I know I should be happy...but am hurt that ex-N never contacted me again
I know I should be happy...but am hurt that ex-N never contacted me again
I believe his semester just finished.
Part of me thought he might try to contact me around now.
Nada. And why am I surprised...?
I know he's toxic for me. I don't want him back.
I do still miss the facade of the 'nice guy,' but I know that's just part of recovery.
It's my ego, I guess. It hurts for someone to walk away like that, especially without warning...a cruel breakup call...mixed messages. And I had just spent almost $1000 to visit him, 4 weeks before the discard.
I made an 'NC violation' in week 4 (I found the AAH board in week 8 or 9), when I contacted one of his friends, because he introduced me to her months before & we had fallen out of touch. I was also in narc fog, and asked her, point blank, if it was okay for me to contact him to make amends. She said it would be better to wait until the end of the semester, if I wanted a 'clearer, less stressed' response from him. From that point forward, we only talked about our lives, no narc mentioning at all.
At 1st she was really happy to hear from me...we have a lot in common re: our spiritual orientation. When I told her I was moving to the Bay Area, she offered to ask friends if they had a place for me to stay (she's not there, but from there originally). She did 'warn' me that she had to 'clear' our staying in touch with ex-N. Within a week of our initial e-mail exchanges (which were very spiritual, super-warm & friendly), she disappeared...didn't even have the courage to tell me ex-N hadn't 'approved' our contact. Funny how it was fine with him previously, but now it wasn't? And she struck me as very self-aware & conscious. In fact, the focus of her spiritual work is to help women on a global level. But she couldn't show the common courtesy to me, a fellow woman...to say that she was kow-towing to his manipulation and would no longer be in touch....? If she's going to facilitate healing for women, shouldn't it start with her own personal interactions? She & I are in our mid/late-thirties...we're not children. I couldn't believe it. Just disappeared.
Maybe that's why ex-N never contacted me...my contacting his friend made him super rageful?
I remember I was at a ceremony with my spiritual community the weekend before she went e-mail-MIA. The ceremony was in the countryside, late at night under a blanket of stars & FALLING stars, to boot. During the ceremony, I 'heard' him say, 'No!' in an angry tone...registered right in my consciousness. Through the ethers, I heard him...I'm really psychically sensitive (which is a blessing AND a curse).
It took me several weeks after that to make the connection between the timing of me 'hearing' his 'no' and her internet disappearance.
Ugh. When I think of both of them, judging me...it feels really icky. I really can't understand this kind of behavior.
I still feel rejected & abandoned. By both of them.
Even though I don't want to be with him, it still hurts that he could discard me & walk away like that. During the afternoons I teach private ESL lessons to adults in Starbucks...and the incessant X-mas music makes me think of him. He was Catholic. He's on my mind all the time...ugh. It feels disgusting.
I've never felt so miserable during the holidays. Yet I was brought up Jewish, and now I'm into shamanistic traditions...I don't even celebrate Christmas! Nonetheless, this holiday season post-narc is awful. I'm lucky I have a lot of friends (IRL & here!) to remind me that I'm so much more than this narcness. But when I'm out in the world all day (because of the kind of teaching I do, I'm relatively alone), I seem to forgot who I am & the co-dependency is at its worst.
I should go to a CoDA meeting this week...it might help me.
I'm okay. Just really sad. Depressed. Still (?!) shocked by D&D...13 weeks out. It's like I can't shake off the shock. (shaking my head)
Thanks for listening all,
Leah...I think I replied,
Deidre99, thanks for sharing your thoughts
you got me to laugh...that's amazing
I like to laugh
Hi thanks for being so supportive
Jen79, do you really think
Round1 my Narc always
Leah - A Way to Change Your Thinking
Morty, I really need to turn this around to be about me
Yes it hurts
Michele115, I wish I didn't have pride
This is a great thread, thank you...
Spinning, thanks for
I've missed my Narc for 25
This was good for me to read
Thank you
I'm here to help! I'm better
They are so glib....
In search of themselves...
"It shouldn't matter to you that I already have a girlfriend"