it and made a dramatic re-entry to my life recently ( I won't rehash here but if you are interested I posted my story a couple of weeks ago and I mention some of the drinking behavior there). Indeed my ability to cry and feel is a gift, because it means I am living and loving. It is a the double edged sword but I will take it. I once said to my exN that I got all the pain and all the joy in our situation. And sadly, because he cannot truly love got nothing. xoxo
Sep 12 - 10PM (Reply to #28)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Wow, I'm so glad to hear that you did share your story with us! I'll have to check it out. I love interior design. Your ability to cry is a gift, which we've talked about in previous threads. Do not avoid it. You must "get it out."
Sep 12 - 2PM (Reply to #25)
Janet's picture

I had the same hope, that he

I had the same hope, that he was ONLY an alcoholic. As if that wouldn't be enough. Solidarity here. Peace. J

Peace. J

Sep 12 - 11AM
gigi9's picture

Hang in there!

Lisa~ Hang in there. I cannot tell you how helpful this site has been for me. I was validated so much by all of the stories and the postings here and began to see that it was not me who was crazy. I cannot thank you enough and I know that your next book will be amazing. Chin up during this time! One foot in front of the other, one second, one minute, one day at a time! You have inspired and educated so many! Take care of you and if ever you want to meet up someday just let me know. I find myself frequently in CHI town as I am not too far away and it is my fave city! Stay strong!
Sep 12 - 11AM
Alibi_10's picture

Lisa E Scott

Just wanted to add my thoughts are with you as they are with everyone on here. You are an amazing person to have created this safe environment for people to get the support that they deserve, and I am sorry that you are having such a painful time at the moment. I haven't seen the film you mention, but am going to look it out. Love and hugs x
Sep 12 - 11AM
ACgirl's picture

Lisa, you are an amazing

Lisa, you are an amazing beautiful and intelligent woman. If it wasn't for you and this website, I honestly don't know how I would be able to cope. You have no idea how important and life saving your work has been to all of us. Please, please, use this site to help you too. We are all in this together. This is our journey to safety and freedom. Through your efforts, and now with Betty's help, you have created a space where so many wonderful women can meet and help each other. I love you. And will always have a prayer in my heart for you and every woman on this site. xoxoACgirl.
Sep 12 - 9AM
Fawn's picture

Crazy Heart

Hi Lisa, no I intentionally didn't see "Crazy Heart" because I knew it would make me think of crazy a** Ex-N! There was another movie called "The Door in the Floor" that I watched when we were still married and then he watched and became kind of obsessed with because I think it reminded him of himself. Another total N writer as the main character in this one who cheats on his wife and every other woman in his life. I am so sorry that you are in pain Lisa. I admire you though, for getting out there and trying again. That is the stumbling block that I am still experiencing, not having the guts to really put myself out there to date because I was just so devastated by the end of my marriage. Finding love again does mean taking a risk, and that is something that takes a lot of courage after what you have been through. I sometimes wonder if I will EVER find the love that I deserve, the kind of love that I gave freely to someone WHO DIDN'T DESERVE IT!! It really makes me mad sometimes when I think of how I completely loved the N and it was all just a facade for him. I do take some comfort in the fact that he is pretty pathetic and alone, living in a crap apartment at 43 with no savings, no friends except his AA "friends" and dependent on his parents for his social life. His life is sad. He is a recovering alcoholic and has been going to AA meetings for a little over two years now, but he is still going to a meeting almost every day, which tells me that he is still hurting, or just pathetically lonely and this is his only social outlet. Sad--- I still feel, for the most part, better off alone than miserable in a relationship with someone who doesn't care about me at all. He was like a parasite. I hope that you can feel your pain, and get some clarity on this bad break-up.
Sep 12 - 11AM (Reply to #20)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Wow, that's so interesting about your EXNH becoming obsessed with the character in the movie you mentioned who played a raging narcissist. The same thing happened in my marriage towards the end. It was when the movie "American Psycho" came out with Christian Bale. My EXNH became obsessed with the character played by Christian Bale. He started quoting him, behaving like him and dressing like him. He wouldn't wear anything if it wasn't from Brooks Brothers, the character's favorite store. He bought the book and re-read it several times. It really freaked me out and opened my eyes. I agree with you that I'm far better off alone than miserable in a relationship with someone who is simply using me and doesn't care about me. Sounds like he has made no progress in his life, which just goes to prove how much better off you are. I still believe we will find love again, but taking that risk over and over again does leave some scars, doesn't it? I don't think I'll be ready to open my heart up to someone for a long, long time. As soon as I start feeling stronger, I'm going to pour myself into completing this book. Thank you for your support, Dcrutche. You have no idea how much your words mean to me. xoxo
Sep 12 - 9AM
jen79's picture

Lisa E Scott

I know how you feel. I asked myself again and again why I kept chosing the same type of man. I am now in a relationship with a man who is a nice guy, who tried everything to catch me, now that he is sure he has my love, he starts to paddle back. So of course I start to question myself. I picked up one narcissist after another, they even have the same body language btw, and the one nice guy I dated, doesn't really want to be with me. So what am I doing wrong - well I know my history, I understand my daddy issues and how I try to recreate the same circumstances of my childhood to play it through again - just this time with an happy end. But what about the nice guy? Well I guess after dating narcs for years, I was so overwhelmed by his nicy niceness, someone who doesn't lie, cheat, beat, bring me down, that I totally forgot to watch out if we really fit. I guess that's the real problem, I didn't really love myself. So the one who claimed to like me a bit, was already a big thing to me. But that is not enough isn't it? That's no basis for a working and healthy relationship. Now I see that we are too different, and he wants me to be something that I am not, I want him to be something that he's not. I think, I really have to spend some time alone to get to know myself better, to find out who I really am - alone. Then hopefully one day, I'll meet someone who I like the way he is, and who likes me the way I am, and with who I really fit.
Sep 12 - 11AM (Reply to #17)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Wow, I know how you feel. When a guy treats you so well, it's a bit overwhelming and you're not sure how to react, right? I'm glad you are looking more closely at the relationship now. We can't choose to be with a man simply because he's nice. He has to stimulate us intellectually, emotionally and physically as well. If you're too different and you each want to turn each other into something you're not, then it doesn't sound like the right fit, as you've already determined. I think it is important for us to spend alone time with ourselves. The last year, while dating my college sweetheart, there were many times I was alone. We were on and off a couple times and I never really understood if we were exclusive or not. I wanted to be, but he was so good at keeping that a mystery. When I pressed it, he said: "I don't want to see anyone else and I'll be honest with you about everything, but I certainly don't want to rush things." To me this translates to: "I don't plan on dating anyone else and if someone better comes along, I'll let you know, but I'm certainly not going to stop playing the field." Anyway, my point is that the time I spent alone with myself this year was really helpful. I think we all owe it to ourselves to have a "love affair with ourselves" for awhile. I know I can get back to that place where I enjoyed my alone time, but right now I'm still licking my wounds. I gave this man my heart. Rejection is not easy. I agree with you that spending time alone will allow us to get to know ourselves better. I am confident that if you do this, you will get to know yourself better so that one day when you do meet someone, you will be able to determine if you like him the way he is and you feel the two of you are a good fit. Until then, celebrate yourself! You are amazing. Thank you for your support. You have no idea how much it means to me. xoxo
Sep 13 - 9AM (Reply to #18)
jen79's picture

Lisa E Scott

I cannot believe that a wonderful woman like you is rejected by ANYONE. I know you propbrably won't believe it, but from an objective point of view it is soo obvious, that it is THEIR problem, not yours. You are beautiful, intelligent, compassioned, and successfull, what the hell do these man want more. I got these kind of messages too, "the I dont want to rush things" and I got rejected too with "it is too expensive to see you" (money wasn't his problem). How insulting, isn't it. Well I try to cope with it in the way that it for sure in my best interest to not waste any time with someone, who doesn't really want to be with me. Nothing good would come out of this. And I know, they can't help themselves, that's how they are, we cannot fix them, we cannot "love it away". They are children in a spiritual way, they don't know what they do. The only thing I am struggling with, is that I doubt that there is a man out there who is the way I imagine it. I am too much influenced by the medias, seriously, I am want a Mr. Darcy, I want a Gerry from PS I love you (just without the cancer thing). I mean these books are wirtten by woman. I don't have children, I think it would be easier if I at least had something to love and care of, so life makes more sense. But I desided to take you Lisa as my role model from now on. I wanted to write books since I can think, never had the time for it, till now, maybe I just have to set myself some new goals APART from love and relationships. So thanks Lisa, you don't even know, how much you bring into the world, how much help and hope! And every man who doesn't see that, has serious issues, no kidding. Hugs!!!
Sep 12 - 8AM
wholeagain's picture

Ms. Lisa

I saw that movie when it came out and had some rough moments too, thinking about what all of us have been through. I'm sorry you're having a rough time, you know we all get that...no problems quoting my posts in the book. I've put together websites and chat rooms, and know how much work that is. Thanks to you, Chad and Betty for all the time you're putting into that and have put into this site. Chin up...you've got a big life ahead of you :) xoxo
Sep 12 - 11AM (Reply to #15)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. You are always so inspiring to me and thank you for letting me quote you in the new book! Your hard work putting together the chat room for us is so appreciated. Chad is really trying to make this a standard function of the new site so I'm really looking forward to it and am anxious to get your feedback when we test the new site. Thanks again, as always, for your support. xoxo
Sep 12 - 7AM
helldweller's picture


I know how you feel, we all do. Feeling like, Why the hell is every man I choose like this? Emotionally uncommitted, incapable of it? I don't know. I do know that you can come here any old time and pour it all out; if you can't who can? I am really proud of you for being able to start another relationship after all you have been through. You give me a lot of hope that my days of love are not necessarily over. I really do want someone to be with me, to love me and let me love him back, as you do. Please, please share with us what you are going through. We love you and are so very grateful for you, Lisa!
Sep 12 - 11AM (Reply to #13)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Thank you so much for your support. I love your insight and one of these days, I hope you join us at a Chicago Chapter meeting. I don't think we live too far from each other! Our days of love are definitely not over. We will find someone deserving of our love. There's an article I read recently on "Empaths" and I'm going to try to find it and post it here. Maybe I posted it already. I'll have to look, but I think it does a great job of explaining the wonderful qualities we possess but also warns us to establish boundaries. We have a lot of love to give, but we must establish boundaries when giving someone our heart. That's a powerful gift and not one I will ever give out again without serious consideration and commitment. Thanks for encouraging me to share what I'm going through with you. It feels so good to do so. I feel so much better today and it's because of all of YOU so THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. xoxo
Sep 12 - 7AM
Used's picture

lisa e scott

dear lisa, i am sorry to hear about you in pain, and if its any consolation[and i hope so] we understand it, but also you must understand how much hurt you have helped me cope with, without this board i would have been a gonner, i read the posts and all to keep me focused, i hope this is coming out ok cos in a dark place at mo, i know i will come out of it, for the support i get on this board ,all due to you for setting it up and you and betty beign hands on, what makes it hard for me as well is for the last 2years of seeing n it had to be done quietly,and secretly, my family had no idea i was still seeing him, b/c by then they and my freinds had relized how toxic it was and told me to get rid of him,so yes i did tell them i had finished it, but it wasent over, and what i hate was that i was still freinds with him behind everyone,s back, and knowing he wasent worth it, and he knew, what an ego boost for him, so tho i am 11mnths nc, my family actually think i finished it 3 years ago, and if i bring him up, they say that was over 3 years ago why mention it, but it wasent, i know i have rambled on and i am sorry. if i had this board 3 yeaars ago, maybe i would have finished it ,but i doubt it if i wouldnt give him up for my family and freinds, then i wouldnt have given him up for anything. would i?. much love to you and all the gang herexxx
Sep 12 - 11AM (Reply to #11)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture


Thank you so much for your support. It means so much to me. Congrats to you on 11 months No Contact! I think that is phenomenal. Your story is inspiring. Thank you for letting me know how much the board has helped you. You and everyone here is so amazing that I pinch myself every day that we have each other. Thank you for your kind words and for being here. xoxo
Sep 12 - 11AM (Reply to #10)
Lisa E. Scott
Lisa E. Scott's picture

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

I am crying again, but this time tears of joy for the support you have given me. What a wonderful way to wake up. Sometimes when I'm upset, I lay in bed telling myself I need to sleep in, but I'm not really sleeping, I just don't want to move. Well, today what got me up was all of you. Coming to this board as I dragged myself out of bed and reading all your responses has touched me beyond words. I can't even begin to describe the gratitude I feel for your support. My girlfriends have been very unsupportive lately. I'm not sure why, but they have. I had plans with two of my friends last night and they cancelled on me at the last minute with no apology. Watching Crazy Heart really brought up a lot of emotions for me. I love Jeff Bridges. He's one of my favorite actors. The Big Lebowski is my favorite comedy. While he was again brilliant in this movie, it was a far cry from the the BL. Thank you for being here for me. You have no idea how much it means to me. You are angels to me. Lots of love! xoxo