"I don't have these kind of problems with anyone else"

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#1 Feb 27 - 4PM
Movingforwardnow's picture

"I don't have these kind of problems with anyone else"

Who heard this from their Narc before?

Whenever my exN and I were having a discussion (well a one-way conversation) he spoke at me and I listened....If I ever tried to say something in disagreement or just state my opinion an argument would pursue. He'd say to me..."I run a business. I manage a billion people (ok, more like 20). I talk to very important people all day every day and I don't have any communication problems with any of them. WTF is wrong with you?"

I can't even count how many times he said "You are the only person I can't talk to. You are the only person who just doesn't get it" "You are the only person I have ever had these kind of problems with."

So once again the tables got turned, whatever I said got twisted and there I was apologizing and handing him over the CONTROL....once again as usual.

UGH! Just thinking about that crap gets my blood boiling. I remember towards the end, right before the final D&D we were on the phone and he was saying all this stuff agian for the millionth time to me. I just said "If you are going to continue being a turd, you might as well go lay in the yard." Then I hung up on him and didn't answer his calls for the rest of the day.

Awwwww....feels good to remember some of the times I did stand up for myself and that is one I remembered today.

What's one of your fondest memories of putting your N in his place?

Feb 28 - 9AM
Phoenix72's picture

I stood up to my xN ALLLLLL

I stood up to my xN ALLLLLL the time!!! I guess that's why he would break up with me every other week, lol! I could tell stories on top of stories of me standing up to him but the one that jumps out at me is: We had been fighting that week and he had broke up with me, as usual. Then he calls me being all sweet, as usual. He asked me to come over, like a fool I agreed. Right before I walked out of my door he calls and asked me to pick him up a liter of vodka and that he would pay me back when I got there. I, like an idiot, did but I had a plan in brain. So when I got there, he instantly turned into a raging asshole after about 5 shots within 30 minutes. He started putting me down and trying to start a petty argument which I didn't even waste my energy. I then proceeded to the kitchen, opened his freezer and grabbed the bottle of vodka. He asked if I was fixing myself a drink and I said no but that I was leaving with my bottle of vodka since he hadn't paid me back. He tried to hand me a jar of quarters to pay me back. I just looked at him and laughed. He then tried to physically wrestle me for the vodka, yes it was quite pitiful. I screamed at him to back off which he did. I ran to the kitchen sink and turned the bottle of vodka upside down. His face was priceless!!!!! He was in so much shock that he was speechless. I just stood there emptying a WHOLE bottle of vodka down the drain in front of a raging alcoholic. I finished pouring, grabbed my shit and left! He tried calling and texting wanting me to come back. I was no fool to go back that night because I knew that I would just be going back for a physical beating for what I had done. But my oh my was it enjoyable to hit him where it actually hurts him! ROFLMAO!!
Feb 28 - 7AM
Sparrow's picture

I remember once, when he was

I remember once, when he was attempting to devalue me, he wrote "I like my women strong, not on their knees". I wrote back, if you took a minute of time to know me, you would never make a remark like that. I continued to tell him all the things I had to face in my lifetime and concluded "I am still standing, when most would have crumbled, so if you are looking for strong, you would be hard pressed to find anyone stronger" and than added a few choice words that aren't necessary to type here. lol That was my "lightbulb" moment for me. I saw for the first time what he was attempting to do. Unfortunately, I didn't run fast enough.
Feb 28 - 6AM
freaked's picture

MFN, this is salvo i have been fired with

MFN, are you describing my NH ???? oooo i heard ditto words...but he decimated the billlion to 'hundreds'... 16 months ago, was the last time he had opportunity for such a put-down of me and like a fool i had retaliated saying...yeah all those hundreds are not the long suffering wife/doormat. I told him I saw him as a bully, a liar, insensitive, dominating, and utterly disgusting. Then...few months later I stumbled upon this weird thing called NPD... as i read..and read... I seriously thought NH was really as famous as he claimed to be and large portions of the internet was dedicated to describing him!!!! WTF moments as I came across lurid details of this disorder and they matched perfectly in describing nh. I would never have guessed. Honestly.
Feb 28 - 4AM
tootsgee's picture

I quite enjoyed putting him

I quite enjoyed putting him down with words as he couldnt match me... as he often doesnt know what words mean... there was always a bit of fun to be had there! thicko! Dipshit! lol!
Feb 28 - 4AM
MountainLady's picture

My fondest memory

of putting my N in his place was after the D&D. He chats on a local chatroom EVERY day, bragging about what a wonderful guy he is. He has almost a cult-like following that he is quite proud of. So I posted on a thread in Single's ads, using a secret user name. I said, "If some of the single guys here were honest, the ads might sound like this.....Hi! I'm a GOOD-looking guy, 50, and you'll love my long, gray hair. I like to drink and smoke pot with my buddys all day long. I don't have a job but I'm a REALLY nice guy! So if you are a real good lookin' woman who can keep her mouth shut about my other ladies, give me a call!" I got a few emails from friends, laughing about the post. Nobody knew it was me and they said it sounded just like my N. I laughed along with them. A couple of his ex's even replied to the post that it reminded them of someone - lots of LOLs & LMAOS. The next day he was so flustered - he must have seen it. He posted on his regular thread about how he was laid off from work, open to constructive criticism and completely faithful..... Protecting his great (fake) reputation and his name was never even mentioned. It was great : )
Feb 28 - 3AM
Alissa's picture

Oh yes!! if I ever dared to

Oh yes!! if I ever dared to say something , in a very tentative way (because I was not really allowed to speak up or else punishment would follow), N would get sooooo mad!! He once said: "You are the only one I'm having problems with! I can get along with everyone else just fine! But YOU!! YOU get me in such a bad mood! YOU are the only one who pisses me off! No one else pisses me off!! Just YOU YOU YOU!!!!" My fondest memory of putting my N in his place........ hmm...... let me think. I think I liked it best in the moments where *I* finally had had enough, and where I was able to act cold and indifferent. The moments when I would stop watching my words, stop walking on egg shells (unfortunately that never lasted long) Oh, and in the beginning - when we just met - N would call me all the time and at first I didn't really like it when he called ( I was still resisting him, I did NOT want to get involved with him) and so I would let the phone ring the WHOLE day (when he called)!! LOL he called every three minutes!!! And I wouldn't pick up!!! Haha and then the day before, he had also asked me if I would send him a text, so he could text me back (I had his cell phone number, he didn't have mine. He just had my house phone number). I said "I might" but then on that day, I didn't text him anything at all. LOLOLOLOL You should have seen him when he came home from work at the end of the day!! He looked so panicked and upset!! I remember that day fondly because at the time I was still in control of myself, I was not walking on egg shells at all.... of course later on, it was HIM HIM HIM who controlled me
Feb 27 - 11PM
tootsgee's picture

Oh yes... I definitley

Oh yes... I definitley experienced this ...... the veersion I got went... "are you sure non of your other boyfriends have never told you how difficult you are? How argumentative you are? How much hard work you are?" I kind of saw that one coming as it was something I had said to him a few weeks earlier ... and he did that quite a bit actually.. if I said something to him he would then repeat it back to me sometime afterwards. I also saw him to do it to his ex wife and then deny that he had done it.... literally nothing they do makes sense and nothing they say is true! N was very keen to make sure I knew he never lied! NEVER! BIG FAT LIAR! also although I dont know he had any affairs he was very keen to know he never NEVER cheated..... he worked away all the time so who knows whether he did or not.... BIG FAT LIAR! Sorry ... set off on a rant there ... but top and bottom... he would deny anything that didnt suit for that moment.... T
Feb 28 - 1AM (Reply to #20)
kartaga's picture

mine was also very adamant is

mine was also very adamant is saying he never ever lied and never ever cheated...unless girls drove him to it for their unreasonable jealousy..what an idiot...
Feb 27 - 10PM
MountainLady's picture

My narc was very

My narc was very non-confrontational. As long as I kept my mouth shut about everything, it was fine. He never had anything good to say but never said anything bad either. For 4 years, we didn't TALK about anything. I was on a "need to know" basis. If we were going somewhere I wouldn't know about it until a couple of hours before. But everyone else knew about it days in advance. I don't think he even knew what I did for a living, which was all part of the de-valuing. No, we never talked. My job was to be his girlfriend, seen but not heard. If I dared express my opinion, Narc wouldn't say a word. He would just look at me, with those dead eyes, & not say a word. But I got punished for it the next day, without fail. Or I would get the month long silent treatment. He told me I tried to change him. I couldn't understand why he would say that when I had absolutely no control of anything. In reality, he deliberately changed ME. He used to tell me that I needed to come around to HIS way of thinking. In the end, I was just a shell of who I used to be.
Feb 27 - 9PM
janemarie's picture

The day I grew a pair!!!!

I came home to pack my stuff as he cried following me around like a lost little puppy.... he said, "I hate when you think badly of me!" I spoke to him like I was speaking to one of my kindergartners, "If you didnt do bad things I wouldnt think badly of you!" He cried like a little bitch (all phony tears of course...the Paramount Studio cameras were rolling) Then I said, "Cut the shit!...poor B.... always the victim...poor B.....no one understands him!" Then I yelled right in his face, "You are a fucking joke!" All of a sudden the tears turned to stern faced mask...he says, "Where am I suppose to get the money for the pool guy?" I said, "NOT my problem anymore Asshole...your money supply is gone...thats all I was to you, you mother fucker!" And I stormed out of the house, leaving him dumbfounded!!! After all, his money supply, not the love of his life was walking out the door...the money hurt him more than the woman....That fuck! The End!!!!
Feb 27 - 9PM (Reply to #17)
Movingforwardnow's picture

Love it....

"the End"
Feb 27 - 9PM
loveofmylife's picture

Me too

We had the closest relationship in the world, but once the D&D started, it was all my fault, and he has never had issues like this with anyone before! Well, as you can imagine, I'm the one who never had issues like this before....and once I started researching, he has a string of people throughout his life that he had "these kinds" of issues with!
Feb 27 - 9PM
onwithmylife's picture

one of the

very rare times I spoke up to him was when he said to me"your butt is widening, he was walking behind me so I said''let us not talk about my butt and I won't talk to you about your gut', he looked at me shocked and bewildered and shut up......
Feb 28 - 3AM (Reply to #14)
Snowflake's picture


Thank you for the laugh out loud, god I needed that, you rock thats so funny :)
Feb 27 - 8PM
faith_'s picture

My x told me the same

My x told me the same thing...in a Hoovering vm way back, he once said "I don't know why I'm like this with you, I'm not like this with anyone else". Fits in with the rest of his manipulative comments that would send me spinning.
Feb 27 - 7PM
Phoenix72's picture

That's too funny cause mine

That's too funny cause mine said the same thing but that comment is projection..it's more of WE have never had any of these problems with other men! lol
Feb 27 - 6PM
Redhead's picture

Mine told me that I wasn't

Mine told me that I wasn't important like him. Would love for him to say that now. Really asswipe? Is this why you lost your professional license & was slapped with criminal charges? Well, I'm sure in his feeble mind, they were after him 'cause he's so important.
Feb 27 - 6PM (Reply to #8)
Movingforwardnow's picture


You know it wasn't HIS fault. He didn't do anything wrong. Someone is just out to get him. They probably just made some shit up to purposely knock him down a few pegs because he is just soooooooo f-ing special and important. Come on Redhead, it wasn't his fault! Asstard! I AM IN A FOUL MOOD TODAY! love ya. xoxoxoxo
Feb 27 - 7PM (Reply to #9)
Redhead's picture

Love you too,

Love you too, Movingforwardnow!! Yes, I think you know him!! Nothing was ever HIS fault. I'm sorry you're in a bad mood...I understand.
Feb 27 - 8PM (Reply to #10)
Movingforwardnow's picture


My foul mood is a result of the realization I faked it too in our relationsick. I wanted to believe it was real so I got sucked into faking it as well. ICK! Hell, in the end I even faked the orgasisms. heheheheh. I am coming out of my foul mood now, humor is my defense mechanism. SO yes, narcboy, I even faked those....even the multiple ones. Smiling again now.
Feb 27 - 4PM
abusednomore's picture

My exnarc used to work 4 days

My exnarc used to work 4 days on and 4 days off, when he left his wife he went straight into a relationship with me and therfore used to live at my house in them 4 days as if it was his but didnt pay anything! After about 5months, looking back i think thats when his mask had started to slip, we had had a massive argument and i told him to stay at his mum n dads for the weekend as i wanted some space to consider if this relationship was working!!!! God looking back i wish i had put a stop to it then! he gave me a day of space but then the spent the next day bombarding me with texts and phone calls till i gave in as "i couldnt imagine being without him"!!!! looking back they were his words not mine!!!! he just made me think like that. He then said to me that his mum had had enough of him moping around at home and told him to work it out so he didnt have to be in her way!!!! nice!!!!xx
Feb 27 - 4PM
Hunter's picture

It's all scrambled eggs my

It's all scrambled eggs my friend Hunter
Feb 27 - 4PM
13Moons13's picture

I said those things verbatim

I said those things verbatim to "he who must not be named" ...weird
Feb 27 - 7PM (Reply to #2)
missym's picture

Yes....some version this all

Yes....some version this all the time. It was like "I'm just a great guy, everyone gets along with me" (except you), or "I'm just trying to live as a happy go lucky guy and "you" can't get along with me"....As he filibustered his "discussions" with me. HE TALKED endlessly at me and never allowed me to speak. If I would try...he would lose it and walk out or something. Yeah...he's just perfect. Now he is on a rant to tell our d12 the reason we are divorced is because "I fought over small things"....yep...I did....seeking fucking anything he might show up for and be a partner to me.... Even picking up milk or coming home for dinner with his family was cause for me to have to "ask"....or rather "demand" of him. Now...he is "free" of these issues and can just be. Good for him boy-child-man.
Feb 27 - 7PM (Reply to #3)
Redhead's picture


OMG - mine would filibuster over me too!!! The more I tried to get a word in edge-wise, the louder he would talk!!
Feb 28 - 3AM (Reply to #4)
Snowflake's picture

Lots of times

I stood up for myself. But in the end everything was watered down because they were empty threats and he just laughed at me. The only time I got to him was when I said..you lie, you said your wife had model good looks, she doesnt and shes fat. She said you are shit in bed yet you still climb up the wobble mountain. I would have more respect for myself. I shouldnt have said that. It was cruel and awful of me and I am really not impressed with myself for stooping that low. He wasnt mad about what I said about his wife, he was mad because of the respect thing interestingly. But yeah I am genuinely ashamed, I was mad but it was very unfair of me.